“Thanks awfully, but I’ve had lots of practice. Months and months, if you must know. First time I’ve ever met an American copper. You wouldn’t be interested in my immigration status, would you?”

“No, I wouldn’t, but others might.”

Reggie smiled, leaned on his crutches. “Bloody awful, this. Hopping around like a toad. Once upon a time I was somebody important, one of those knights of the air, ready to do battle against the invading Hun. We were the last hope for our island, and we were going to repulse those bloody bastards. That was the plan, at any rate. Too bad nobody told Jerry about the plan. They had their own ideas. Bomb the shit out of our airfields and radar sites, clearing the way for the paratroopers to seize ground and hold it for the follow-up invasion troops. Still, we fought, against terrible odds… It sounds strange, but I was the lucky one. Lost my leg after an ME-109 jumped me, and managed to get out on one of the evacuation ships.”

Reggie made his way to the doorway, turned awkwardly, and said wistfully, “We might have made it, you know. If Winnie hadn’t been tossed out, if the Cabinet hadn’t sued for peace after the first landings, if the king hadn’t died in the bombings, if you… if you bloody Yanks hadn’t sat on your hands and decided not to help us. We might have made it. And then Herr Hitler would be fighting both us and the Bolshies.”

“Bunch of us thought we had done enough last time,” Sam said. “It just looked like another European squabble, and the last one didn’t end well. So most of us didn’t want to get involved.”

Reggie shook his head. “Oh, you’ll get involved. Maybe not this year or next year, but I guarantee this, Inspector: Once that fucking German housepainter gets the Reds hammered down, he’s going to turn west again. And your mighty wide ocean won’t help. Maybe then you’ll wish you had helped us.”

Walter opened the door, and Reggie hobbled out. Cold air came in, and when the door was shut, Walter turned to Sam and said, “I’m sorry again for disturbing your lovely wife.”

“Apology accepted, Walter. There’s one more thing… and I swear to God, you haven’t heard it from me.” Sam never thought he would do this, but after the past few days, he couldn’t stay quiet any more. “Tomorrow night. You might want to tell Reginald, and any other similar friends, that they shouldn’t be in their usual haunts. Something’s going on. Do I make myself clear?”

“As clear as crystal. Sam… I cannot tell you how much I owe you, this is going to be—”

“Walter, I have no idea what you’re talking about. And neither do you.”

His tenant grabbed his arm. “I’m not a religious man, but God bless you for what you’ve done.”

Sam broke free from the man’s grasp. “I think God’s got His hands full enough without worrying about me.”

* * *

Before going to bed, Sam checked in on Toby. His boy had his crystal radio set on low; thankfully, it was just playing soft dance music from someplace where people had enough money and time to go dancing. He reached down to unplug it, and Toby stirred and said, “Dad?”

He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, sport. What is it?”

“Mmm, Mommy said we’re gonna go on a trip tomorrow… up to Grandpa’s camp.”

He touched Toby’s hair. “That’s right. Just a few days. You and Mom.”

“And I won’t get in trouble at school?”

“No, no trouble at all.”

“Good. I’ve been in trouble enough.”

His boy’s breathing eased, and Sam stood up to leave. Toby stirred and said, “I told ’em, you know. That my dad wasn’t a rat. I had to tell ’em you’re not a rat. So I did okay. I didn’t fight, Dad, but I didn’t let him get away with it, either…”

Sam went out, closing the door softly behind him.

* * *

He slid into bed next to Sarah, who rolled over and nuzzled up against him and said, “You win.”


“Don’t thank me yet. Dad’s coming to pick me and Toby up tomorrow.”

“He’ll get over it,” he said, kissing her and feeling the silkiness of lace on her body. She kissed him back and then pressed her lips against his ear and whispered with urgency, “Sam… forgive me, will you?”

“For what?” he whispered back. Both of them kept their voices low from habit, being so close to their dozing son.

“For who I am. A disappointment… a shrew… and… oh, just forgive me.”

He kissed her again, deeper, as she moaned and moved underneath him. “Forgiven, Sarah, always forgiven. Though I don’t agree with what you just said.”

“Shhh,” Sarah replied, lowering her hand on his belly, “let’s stop talking for a while. Here’s the rain check I promised you from a long time ago, big guy.”

In the darkness he sighed at the touch of his cheerleader. “Not that big.”

Her warm hand lowered some more. “Just you wait.”


At breakfast that morning, his heart nearly broke at the sight of the two suitcases—one large, the other small—at the door, huddled there like frightened children. It was wrong, it was awful, but he knew it was the right thing to do.

Sarah had made a good breakfast for them all, pancakes and bacon. Toby kept on asking if the water was warm enough up at Grandpa’s camp, could he do some swimming when he got there if Mom was there to watch him?

Sam said, “If your mother says so, then it’s fine.”

Now the dishes had been gathered and he stood behind Sarah, hands on her hips, and kissed the curve of her neck, and said, “Leave them. I’ll do them later.”

“Please. It gives me something to do. Something to keep me busy. All right?” Her voice quivered.

Sam ran his hands up and down her slim hips, recalled with delight the passion that these same hips had brought him last night. He brought his lips to her ear and said, “What did you mean last night, asking for forgiveness? Where did that come from?”

In an instant, her body tensed, as if she had heard something disquieting. She shook off his hands with a sharp movement. “Can we not talk about this now, please? Dad will be here any moment, and I need to get the dishes done.”

Message received. Once again he was struck by the contradiction that was his wife: the passionate lover of last night and the irritated housewife this morning. Sam went out to the living room to get his revolver, coat, and hat and, through the front window, saw his father-in-law, Lawrence Young, striding up the walkway as if he owned the damn place, which he once wished to do. Back during those long days and nights as a newlywed, when Sam had struggled to come up with the down payment, Larry had hinted at how his new son-in-law could get the desperately needed money: Sam’s ass working weekends at the furniture store.

Larry had never gotten what he wanted, Sam thought. But Sam had gotten something else. Bloody hands and a memory that would never leave him.

Larry came in, dressed in a fine dark gray overcoat, looking pleased with himself. “Morning, Sam.”

“Hello, Larry.”

“I understand my daughter and grandson need some protection.”

“In a manner of speaking,” he replied.

“I thought that was your job.”

Sam felt his shoulders tense. “It is. Which is why I’m getting them out of town during the summit.”

“Maybe you’re getting them out of town, but I’m putting them up, driving up there and back, taking the better part of my workday. I hope you appreciate that.”

From the kitchen, Sarah came out, smiling. “Dad, thanks for helping us out.”

Toby was there, saying, “Grandpa!,” his face radiant.

Sam picked up the two suitcases. “Tell you what, Toby. You two get your coats, and I’ll put your suitcases

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