Albert shook his head. 'Don't take this wrong, mister. I ain't got nothin' against your people, but I surely don't understand that rock business. What's a rock got to do with remembering someone anyway?'

'I couldn't tell you,' Mason said, embarrassed that he couldn't. 'Either of you see anyone?'

'We see lots of people visiting lots of graves. We too busy digging new ones to pay 'em much attention,' Marty said, Albert nodding.

'Tell you what,' Mason said, handing them each a business card and a twenty dollar bill. 'Next time you see someone over there, pay enough attention to call me.'

'All right, okay then,' Albert said, pocketing Mason's money and card. 'Be lots of people here today. Probably be

a whole lot of rocks left on this grave.'

'Who died?' Mason asked.

'Name of Sonni Efron,' Marty answered. 'Woman got shot in the face standing in her own front door. Don't that beat all hell.'

Mason recognized the name from the news reports. Sonni Efron had been murdered two days ago, front page news, the Kowalcyzk execution back-page filler. She was a prominent member of the Jewish community, active in philanthropic organizations and the arts. Claire knew her, though not well, and Mason not at all. Marty was right. There would be a lot of rocks left on Sonni Efron's headstone. The police had no suspects. Mason knew the cops would be in the funeral crowd, hoping her killer would be there too.

Mason had a different appointment at eleven that morning. He'd given Nick Byrnes one of his business cards, telling him to call if he needed anything, or if he'd just like to talk. Nick called the day after the execution, saying he had a case Mason might be interested in handling, though he didn't offer any details. Mason gave his parents' grave a last glance as he went to work.

Mary Kowalczyk was waiting for Mason when he pulled into the parking lot behind Blues on Broadway, a bar near Thirty-eighth and Broadway. The neighborhood was a stretch of Kansas City somewhere between run-down and uptown. Mason dodged potholes as he parked. His office was on the second floor.

The bar was owned by Harry Ryman's ex-partner, Blues, who played jazz piano or tended bar as the mood struck him. It was a long, strange trip for a full-blooded member of the Shawnee Indian tribe, a trip that included dispensing rough justice for Mason's clients and attitude adjustments for those who stood in the way.

Mary, dressed in black pants and a long-sleeved black blouse despite the heat, shaded her eyes against the morning sun that threatened to peel another coat of paint off the back wall of the building. Mason felt a knot in his chest, unable to separate her from her son, uneasy at seeing her again, uncertain how to console her. He hoped she hadn't come to see him, but couldn't think of any other reason for her to show up on his doorstep.

Mason didn't know whether her son was guilty. Harry's version of the case against Ryan Kowalczyk was convincing and Mason trusted Harry's judgment as much as anyone he knew. Still, he'd defended enough people accused of crimes they didn't commit to harbor a steady suspicion of the prosecution. Ryan's last gasp of innocence haunted him. What's the point of lying in that final instant?

Mason was less certain that Ryan deserved to die, his own feelings about the death penalty an ambivalent mush. He was opposed to it when he was defending someone on trial for his life in an imperfect system tainted by racial and class bias. A system dependent on the vagaries of recollection, often deceived by what the jury doesn't know. He was less certain when outrage at the perpetrator of an unspeakable crime swept over him.

Mason looked at his watch. It was eight-thirty. If Mary had come to see him, at least she would be gone before Nick Byrnes arrived at eleven. He'd been in the same room with them once before and didn't want to do that again. Mason slowed as he approached her, saying nothing, letting her make the call.

'Mr. Mason,' she said. 'I didn't meet you the other night. I'm sorry.'

'It didn't seem like the right time for introductions. I'm sorry for your loss,' he added, hoping the sentiment was more comforting to her than it had been to Nick.

Mary looked around, craning her head up to the second floor. 'Is this really your office?'

Mason grimaced, not usually embarrassed by his modest digs. 'I'm up on the second floor. Are you here to see me?'

'If you have time for me. I mean, I didn't call for an appointment, so I understand if you don't.'

'You're in luck,' he said.

Mason led her inside, up the back stairway, down the hall past the open door to Blues's office. Blues sat at his desk reading his mail, not looking up. Mason continued on, unlocked his office, picked his mail up off the floor, and turned on the lights before he noticed Mary still standing in front of Blues's office, her eyes riveted on him.

'Mrs. Kowalczyk?' Mason asked.

Mary gave Blues a last hard look. 'That man,' she said as Mason closed the door behind her. 'Do you know him? Did he use to be a police officer? A detective?'

'As a matter of fact, he did. That's Blues. His real name is Wilson Bluestone Junior. He owns the bar and this building,' Mason answered, finally making the connection Mary had made.

'He is a terrible man,' Mary said, leaving no room for debate. 'He treated my son like he was the worst scum imaginable, throwing him against the wall like he was a dangerous criminal when all he was, was a boy taken advantage of by his friend.'

Mary's words poured out, carrying venom that welled deep inside her. Mason knew that Blues probably did throw her son against the wall and treat him like a dangerous criminal because that's undoubtedly what Blues thought when he and Harry arrested the boy for double homicide. Blues was never gentle. A mother convinced that her son had been wrongfully executed would never forgive anyone who had a hand in his death. There was no point in defending Blues.

'Have a seat, Mrs. Kowalczyk,' Mason said, pointing to the sofa. 'What can I do for you?'

She sat, barely filling the corner of the sofa, her feet just touching the floor. 'You mustn't discuss our business with that man,' she said. 'I won't allow it!'

Mason walked around his office, opening the blinds on the windows that overlooked Broadway, fishing two bottles of water out of the small refrigerator behind his desk, giving Mary time to cool down, not wanting to tell her that, so far, there was only her business, not their business. He handed her a bottle of water and sat in a leather chair at one end of the sofa.

'Everything we discuss is confidential, Mrs. Kowalczyk,' he said, leaving out that Blues often worked with him when he needed special expertise in violence or protection. 'How can I help you?'

Mary put her unopened bottle of water on the butler's table in front of the sofa, wiping the moisture from the bottle on her pants. Straightening her narrow back, leveling her chin at Mason, she told him. 'My son was innocent. I want you to prove it.'

Mason rolled his bottle of water between his hands, fumbling with the cap, taking a sip. He was never surprised by what people in trouble asked him to do. If their lives were on the line, they'd ask for the stars and settle for the moon. Mary Kowalczyk's trouble had come and gone. No celestial magic would change that, though he knew she wouldn't be convinced. He tried a different tack.

'Mrs. Kowalczyk,' he began.

'Please,' she interrupted. 'Call me Mary,' she said, forcing a smile over her grief.

'Mary,' Mason began again, gently. 'The other night, there was a priest. I couldn't help but overhear what he told you. He said that your son confessed.'

Mary waved her hand. 'Father Steve is a fine priest, a good man. He was taking care of Ryan the only way he could. It was important that Ryan make confession before he was taken from me.'

Mason was even less certain of Catholic tradition than Jewish tradition. 'I'm sure that was the case. But the priest- Father Steve-said that Ryan confessed to everything. It sounded like he was talking about the murders.'

'Nonsense,' Mary answered. 'My son was innocent. Father Steve thought it would be easier for me if I thought Ryan was guilty. Ryan never lied to me. I was his mother. I would have known. That boy was innocent and he was murdered no different than that poor couple, the Byrnes. Only the law killed my son.'

'Are you asking me to sue someone for your son's death?'

Mary turned red. 'Dear me, no, Mr. Mason. I don't want blood money. I owe it to Ryan, to let him rest easy in heaven. I can't have his life back but I'll have his innocence.'

'Without some kind of trial to determine your son's innocence, the most I could do is investigate the case and

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