'Scott Phillips,' came a muffled voice in reply. 'Please let me in, I must see you!'

The teacher gasped, 'No. Go away!'

'Open the door, Teach!' another adolescent voice demanded, lower and deeper and much more menacing in tone. 'Open the door… or do you want the neighbors to hear what we've got to tell you?'

'Oh Lord!' A clammy iciness crawled up the older woman's spine, a premonition that she shouldn't open the kitchen door. Gripping the bathrobe tighter to her, she said to them: 'C-come back later if you must. I… I'm not dressed yet.'

'Now, Mrs. Hamilton, not later!'

'It… it's important!' she heard Scott exclaim.

Dear God, what do they want that's so critical it can't wait? With fearful trepidation, Lisa slowly padded barefoot to the kitchen door. She stood before it, afraid to unlock it, afraid not to. 'But… I'm not feeling well,' she called through the paneling. 'Can't it wait until Monday, boys?'

At that moment, Atilla barked, adding to her dismay.

'That dog!' Lisa groaned involuntarily. Not only was young Scott here, but so was his father's pet! Had the terrible truth been spilled? But if so, why was just that other boy with them, and not the police? Then what

…? She swallowed thickly, unlatching the door even while she knew she shouldn't, but knowing she couldn't avoid it any longer. She opened it a crack. 'Why… it's Curtis Benson!' she said, recognizing the owner of the second young voice as she peered outside.

'In the flesh,' the older student responded with a smile. 'Come on, let us in, Mrs. Hamilton. This won't take long.'

'Well…' She glanced once more at the hopefully grinning features of little Scott. 'If you insist.'

'We do,' Curtis said firmly.

The two teenagers and the German shepherd trooped inside, and the chemistry teacher shut the door behind them. She turned to face them, lacing her fingers together in front of her robe, unsure what she should do or say to them.

Curtis, looking around, whistled softly. 'Nice pad you've got here, Teach.'

'Yes, yes, I enjoy it very much. But really, I'm not feeling very well at all, so if you could just tell me what's on your mind and then…'

'Horsepiss,' Curtis said.

Lisa couldn't believe her ears. 'Wh-what?'

'I said horsepiss,' Curtis repeated disdainfully. 'You're not sick at all. You couldn't be healthier, way I hear tell.'

'Now see here!' Lisa snapped. 'I won't be spoken to that way! If your parents knew how rude you were…'

'If my parents,' Curtis cut in, 'knew what you did yesterday with Scott and Atilla, they'd run you out of town.'

'No!' Lisa choked in horror. 'Did you… did you tell him, Scott? Oh my Lord, did you?'

'Crap,' the younger boy said, chagrined. 'I guess it sorta popped out unexpectedly, Mrs. Hamilton. I'm sorry.' But in spite of his facade of embarrassment, Lisa could see there was a tiny gleam of obscene pride in his dark young eyes, and a small, unhideable grin of lewdness around his mouth.

The chemistry teacher could feel her naked flesh beneath the robe crawling with dread and humiliation. Dear God, he'd become as much of an animal as Curtis or… or Atilla! And then the ghastly truth struck her that she was the cause of his change from a once-innocent child. She had perverted him by her own corrupting desires, teaching him lust for lust's own sake, without the tempering of love or compassion. She had nobody to blame except herself, and now she was reaping the rewards of her depravity!

Curtis Benson's youthful cock throbbed in his tight pants while he studied the older woman's face blanched with horror. 'But now, don't get your tail in a knot about it, Mrs. Hamilton,' he said arrogantly. 'He told me… but that doesn't mean we have to tell anybody else, does it?'

'What… what do you mean?' she groaned, her stomach convulsing in a series of agonizing knots.

'Well, he was saying that you promised him a little action. I think it's only fair if you followed through. Right, Scott?'

'Sure, Curtis, sure!'

'And since it looks like I'm the guy who has to see he gets it, I think I should have a crack at some of it, too. Let's face it, Mrs. Hamilton, a lady who takes on a dog just can't refuse my offer, can she?'

Lisa's mouth twisted in a harsh cry of bitterness. There was no way of avoiding the intent of the boy's vulgar words, his vicious little threat as clear as if he'd tattooed it on his forehead. She was being told that her body was his to plunder at will whether she wanted him or not, and by the way little Scott was overtly staring at her barely clad breasts and thighs, he was all too eager to go along with the sordid scheme. Letting these two friends in her house had been the worst mistake yet, she could see that now, and she desperately tried to think of a way to discourage their plans.

'You… you wouldn't dare force me!' she hissed menacingly.

'Wanna lay any bets on that, Mrs. Hamilton?' Curtis closed in on her, and there was no question that he would follow through with his implied threat, Lisa could see that now, as she stared hatefully into his smoldering eyes. Dear God, it wasn't fair! All she'd done wrong was desire young Scott's body in an uncontrollable moment of passion, and even then she hadn't possessed his innocence the ultimate way, deep up inside her belly!

'P-please, don't! It was an awful mistake yesterday. I thought… oh, I don't know what I thought, only don't make it any worse than it is already!'

'Worse? How can a good fuck make anything worse?' Curtis snorted in lustful humor, taking a couple of steps closer to the older woman. 'Why, you just remember how much fun you had yesterday, Teach, and you'll see how much better it can be today!'

Lisa moaned and her eyes glazed with tears. She had to fight them; she had to! She had to do everything in her power to keep from submitting to their crudities, as much for her own sanity as for their sake! She struggled as Curtis reached out one hand and grasped her robe, tugging at her belt. 'Let go of me, you little monster!' she shrieked hysterically. 'Take your hands off of me!'

'You don't really mean that, Mrs. Hamilton.' Curtis pressed his face closer to hers, and Lisa could smell the freshness of his youthful face and the feel of his muscular fingers as his hand dug painfully into her arm. 'You think of what me 'n Scott can do to you, and you'll see you don't mean what you said.'

The boy loomed up to her, his eyes devoid of pity. They shone into hers with a coldness, boring to the depths of her despairing soul. 'I do,' she babbled mindlessly, now horrified beyond rationality. 'I do mean it! You can't make me do this; you can't make me!'

Curtis only laughed harder, and then he abruptly crushed his moist young lips down tightly on her mouth, grinding his already hardened loins against the softness of her abdomen. Lisa could feel his penis, long and hard, throbbing through the thin material of his pants and her robe, and despite her terror and loathing she could feel little butterfly-like sensations flitting dangerously in her stomach. She struggled valiantly against both them and the boy, but Curtis was seemingly all over her, arms and legs entwining to make her helpless in his urgent embrace. Finally he let up on the pressure, and she staggered back, breathless and blushing furiously with embarrassment.

'You see, Mrs. Hamilton? You can't stop me — or yourself!'

That last taunt was entirely too much for the mature teacher to accept. She turned and twisted compulsively away from his grip, her brain pulsing with the single panicky dread that she must escape… escape somewhere, anywhere, so long as it was away from this horrifying situation.

'End-zone tackle!' she heard Curtis whoop behind her, but she stumbled on toward the living room, encumbered by the folds of her bathrobe but sped on by the knowledge of what was sure to happen if she were captured.

Curtis loped easily after her, laughing as he enjoyed the erotic spectacle of her buttocks jouncing beneath the skimpy fabric of the robe. Hot shit, here was a real tigress! It was all a malicious game to him, and not even a real contest, the terrified teacher no match for his lean, muscular pursuit. Just as if he were tackling a right-guard, he scooped his arm down and around, snapping up one bare ankle and sending her ass-over-heels on the shag rug. Her flashing legs twisted beneath her, and losing her balance entirely, Lisa fell sprawling on her back, her legs opening

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