with the one he was using.

“Try this,” he suggested.

Perry inserted the cigarette in the holder, almost copying Legira's actions. The two men smoked away.

Perry sniffed the aroma of the strong tobacco.

“You like it, eh?” questioned Legira.

“Not particularly,” responded Perry.

“You must like it,” said the consul seriously. “Alvarez Legira smokes only that particular tobacco.”

Perry lowered his hand and stared steadily at the man before him. Legira smiled as he saw the firm glare

in Perry's eyes.

“What's the game?” demanded Perry. “You're counting me in a little too soon, Mr. Legira.”

“The game?” Legira's question was suave. “The game is one thousand dollars every week—paid to you,

Mr. Wallace—after you become Alvarez Legira.”

“Suppose I refuse?”

“You would refuse?” Legira's question was spoken in an incredulous tone. “Ah, you cannot refuse. It is a

golden opportunity!”

“Yes?” Perry's tone was challenging. “It looks phony to me. You want me to take your place. Is that the



“Why? So that you may avoid trouble?”


“Well, it doesn't go!” declared Perry emphatically. “I'm not going into a trap for you or any one else!

Hold the bag yourself. Don't count on me—”

“Very well,” said Legira quietly. “You have made a mistake, Desmond. This is not the gentleman whom

we need. You may take him back to your office. Bring another one—later.”

Desmond stared in amazement. A look of consternation appeared upon the face of Lopez. Perplexity

gripped Perry Wallace. Alvarez Legira arose as though the interview was ended.

“Just a moment,” said Perry suddenly. “I want to know about this. Mr. Desmond here tells me that I am

the only man for the job. You tell me you don't want me. What's the idea?”

“Mr. Desmond may be mistaken,” said Legira, with a smooth smile. “Perhaps I am the one who is

mistaken. I have business of my own— business which concerns me alone. I have also to be present in

New York as consul from Santander. How can that be possible?

“There is only one way. That is to have some one who can take my place, and who is willing to take my

place. You fill one requirement, but not the other. It is very unfortunate—”

“Perhaps I was a bit hasty,” returned Perry. “Your proposition was not quite clear to me. As I now

understand it, you merely want me to appear here as a sort of figurehead, at a salary of one thousand

dollars a week.”

“Exactly,” returned Legira, in his most convincing tone. “There will be no duties that you cannot perform

with ease. Lopez, here, is secretary to the consul. He can manage all affairs. It will be an easy life for

you—the life of Alvarez Legira.”

“How long—”

“For a few weeks. That is all.”

“And then—”

“Then we shall find some other duties, for your real self. Perhaps the remuneration will not be so great;

but I can assure you it will be ample.

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