
know that the deal has gone through. You've had plenty of time to get the dough. If you stall any longer, it

will be curtains for you.”

He paused, as though expecting a reply, but he received none. Ballou drew a sheet of paper from his

pocket and scrawled a few words upon it.

“There's where you can reach me,” he declared. “You've got to-morrow to get busy. If you let this slide,

we'll get you. There's no way out, Legira!”

Perry read the paper, folded it, and thrust it nonchalantly in his vest pocket. He leaned back in his chair

and stared thoughtfully beyond his visitor. Again, Ballou waited; still, Perry offered no comment.

“The terms still hold,” asserted Ballou. “Fifty-fifty is the deal. If you don't come across with the half we

want, we're going to take it all! That's final!”

“Very interesting,” observed Perry.

“You'll find it interesting!” declared Ballou. “I'm working for a man who knows plenty. We've got things

fixed down in Santander, and you don't have a chance. I'm telling you plenty, Legira.

“We know what you're figuring to do. Three boats sail within the next four days. You're out to dodge us

by shipping the dough on one of them. Maybe you figure you're going yourself. Well, all those boats are

covered. Get me?”

Perry smiled as he had seen Legira smile. Ballou waited with challenging attitude. When he realized that

nothing more was to be said, Ballou arose and started toward the door. He paused long enough to

deliver his final threat.

“You're phony, Legira,” he said. “You're pulling a big bluff. We know you too well. You're too smart to

let any one handle that money besides yourself. We've got you boxed.

“If you think you're crimping us, you're wrong. You're only crimping yourself. Fifty-fifty—that's your one

chance. If you try to get all, or if you stall so long that you won't get any, it will be curtains for you. Unless

we get our half, we're going to blow you off the map. To-morrow at midnight! That's the dead line!”

“Very well,” agreed Perry.

PETE BALLOU strode from the room. Lopez, sliding after him, formed an escort to the door. Perry

listened; then heard the secretary returning upstairs. When Lopez entered, he found Legira's double

resting leisurely in the chair.

“I watched from the window,” said Lopez. “I saw him go across the street, like a sneak—”

The secretary paused abruptly. For a moment, Lopez, too, had been deceived by Perry's appearance.

He had started to speak as though he had been talking to Alvarez Legira. Without another word, Lopez

went from the little room. He was on his way to the front of the house to make further observations.

Perry, perplexed by all that had happened, looked about him in curious fashion. He spied the window,

and his gaze drifted to the broken piece of thin wire that Lopez had torn apart. The wire interested Perry.

He took the broken ends and touched one to the other to see if they would cause a spark. Suddenly

sensing that some one was close by, Perry dropped the wires and turned quickly to find himself facing

Lopez. The secretary had entered the room with unexpected stealth.

“So that is it!” snarled Lopez, his face livid with fury. “You have known about that! Perhaps you have put

it there!”

Perry leaned back against the wall and stared boldly at the South American. Lopez was vicious, his

hands trembling. He seemed ready to spring forward to a wild attack. Perry felt a mad antagonism

toward the man. He showed it in his expression, for Lopez, though thoroughly enraged, kept his distance.

“I know nothing about the wire,” declared Perry coldly. “I was merely examining it.”

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