was taking place. But there was enough partying going on in the main clubroom to deter anyone from furthering his curiosity by trying to enter through the door. The psychedelic lights and topless dancers kept most of the guests quite happy.

Darleen was among the selected clique who were allowed entrance to the door. She also had her own key to the club. She and her husband had been friends of the Grants for almost three years and in that time they had come to discover many mutual interests. Enough mutual interests, cultivated during weekends at the Kelly's beach house, to make them the closest of friends.

Darleen inserted her gold key into the lock and opened the door. She closed it and stood for a moment, adjusting her eyes to the semi-darkness. The bright afternoon sun had left her temporarily blinded by the darkened interior. After she locked the door she started toward Peter's office and after a moment she could make out the forms who were working on the club's main floor more clearly.

A pair of janitors swept, while two cleaning ladies were scrubbing the rugs. All four were being supervised by an extremely large ape-like man wearing a light blue turtleneck sweater. The six foot five inch man was pointing toward a corner that he wanted the janitors to be sure and not miss before they finished sweeping. As he turned, he saw Darleen.

'Hello, Mrs. Kelly,' he said in a deep, gruff voice. 'What brings you here at this time of day?'

'Nothing really important, Monroe,' she said. The first time Martin introduced her to the Grants, she had seen Monroe in the background. Not once since then, had she not been impressed by the giant that stood before her. At two hundred and fifty pounds he looked every inch the powerful man that he was. But she was afraid to try anything with him. Though physically perfect, he was obviously a brute and looked as though he might almost kill a woman if he became sexually aroused enough.

'Is Peter here? I thought I would stop to chat,' she said, looking at the heavy dark brow that protruded much too far over his eyes. A perfect Neanderthal, she thought. His flat nose spread to a dark thick mustache that topped his wide mouth and framed his dark chin. His eyes were hard, but blank.

'Yeah, he's in his office. I don't think there's anyone else there,' he said, more intent on flexing his muscles under the long sleeved wool turtleneck than waiting for a reply from Mrs. Kelly. The former semi-pro football player turned his attention back to the two janitors as Darleen walked to the office behind the stage.

Peter Grant heard the light knock at his open door and saw her standing there. 'Darleen! What a surprise. It's been weeks since you've come here during the day,' the little man said. 'Business or pleasure?'

Darleen flashed a genuine smile and received his warm friendly kiss. They were both the same height, which somehow amused her, but nothing else about Peter Grant amused her. He was a strong, intent and an extremely shrewd businessman. There was nothing amusing about his manner or ideas. He and Darleen had shared many evenings in bed together, while his wife Deborah and Martin frolicked somewhere else, or sometimes, even all four in the same bed. Pleasure was his business.

'A little of both,' she said. 'But where's Deborah. I thought she was usually here during the day.'

'Upstairs fixing a few decorative details to one of the party rooms. I'll call her and tell her you're here. Perhaps the three of us…'

'I really don't have time to play,' she interrupted. 'I still have some shopping to do, but I would like to see her. It's been weeks.'

Peter smiled and switched the intercom on to call his wife. Darleen thought a threesome in bed for the rest of the afternoon would be most enjoyable. But there was not enough time this particular afternoon. Though, she thought, if Martin is going to see Janet, he might indulge. Perhaps…

'She'll be down in a minute,' he said. 'Deborah was as surprised as I that you came by. She asked if Martin were with you. How is he?'

'As well as ever,' she said. 'He said to give his regards and that he would see you next week. That's what I came by for, reservations.'

'Come on, Darleen. You know that you don't need a reservation. What do you have on your evil little mind?'

'Caught in the act,' she chuckled. 'I never have been able to fool you. I did come with a special request.'

'What kind of request?' came a feminine voice from the door and Deborah walked to her friend and kissed her cheek. Deborah towered over both of them. At six feet tall she stood a full half foot over her husband and Darleen. Her long silken white hair accented the smooth rising of her breasts through the low cut minidress that hung a full twelve inches above her knees. Darleen always envied the taller woman's beauty and height, thinking that it would give her a special power over men, but she wasn't jealous. They were good friends.

After a few pleasant exchanges about each other's health and looks, Deborah asked again, 'What kind of request were you about to make to my man?'

Darleen accepted a drink from Peter and said, 'Do you remember the couple that Martin and I told you about the last time we were here together?'

'Richards, wasn't it,' Peter said. 'I remember Martin saying that he hoped to get them here after a little special work.'

'That's right,' she continued. 'And now, we are nearly ready. Martin is asking them to come to the beach with us for the weekend. Apparently the time is right. He has already had a taste of the girl. He told me to tell you that, Peter. Says you'll really enjoy her.'

'Well, good,' he said, 'But why the request? Why not just bring them in some night?'

'There is something special about them. The girl is young, and especially naive. She has some kind of idea that she's better than any of the rest of the world, and I want to teach the proud little bitch a lesson she won't forget for awhile.'

'Women are vengeful animals,' he smiled knowingly. 'What do you have in mind?'

'Well, we always have a special initiation for new members and I have a really good one for her,' she said. 'Your animal, Monroe.'

Peter whistled softly. 'That's dangerous, you know. You wouldn't believe the way that brute's hung, but that alone isn't the crux. He could become violent. There are only certain types of women that he can stand, and I doubt if your sweet little friend would be one of them.'

'But if he were under strict orders,' she said. 'He wouldn't do anything to her. Nothing that would cause anything more than a little pain and humiliation, and she needs that.'

'I suppose that might work,' he said. 'But we'll have to be careful.'

'We might enjoy watching,' Deborah interjected.

'Precisely what I had in mind,' Darleen said, smiling to her friend and seeing the hulking Monroe standing in the open door behind her.

'Come in,' Peter said. 'We were just talking about you. Mrs. Kelly, here, likes you. She has an idea that should please you a great deal.'

The huge bodyguard stood for a moment, digesting the simple sentences he had just heard. He always made a point of listening precisely to what Peter told him. He owed everything to him and felt that no request was too much to do for his employer.

The smaller man had attained sainthood as far as the ex-ballplayer was concerned. Monroe had been seriously hurt in a game six years before and the brain injuries he had incurred had made it impossible for him to ever play again. If Peter Grant had not taken care of him, Monroe would be living on skid row like any other broken down athlete who hadn't planned for the future.

Peter had paid all the bills because his success, as the success of many men, had earned him an assortment of enemies, some of whom would not hesitate to resort to violence to stop him. A bodyguard was a good idea and Grant took advantage of the injured ballplayer, enlisting his services as a temporary bodyguard, but his supposed generosity had won him a worshiper for life.

'Good, Boss, if you say so,' Monroe said, looking quizzically at Peter. It was very seldom that he was allowed any real pleasure. He spent most of his waking hours ensuring that his boss was comfortable and safe.

'Of course, I say so, Monroe. Just do as Mrs. Kelly directs.'

Monroe nodded and she spoke. 'My husband and I are bringing a girl here Wednesday night. We are going to take her upstairs. You know what happens there don't you.'

He answered her. There was little that he didn't know as far as the upstairs was concerned. He was an assistant host as well as body guard.

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