filled it with the same passion inciting liquid he had given her before, but right now it didn't matter. Her breathing had stilled slightly and her heart seemed to be beating high in her throat. Instead of being repulsed and horrified by the lewd spectacle of her husband and another woman locked in the unnatural embrace of oral love, she was becoming strangely excited by it.
She lifted the glass to her lips and watched the couple perform. Martin sat on the bed beside them and leaned over, tapping Darleen on the shoulder, she released her grip on the young man's cock and turned to look at her husband. He made the 'V' for victory sign and she smiled, then turned back to the twitching cock of the young man below her. He continued to suck at her, inserting his tongue deep into her yearning vagina, teasing the soft pink flesh as he rotated it lasciviously back and forth.
'Hmmmmmmmmmm,' she hummed on, starting to add a little beat to it as she felt Martin's hand begin to slap her lightly on the buttocks in a definite musical rhythm.
Janet listened, intent on the musical fluctuations of Darleen's vibrating vocal chords. She saw Martin slipping off his trousers after he drained the glass that he had been drinking. He had not put his shirt back on after leaving the boathouse and was quickly naked. She picked the glass off the bed and put it on the table. The glass had become hot to her touch. She knew it wasn't the liquid, because she was drinking the same thing herself. It had to be her own sense of heightened touch. She had become supersensitive to everything.
She watched as Martin began toying with the cleavage between the soft rounded moons of Darleen's buttocks. No, Janet, thought, the potion now having taken effect. That's mine. He is mine now. She started to take off her blouse, and stood to remove her shorts. Her eyes looked down at Greg as he turned his head, gasping to get a little extra air. He looked at her, recognizing her, but giving no sign. She was just another naked woman to him now, and she would not let him get away with screwing Darleen, she would get hers too. She jumped on Martin's back.
He started to buck her off, but stopped when he felt her fingernails run down his backside and between his legs. She had gone wild. Like a savage animal, she was completely taken into the lustful battle that raged on the huge bed.
She was unaware of Darleen and her husband. She wanted to do to this man what he had done to her. Martin knew it had finally come. He had wanted her to take the initial step she was now taking, but did not know how to force her. The potion and the overheated sex that permeated the entire house had done the job for her.
Her fingers groped at his backside and he rolled them both away from the other couple onto a space of their own but out of the corner of her eye she still watched her husband greedily suck at the other woman. She could not take her eyes off of him, nor could her ears shut out the wet, sucking sounds that he was making with his voraciously moving mouth.
Her hands had radar of their own. She found the ring of Martin's anus at the same time she felt his middle finger thrust deep into her once violated behind. Expecting trouble, she was surprised that his rectum was soft and susceptible to her probings, opening easily as he relaxed it before her touch.
His middle finger squirmed around and around inside her rectum and she followed suit, imitating his every move with her own hand inside him. They were in perfect tune. There was not as much pain as the first time he had violated her. Now she masochistically wanted her husband to watch as another man fucked her in the ass. There was no greater indignity and suddenly she wanted to subject him to it. Her breathing was heavy, like a tigress in heat. She did not know what she would be able to do for him, until…
She felt something touch her shoulder and looked around, taking her gaze off Greg and Darleen for a moment. Hazily she saw that his hand held two long black objects, unmistakably men's penises, but they were rubber, she thought hazedly as she took one. There was no doubt what he wanted now.
The rubbery tip of the dildo that Martin held probed at her backside. She tried to relax her anus though it clenched automatically against the pain it knew would soon come. She positioned the dildo in her own hand against the small puckered opening of Darleen's husband's rectum, slipping it a half an inch into him with almost no effort.
Her eyes bulged wide like a madwoman's. This was crazy. We are going to fuck each other like men, she thought. What has happened to us? What's happening to me?
There was no answer for the young girl as she squealed at the sudden intrusion into her anus by the large black dildo that penetrated a good four inches in one quick, forceful thrust.
'Aaarrrggghhhh,' she screamed. 'Too much… It's too much.' The pain seared through her lower body. He had pushed it deep into her without warning, but the sudden shock had caused her to do the same to him.
The dildo she held firmly had nearly impaled him to its entire six inch length. He writhed in ecstasy at the intrusion. She tried as hard as she could to relax her sphincter. The effort was tremendous, but as she neared success the pain took a new turn. Its effect changed slowly to one of pleasure as she accepted the hard rubber intruder into her rectum. She gyrated her hips slowly, sensuously signaling her partner that it was all right now.
He did so, not concerned with her pleasure, but only with the searing heat that burned more than half a foot into his backside. He began to move himself back and forth, cueing the girl to do the same as he felt the black weapon scorching the insides of his rectum. Both used their hands to increase the pitch. Janet was no longer concerned with her husband and Darlene who had finished their escapade for the time being.
Greg was watching his wife, but made no sound, his mouth wide in horror as he saw what she was doing.
Her hand was jerking back and forth furiously, pushing the dildo as fast and as hard as she could. Martin was doing the same to her. Their bodies seemed tangled as he rode over her, making no effort to slacken the pace. The pitch, instead rose as they neared their climax.
The hard phallus inside her surged back and forth. All power in her body suddenly centered on her back side. Her soft flaccid buttocks clenched and unclenched in rolling spasms as she felt an avalanche of sensation suddenly shoot through her spinal chord like a lightening bolt, striking at the base of her skull, only to be followed by another.
'Arrggghhh,' she shrieked, 'I'm cummmmmiiinnnggg, ooooohhh God!'
Her body jerked forward and the dildo slid out of her opening with a slight pop as she writhed on the sweat soaked sheets, basking in the fiery light of her orgasm as she came again and again. Her hand still forcing the rubber log deep into Martin's pumping buttocks as he raised up, clenched the muscle of his sphincter and held the dildo hard up inside him.
She wiggled it back and forth furiously. 'Uggghhhnnnn,' he moaned trying to suppress it. 'Aaarrggghhhh, I'm cummmiinngggg,' he finally screamed and then jerked over onto his side, white hot liquid spewing from his hardened cock out onto her thighs and belly. For minutes there was no sound in the room.
Darlene was the first to speak. 'That was fantastic,' she said, directing a caustic remark at the younger woman. 'I've never seen anything so professionally done from a novice. You learn quickly Janet, my love.'
The younger girl looked up and smiled. Her mind was fogged by the drug and she still felt the remnants of her orgasm. Her eyes passed over the shocked face of her husband. They both knew exactly what Martin wanted and they both had accepted it. They were trapped but too exhausted and excited to protest.
Martin got up and poured four more glasses from the pitcher. 'It's going to be a long weekend,' he said with a victorious smile on his lips. 'Drink up and we'll have something to eat. After that I'm sure we can find something to keep us occupied for a few more hours.'
Wednesday morning Janet slept until eleven o'clock. She had done the same since coming home Sunday night after a hazy weekend that seemed like a dark nightmare of pleasure and yet horrible degradation for her.
She and Greg had said nothing about their experience, but had gone straight to bed. She could remember making love with Martin and Greg, and somehow an experience with Darleen crept into her mind. She was physically exhausted until she woke up Wednesday. Most of the first two days had been spent sleeping. Greg had made love to her the night before and surprised her with his new found knowledge. They had found new pleasures