'Right,' said Stevie Three. She held up a clenched fist, around which blue flames crackled menacingly.

'Put that out, or I'll turn on the sprinklers,' said Random calmly. Stevie Three hesitated and then the flames went out, and she lowered her hand. 'Honestly,' said Random. 'You can't take her anywhere. Let's not get distracted, people. If we allow old fears and hatreds to divide us, we're beaten before we begin. What we have in common is more important than what separates us. It is in all our interests to remove Lionstone from the Iron Throne. We can decide exactly what we're going to replace her with afterward. That very discussion will be the beginning of our new democracy.'

Spontaneous applause broke out in several parts of the crowd, but there were just as many who didn't join in. They were all willing to listen, but as yet they weren't convinced or of one mind on anything.

'I'm still worried about the aliens,' said Evangeline Shreck. 'They're not just rumors anymore. One ship on its own shot the hell out of Golgotha's main starport. And that's just one unknown species. There are supposed to be two. What if they joined together against humanity? It could be that the aliens are a bigger threat to us than Lionstone could ever be.'

'Then, we'd better get the rebellion over with before they get here,' said Giles. 'With the Empire divided as it is now, it couldn't hope to withstand a concerted attack by two alien species of unknown strength and origin. It is necessary that we all become united in a common cause. And since Lionstone would never agree to that, it is vital she be removed from the Iron Throne while there is still time.'

'Everyone knows your legend,' said Finlay Campbell, studying Giles thoughtfully. 'They teach it in the schools, and practically every other year there's a new holoscreen drama based on some part of your adventurous life. You were the first Warrior Prime, nine hundred years ago. You embodied all that was best in the old Empire. So how can we be sure your heart is with us, and not, deep down, with the Iron Throne and the Empire you risked your life for so many times all those years ago?'

'The Empire I remember and believed in is long gone,' said Giles Deathstalker. 'And despite what your holoscreens may have told you, the rot was setting in even then. I tried to stop it, but I was only one man, even if I was the Warrior Prime. In the end all I could do was run for my life. I look at what the Empire has become now, and I barely recognize it. Lionstone's Empire is a travesty of what it was meant to be. The dream has become a nightmare. And we're the wake-up call. It's not too late. We can change things if we work together.'

'Stirring words,' said Finlay Campbell. 'But exactly what kind of changes are we talking about here? There's no point in risking all our lives to overthrow Lionstone, just to replace her with someone equally bad. The whole system is corrupt. I say we throw it all out and start over. I've seen things… that can't be allowed to go on. I speak for the Golgotha underground, and we demand universal suffrage, a Parliament that represents all the people, including clones and espers, and a strictly constitutional monarch. And a free pardon for all political prisoners.'

'Right,' said Stevie Three. 'Tear down Silo Nine and put an end to all experiments on clones and espers.'

'And break the power of the Families,' said Jack Random. 'Between them, the Clans control all the means of production. The new Government must disband the Clans, and seize control of their assets. Bring them all down, and let them work for a living like the rest of us.'

'Hold everything,' said Owen hotly. 'I am still loyal to the Iron Throne, even if the current occupant isn't fit to rule. What we need to do is put someone saner and more responsible on the Throne. Then we can work with that person to introduce sensible democratic reforms, as needed. Just because bad people are in charge at the moment doesn't mean it's a bad system.'

'Yes it does,' said Hazel. 'It's the system that produces bad people. Jack's right, tear it all down. Give everyone a chance.'

Owen glared at her. 'You just want chaos. How can things be run efficiently if no one knows their place?'

'You just want your old life back,' snapped Hazel. 'You want to be back in your ivory tower, safe and cosseted and protected from reality by a small army of servants, ready to satisfy your every whim when you snap your fingers. To hell with that, aristo. If this rebellion's about anything, it's about giving everyone a chance at the good life.'

'And equal rights for clones and espers,' said Stevie One.

'New market possibilities,' said Gregor Shreck.

'And a chance for some good looting and pillaging,' said Ruby Journey.

'Let's not get distracted again,' Random said firmly. 'First we get Lionstone off the Throne, then we can argue about what we're going to replace her with. There's room in the rebellion for many voices. For now, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or at least my ally. The overall purpose of this rebellion is to create a unified Empire that can turn its resources against the coming aliens, instead of pissing them away fighting each other. We can set about political debate once we've ensured there will be a future to discuss it in. Now, let's move on, please. We still have to settle the question of financial backing for the rebellion. Armed conflicts cost money. Lots of it. Our raid on the Golgotha Tax Headquarters has netted us billions of credits, carefully laundered and scattered through thousands of secret accounts, but all that will do is get us started. We have to build rebel Bases and equip them with ships, computers, and weapons. Undergrounds have to be established and maintained. Soldiers must be trained, agents infiltrated, and politicians bribed to look the other way. Never underestimate the importance of carefully placed bribes. All of this needs a steady flow of incoming funds, maintained over a long period. Which is why some of you were invited here today. Please make yourselves known, gentlemen.'

'About time you got around to us,' said Gregor Shreck, a satisfied smile on his broad face. 'Political rhetoric is all very well, but it won't buy you guns. It's people like me who'll decide whether this rebellion gets off the ground. I am ready to offer the full, if covert, support of my Clan, in return for future concessions.'

'What kind of future concessions?' said Owen suspiciously.

The Shreck spread his fat hands. 'That's what we're here to discuss.'

'I thought you and your people were in bed with the established Church these days?' said Finlay Campbell.

'I am,' said Gregor. 'Officially. But they're not proving the ally I'd hoped for. They're far too fond of giving orders, and their restrictions on my private life are becoming offensively impertinent. I hope for greater rewards from the rebellion. And I am, after all, following in my dear daughter's footsteps. How is life in the underground, Evie dear? You never write.'

'Very pleasant, Father,' said Evangeline evenly. 'I'm much happier now there's so much less pressure in my life.'

'But you'd be so much happier if you were to come home again,' said Gregor. 'Back with your dear father's love. Your friends miss you, too. Remember dear little Penny? The two of you were so close before she ended up in Silo Nine. Unfortunately, she wasn't as careful at keeping secrets as you were. You tried to rescue her and failed. But I got her out. I have connections, you see, people who can get me what I want. Now Penny lives with me and loves me as you used to. Come home, Evie. Without your support, I don't know how much longer I can protect Penny. You wouldn't want anything to happen to her, would you?'

'Leave her alone!' said Finlay, stepping forward to put himself between Evangeline and her father. 'I know what you're trying to do. You want to force Evie to come home, so you can split us up. I know you mistreated her. Evie won't talk about it, but I know you hurt her. So you leave her alone, you bastard, or I'll kill you. The rebellion can get by without the support of scum like you.'

'Can it?' said Gregor. 'I think you'll find your superiors in the underground will feel rather differently about it. What's one person against a Clan's fortune? And I will have my Evie back. If that turns out to be over your dead body, Campbell, so much the better.'

'You're a dead man, Shreck!' said Finlay, his voice flat and harsh.

'Put your dog on a leash, Evie,' Gregor said calmly. 'Or I'll have him muzzled. Remember, the rebellion needs me.'

'I would have to agree,' said Jack Random. 'We're gathered here to discuss the future of humanity, not your personal problems. Sort that out on your own time. But Finlay, the Cause comes first. Always. Remember that.'

'Don't lecture me,' said Finlay. 'I have sworn a death oath to bring Lionstone down, sworn upon my name and my honor. I'll fight and if need be die for the Cause. But sooner or later there will come a time when the rebellion no longer needs the Shreck's support. And then I'll kill him.'

'You'll always need me,' said Gregor. 'Weren't you listening? Overthrowing Lionstone is just the first step.

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