disappeared from her hand, and she made a beckoning gesture. Beatrice looked at the esper for a moment, a quizzical expression on her artificial face, then suddenly she convulsed, her back arching. Strange noises came from her mouth, and her chest and sides bellowed in and out. And then her mouth stretched impossibly as all her artificial guts came fountaining up and out, pushing the teeth aside as they came. More and more flew from her mouth, torn out by Jenny's esp, and she staggered back and forth as the high-tech contents fell to the ground at her feet. Finally there was nothing left of it but an artificial shell, tottering on its feet. Her workings lay steaming and twitching on the ground, spread over a wide area. Jenny smiled again, made a pushing gesture with one finger, and the lifeless shell crashed to the ground and lay still. Owen and Hazel got to their feet, and looked at it.

'The girl had guts,' said Hazel, her voice just a little rough.

Owen winced, and moved over to Giles, who was sitting up and shaking his head muzzily. Owen helped him up. 'You took a disrupter blast point-blank in the chest,' he said, almost accusingly. 'Why aren't you dead?'

'Force shield,' said Giles briskly. 'I've been working on it since Haceldama. Takes a lot out of me, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. You could do it, too, if you practiced.'

'Never seem to have the time,' said Owen. 'You know how it is; when you're running a rebellion, it's one damned thing after another.'

The rebels dusted themselves off, and turned back to face the Throne. Lionstone stared back at them unflinchingly. 'You always break my favorite toys. Very well, let's try something else. Owen Deathstalker, Hazel d'Ark, Code Blue Two Two.'

She smiled triumphantly as she spoke the control words implanted in Owen's and Hazel's minds by the treacherous AI Ozymandius, but then her smile faltered as they just stood there, unmoved. Lionstone tried the control words again. Owen smiled at her.

'That won't work anymore. We've moved beyond that.'

Lionstone spun on Jack Random. 'You are still my creature. Obey me. Kill your friends!'

Random smiled, and shook his head. 'Sorry, Lionstone. I'm not under your control. Never was. Control words won't work on what we've become. I only went along to be sure of ending up here, right in front of you, just in case Owen and the others didn't make it. Ruby went along with it, once she realized what I was up to.'

Ruby sniffed. 'If I'd known it entailed being chained up like an escape artist and kicked around like a rag doll, I'd have thought twice about it.'

'I had to be convincing,' said Random. 'Besides, you're always telling me how tough you are. I knew you could take it.'

'Well next time, I'll be the one in charge, and you can get chained up, and see how you like it.'

'Kinky,' said Random. 'Remember, Ruby, it's all for the cause.'

'Stuff the cause. I'm in this for the money, and don't you forget it.'

Random sighed, shook his head, and turned to look at Alexander Storm. The two men who used to be friends stared at each other.

'I'd been having my suspicions about you for quite a while, Alex,' Random said finally. 'Little things I was beginning to remember about Cold Rock. Things about you that didn't add up, compared to the man I used to know. I put it down to age at first. We all change as we get older. But I didn't want to believe how much you'd changed, till you used the control words on me. So I went along, to find out who you really were these days. Damn it, Alex; did I really let you down so badly? I never meant for you to be hurt.'

'Oh, you always meant well, Jack,' said Storm. 'You promised me all kinds of things, but you never delivered. So I went to people who would keep their promises. People I could trust. They looked after me, treated me well. More than you ever did.'

Storm was trembling with anger by the time he finished, almost spitting the words at Random, trying to hurt him, even now. Random sighed, and met Storm's gaze unflinchingly. 'You poor bastard. You could have come to me anytime. Told me. We could have worked something out. I would have understood. You were my friend, Alex.'

'You were always so bloody understanding! Saint Jack, the hero and savior of the downtrodden, who had time for everyone but his friends! I got sick of your endless nobility, of having to be the selfless hero again and again, and to hell with the lives we might have made for ourselves. This is all your fault, Jack. You made me what I am. You're responsible for everything I've done. And now I'm going to die here, because of you. I know that. But I'll hurt you one last time, before I go.'

He surged forward, a hidden knife suddenly in his hand, heading not for Jack Random, but Ruby Journey. His knife flashed for her throat before Random could even begin to react. But Ruby's hand came up impossibly quickly, slapped the knife aside, and then she punched Storm over the heart with all her strength behind it. Her fist sank in as far as the wrist, right under the sternum. Storm stopped in his charge, as though he'd run into a brick wall. All the color went out of his face, and he crumpled to the floor, just an old man who'd been hurt so badly he couldn't even breathe. The knife fell from his hand as the feeling went out of his fingers. Random was quickly there at his side, but by the time he'd taken Storm gently by the shoulders, the old man was already dead, his heart crushed to a pulp by a single blow. Random stood up and looked at Ruby.

'He was my friend, for a long time.'

'I know,' said Ruby. 'That's why I killed him. So you wouldn't have to.'

Random nodded. He couldn't bring himself to thank her, not now. Maybe later.

'This is all very interesting, not to say sentimental and downright sickening,' said Lionstone. 'But the game isn't over yet. I still have a few cards left to play. Let's try an obvious one, this time. Guards! A Lordship to whoever brings me the Deathstalker's head!'

The guards standing in ranks behind the Throne rushed forward as one, their holographic disguises as burning angels falling away to reveal the armored men beneath. The monofilament swords in their hands were real enough, though, power-driven swords with an edge a single molecule thick, capable of cutting through anything. That many men, with that kind of weapon, could have stopped an army in its tracks. So the rebels didn't let the guards reach them. Jenny Psycho gestured, the power units that maintained the monofilament edge suddenly shorted out, and the swords were suddenly just swords again. While the guards were coming to terms with that, Random and Ruby hit them with a rolling wave of pyrokinetic fire. The guards burst into flames, some dying immediately, others turning and running, as though they could leave the deadly flames behind. As they ran they lit the Court like so many blazing candles, until one by one they fell, and guttered out.

Lionstone stared blankly at the charred and steaming carnage around her Throne, and then turned to her maids-in-waiting. 'Kill them! Kill them all!'

The maids surged forward like attack dogs unleashed. Pointed teeth showed in their snarling mouths, and steel claws snapped out from under their fingernails. They were trained and deadly beasts of prey, conditioned to die rather than fail, packed with cybernetic augmentations. And Jenny Psycho stepped forward to meet them alone.

'This has gone on for far too long. It's time to end it now.'

Her mind leaped out and dropped upon the maids, sinking deep into their minds and battling the conditioning at its roots. The maids fell to the ground, screaming and crying out, rolling and clawing at the floor like animals as an invisible war was waged in their minds. Jenny ripped away the conditioning with her esp, undid the neural connections and reconstituted the damaged brain tissues, returning the maids to who they had been before Lionstone took them to be her slaves. It was all over in a few moments, and then Jenny withdrew from their minds. The maids stopped their animal behavior and sat up, suddenly human again for the first time in years. At first they were stunned, and then slowly they came to themselves—their old selves. Some screamed, and tried to hide their nakedness. Some screamed, remembering what they had done, had been commanded to do, by Lionstone. They shook and shuddered, unable to cry with their artificial eyes. And some just looked around them in utter confusion. Toby Shreck stared intently at one of the maids, and then stepped forward.

'Clarissa? Clarissa, is that you?'

She looked at him blankly for a moment, and then recognition flooded her altered face. 'Toby! Cousin Toby!'

She ran forward into his arms. He held her tightly for a moment, and then took off his battered jacket and wrapped her up in it. Clarissa looked around her, at the Hell Lionstone had made.

'Are we dead, Toby?'

'No, love. You're alive again. The rebellion is here, and all the prisoners are being set free.' He looked back at the others. 'She's Family. Gregor's niece. Lionstone took her as a maid and made a monster out of her, and there

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