handed it over to them, so she could get back to what she considered real work for a nun. And so she went to Lachrymae Christi, to give hope to the hopeless, because no one else would.

It never occurred to her that she was doing something very brave, or noble, or even self-sacrificing, risking her life in a place no one cared about, for people Humanity had discarded. She went because she thought she was needed, because she thought she could do some good.

Because she was Saint Bea.

The lepers took heart from her quiet determination not to be beaten by circumstances, or to give in to despair. She gave them back pride in themselves, and encouraged them to make as much of their lives as they could, while they still could. And she never once pushed her religion on them. To those who asked why God had allowed such a horrible thing to happen to them, she said, God has a plan for all of us. And to those who said they didn't believe in God, she just smiled and said, That's all right. He believes in you.

The lepers worked hard because she worked harder, and believed in themselves because she believed in them. They became a colony in truth at last, establishing small settlements farther and farther out in the jungle. It was a basic kind of life, but better by far than they'd had any right to expect. Everything was going so well. Until the Hadenmen came to Lachrymae Christi.

Owen got some of this from Mother Beatrice's words, and some from Sister Marion's acid interventions, and some he'd known already from talking with the colonists. It fitted with what he'd previously heard of the Saint of Technos III. He studied her unobtrusively while he was eating, looking for some kind of halo, or a sense of self- righteousness, but Mother Beatrice came across as reassuringly normal and level-headed. But there was still something about her, something… focused. Owen wondered idly if that was how people saw him sometimes. He realized Sister Marion was snapping at Mother Beatrice, and paid attention. The Sister didn't take any nonsense from anyone, not even Saint Bea.

'If you don't ease up on your workload, you'll end up in one of your own infirmary beds,' said Sister Marion angrily. She hadn't taken her witch's hat off for dinner, and the long plumes bobbed emphatically as she glared at Mother Beatrice. 'You work harder than anyone else, and you don't get nearly enough sleep. You're no good to anyone dead on your feet from exhaustion. And you needn't think I'm going to take over as head nurse. I can cope with the bandages and bedpans, but I'm no good at talking to them, or holding hands and mopping brows, and all that nonsense. That's your department.'

'Hush, Marion,' said Mother Beatrice affectionately. 'After my time on Technos III, this is a picnic. Besides, I've never needed much sleep.'

Sister Marion glowered at her, unconvinced. This was an argument they'd clearly had many times before, and would again.

'We need to know more about the Hadenman attacks,' said Owen, pushing away his plate. It was still more than half full, so Hazel immediately transferred its contents to her own plate. Owen wasn't surprised. Hazel would eat anything if she was hungry enough. He concentrated on Beatrice. 'How long is it between each attack? Normally?'

'Sometimes days, sometimes hours,' said Mother Beatrice. She sounded suddenly tired. 'The Hadenmen first came just over a month ago. There was no warning. No ultimatums. We were completely unprepared. The first we knew was when some of the outer settlements stopped answering our calls. Then the first refugees arrived, bringing tales of death and destruction. The few who'd tried to surrender were cut down without mercy. We lost a lot of people, until I gave the order for the outer settlements to be abandoned. Then the Hadenmen came here. We've strengthened our fortifications, and everyone here has learned to use a weapon. The Sisters of Glory have proved excellent teachers. And then there's Colonel William Hand, and Otto. You'll meet them later.'

'Much later, if you've got any sense,' said Sister Marion.

'They're good fighters,' said Mother Beatrice reprovingly.

'They're complete bloody psychopaths!'

'Takes one to know one, dear. And these days their… attitude is somewhat of an advantage.' Mother Beatrice frowned down at her hands, clasped together on the table before her. 'Every time the Hadenmen come, we lose more people. My people are brave enough, and they fight well, but lepers have their limitations as warriors. Even the smallest wound can turn deadly very quickly. It's the rain and the ever present moisture. Everything rots. Everything.'

'How long has it been since the last attack?' said Moon in his buzzing, inhuman voice.

'Three days,' said Sister Marion, pruning her green fingernails with her dinner knife. 'They could come anytime.' She looked up and fixed Moon with her bright, cold eyes. 'Ready for a little action, Hadenman?'

'Call me Moon. And yes, I will fight. To protect my friends. Isn't that why anyone fights?'

There was a moment of silence that might have become uncomfortable, but it was interrupted by a polite knock at the door. Sister Marion went to answer it, and then came back to murmur in Mother Beatrice's ear. She rose to her feet.

'You'll have to excuse us. We're needed at the infirmary. Make yourselves at home. We'll talk more later.'

The room seemed very quiet after the Sister of Glory and the Saint left. Everyone looked at each other, except Hazel, who was mopping up the last traces of anything edible from her plate. Everyone else regarded her with varying shades of disgust and amusement. She glanced up and saw them looking at her.


'I'm impressed,' said Owen. 'Really. I couldn't eat more of that stuff if you put a gun to my head.'

'I'm hungry! And you'd better learn to get used to it; we could be here a long time.'

'Parliament will send a ship as soon as they learn we're stranded here,' said Owen. 'We're too valuable to the war effort to be abandoned.'

Hazel shrugged. 'On the other hand, we've made a lot of enemies in our time. Enemies who might be quite happy to see us sidelined. Face it, Owen, we're not getting off this planet anytime soon.'

He shook his head angrily. 'One thing at a time. Let's deal with the Hadenmen first. Moon, any ideas on how we can turn the odds more in our favor?'

Moon frowned. 'We have no way of knowing where the Hadenman forces are, or how large they are. We don't know what they want, or how big a force they're prepared to field to get it. I will think on the matter further. Now, if you will excuse me, I need some time alone.' He got to his feet.

'I don't think that's such a good idea, Moon,' said Owen. 'Lots of people here have no reason to love the Hadenmen.'

'I'll be fine, Owen. I don't need a nursemaid.' He headed for the door, not looking back. 'Don't wait up for me.'

'Watch your back!' said Owen, and then the door closed and the Hadenman was gone.

Bonnie and Midnight got to their feet. 'Getting late,' said Bonnie. 'Time for one last stroll before bed. These lepers are fascinating.'

'And I want to check out the fortifications, look for weak spots,' said Midnight. 'See you in the morning.'

And they left too. Owen looked at Hazel. 'Was it something I said?'

'For once, no. I think everyone just needs some time to themselves, Owen. For all Saint Bea's upbeat attitude, this is still at heart a grim and depressing place. People came here to die, and just when they thought they'd made a life for themselves against all the odds, along came the Hadenmen to put the boot in. I've got a bad feeling about this place, Owen. We've cheated death many times, one way or another, but this is the place where death always wins. Maybe we've finally come to the one place that no one escapes from. I'm going to go and get some sleep, on a real bed with warm, dry blankets, and try not to dream. You should get some sleep too. We're going to need all our strength when the Hadenmen return.' She got to her feet and looked around the empty room. 'We should never have come here, Owen. Something bad is going to happen.'

She left the room without looking back, not bothering to shut the door behind her. Owen leaned back in his chair and stretched tiredly. But he wasn't ready to sleep yet. Not while he was still trying to work out what the hell to do. From what he'd seen of the Mission so far, it was going to be hell to defend. Wooden walls, wooden buildings, wooden roof. The constant rain would help to suppress fires, but if the Hadenmen had access to the right accelerants, they could set fires no rain would be able to put out. Maybe that was what they'd gone to get.

The lepers seemed willing enough to fight, but they were still basically only invalid civilians with limited

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