'Wizard, can't you tell I don't care about any of this? Go mount a dragon somewhere, and leave me be!'


'Caladnei,' the Waterdhavian mimicked, in exactly the same tone the Mage Royal had used, 'go stuff yourself. If you please.'

The Mage Royal's magic thrust Narna back against the wall again, pressing so hard on her that she couldn't lift her ribs to draw breath. She fought silently, twisting and writhing on the paneling, until all too soon the world started to go dim, and drift___

The force eased, letting her gasp for air again. Narnra stared over the heads of her tormentors and panted, drawing in precious air.

In chill shadow, a blue-white star goes out. . . .

'Sweet wind,' she murmured, quoting a Waterdhavian harbor song.

'What's that?' Caladnei asked sharply.

'Sweet wind, come again,' Narnra recited the line between gasps, eyes meeting those of the Mage Royal. 'Blow me away, far beyond pain.'

The Mage Royal took a step closer, and Narnra noticed with surprise that she'd been crying. Recently. 'Narna, please tell me this,' she said softly. 'How do you get to know rumors and what happens, all over Waterdeep and in Faerun all around?'

'Caladnei,' Narnra replied, just as softly, 'I keep my mouth shut and my ears open. Even when tyrant mages slam me about with their spells.'

In the sudden thunder of unseen force that plucked her from the wall then slammed her back against it again hard enough to rattle her bones and her back teeth, Narnra thought she heard Rhauligan make the briefest of chuckles.

Forlorn and drifting, another star flickers. . . and goes out.. . .

'Even then?' Caladnei asked softly. 'How stubborn, thief, are you?'

Her magic snatched Narnra from the wall and slammed her back against it again, hard enough to make a wood panel groan in protest. Narnra's limbs bounced helplessly against the wood. She whined like a dog for breath, fighting against the building pressure.

Silently, a fifth blue-white star flares-and is gone. . . .

Harder and harder the magic pressed her-only to relax when she was once more on the shuddering edge of sinking into insensibility and let her cough and choke and groan for breath.

'How, when in Waterdeep, do you get to hear gossip and news from afar?' Caladnei asked calmly.

Narnra shook her head. The Mage Royal repeated the question, and the Silken Shadow snapped, 'Away, mage! Go and batter-bruise someone else! Kick a guard, slap a child, whatever pleases you!'

The magic slammed her against the chamber wall and pinned her once more, twice more, a third time.

Another star fading . . . leaving but one a-twinkle.

Caladnei repeated her last question in the same precise words every time she let Narnra breathe.

The last star wavers, trembles in the darkness . . . and winks out. . . .

At Caladnei's fourth patient repetition, Narnra replied sullenly, 'I listen at windows and to folk muttering in alleys. I lie on rooftops hearing merchants plot and scheme-how else can I learn where they'll be, and their precious money?'

'Taverns, too?'

'When I'm thirsty and make it to South Ward or the docks, never my home streets.'

'Nobles' windows?'

'Never. Too dangerous. Why walk there when I can hear more idling beside a street-seller unloading food after the highsun rush? Nobles are all high wind and preening, anyway, every third word a lie to impress or manipulate.'

'This is much easier, Narnra. Thank you. I'll see that you get plenty to eat and drink when we're done. Now tell me: In all this daily chatter, do you ever hear talk of Cormyr?'

'No. I think I heard the name of your land a few times when merchants were talking hopeful prices. Sembia- mainly they talk about Sembians buying all the lace and jewels and scent-oils. . . .'

'More coins in Sembia,' the Mage Royal agreed, almost soothingly.

There was other magic at work, now, across the room. Laspeera was casting something long and exacting. Narnra sighed and looked away from the woman, discovered she didn't want to look at Rhauligan's faintly smiling face just now, and brought her gaze back to Caladnei, who was just beginning another question.

'Wait,' Narnra interrupted swiftly, 'why don't you tell me one? What spell's she putting on me?' From the wall where she was still-lightly-held, she nodded toward Laspeera.

'One that will read the truth-or lack of it-in your words. It does no harm.'

Narnra's dark eyes flamed for a moment. 'And when you're done squeezing all the truth out of me? Will I be allowed to go on breathing then?'

'Narnra Shalace, know this: 'Tis not my habit to murder out-landers in the Royal Palace of Cormyr-or anywhere else, for that matter. Those who manage to refrain from hurling daggers at me or my fellow loyal Cormyreans, at least. So you tell me now, d'you belong to any guilds, brotherhoods, secret societies, trading costers, temple agent orders, nobles' 'fellowships' … or any other organization I've forgotten to list?'

'No. And I was never part of that conspiracy in the cellars.'

'Have you any living kin? Friends? Particular foes?'

'No. Thrice no.'

'Have you any outstanding debts, or agreements that bind you?'


'Are you under any threat at this time, facing reprisals if you do or don't do a certain thing?'

'No. Present company excepted.'

'Fair enough. Why're you here in Cormyr?'

'Mischance and magic-and being too curious. I followed a wizard who spared my life. I knew not where 'here' was until after I arrived.'

'What d'you lack most in life, beyond fame, high birth, and enough coins to do just as you please?'

'My freedom,' Narnra snapped. 'What answer did you expect?'

'If you were free and we'd never seen you and you were wandering Marsember unnoticed right now . . . what would matter most to you, if I met you, showed you I could slay you with magic on a whim, and asked you how you wanted to spend the rest of your life?'

Narnra smiled bitterly. 'Getting away alive would matter most.'

Caladnei sighed. 'Could we move past fencing with tongues, Narnra? I've better things to do than hold you against the wall all day.'

The Waterdhavian drew in a deep breath, eyed her captor, and said, 'Mage Royal, I just want to get rich without working-unusual that, hey?-and to spend my days being free to do and go as I will-stealing what I can and doing just as I please.'

'Sounds like several noble ladies of Sembia I've met,' Laspeera muttered, an offering that earned her a silent 'Later' look from Caladnei.

The Mage Royal turned back to Narnra, relaxing her spell to let the thief down off the wall onto her feet again. 'Let's end this all the sooner, if you're willing. Narnra, I think I know enough about who you are now. Now, I'd like very much to learn all you know, suspect, or have overheard as rumors in Waterdeep of any campaign to overthrow the Obarskyrs.'

'The who? Oh … the ruling family here, hey?' Narnra looked at Laspeera then pointed to her own forehead. 'Vouch for me in this, yes?' She turned and met Caladnei's eyes, and the moment she was staring into them said slowly and firmly, 'Not… a … thing. I've heard nothing at all about anything political in Cormyr. Nothing until I got here, and all that Rightful Conspiracy gabble in the cellars-and I'm still not sure exactly what it was about. Discontent with the Crown, yes, but-' She shrugged.

'Keep to Waterdeep, Narnra. Purchases of swords, or the hire of warriors? Backed by merchants or nobles of Waterdeep? War-horses? Hedge-wizards being hired for trips overland? The places might not be in Cormyr; they could be Westgate, or Saerloon and Selgaunt in Sembia, or Athkatla … or Iriaebor.'

Narnra shook her head. 'No, Mage Royal, I swear to you, nothing like that. A few horses and wagons

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