“Well, if Wilma didn’t do it, someone sure wanted Nettle to believe she did. Who? And why? Why, for God’s sake?”
“I dunno, scout-it’s your town. In the meantime, I have two more things for you.”
“Shoot.” Alan put the silver dollars back into his drawer, then made a tall, skinny man in a top-hat walk across the wall. On the return trip, the top-hat became a cane.
“Whoever killed the dog left a set of bloody fingerprints on the inner knob of Nettle’s front door-that’s big number one.”
“Hot damn!”
’Warm damn at the best, I’m afraid. They’re blurry. The perp probably left them grasping the doorknob to go out.”
“No good at all?”
“We’ve got some fragments that might be useful, although there isn’t much chance that they’d stand up in court. I’ve sent them to FBI Print-Magic in Virginia. They’re doing some pretty amazing reconstructive work on partials these days. They’re slower than cold molasses-it’ll probably be a week or even ten days before I hear back-but in the meantime, I compared the partials with the Jerzyck woman’s prints, which were delivered to me by the ever-thoughtful Medical Examiner’s office last evening.”
“No match?”
“Well, it’s like the handwriting, Alan-it’s comparing partials to totals, and if I testified in court on something like that, the defense would chew me a new asshole. But since we’re sitting at the bullshit table, so to speak, no-they’re nothing alike. There’s the question of size, for one thing. Wilma jerzyck had small hands. The partials came from someone with big hands. Even when you allow for the blurring, they are damned big hands.”
“A man’s prints?”
“I’m sure of it. But again, it’d never stand up in court.”
“Who gives a fuck?” On the wall, a shadow lighthouse suddenly appeared, then turned into a pyramid. The pyramid opened like a flower and became a goose flying through the sunshine. Alan tried to see the face of the man-not Wilma jerzyck but some manwho had gone into Nettle’s house after Nettle had left on Sunday morning. The man who had killed Nettle’s Raider with a corkscrew and then framed Wilma for it. He looked for a face and saw nothing but shadows. “Henry, who would even want to do something like this, if it wasn’t Wilma?”
“I don’t know. But I think we might have a witness to the rockthrowing incident.”
“What? Who?”
“I said might, remember.”
“I know what you said. Don’t tease me. Who is it?”
“A kid. The woman who lives next door to the jerzycks heard noises and came out to try and see what was going on. She said she thought maybe ’that bitch’-her words-had finally gotten mad enough at her husband to throw him out a window. She saw the kid pedaling away from the house, looking scared. She asked him what was going on. He said he thought maybe Mr. and Mrs. jerzyck were having a fight.
Well, that was what she thought, too, and since the noises had stopped by then, she didn’t think any more about it.”
“That must have beenjillian Mislaburski,” Alan said. “The house on the other side of the jerzyck place is empty-up for sale.”
“Yeah. Jillian Misla-whatski. That’s what I’ve got here.”
“Who was the kid?”
“Dunno. She recognized him but couldn’t come up with the name.
She says he’s from the neighborhood, though-probably from right there on the block. We’ll find him.”
“How old?”
“She said between eleven and fourteen.”
“Henry? Be a pal and let me find him. Would you do that?”
“Yep,” Henry said at once, and Alan relaxed. “I don’t understand why we have to roll these investigations when the crime happens right in the county seat, anyway. They let them fry their own fish in Portland and Bangor, so why not Castle Rock? Christ, I wasn’t even sure how to pronounce that woman’s name until you said it out loud!”
“There are a lot of Poles in The Rock,” Alan said absently. He tore a pink Traffic Warning form from the pad on his desk and jotted Jill Mislaburski’ and Boy, 11-14 on the back.
“If my guys find this kid, he’s gonna see three big State Troops and be so scared everything goes out of his head,” Henry said. “He probably knows you-don’t you go around and talk at the schools?”
“Yes, about the D.A.R.E. program and on Law and Safety Day,” Alan said. He was trying to think of families with kids on the block where the jerzycks and the Mislaburskis lived. If Jill Mislaburski recognized him but didn’t know his name, that probably meant the kid lived around the corner, or maybe on Pond Street. Alan wrote three names quickly on the sheet of scrap paper: DeLois, Rusk, Bellingham.
There were probably other families with boys in the right age-group that he couldn’t remember right off the bat, but those three would do for a start. A quick canvass would almost certainly turn the kid up.
“Did Jill know what time she heard the ruckus and saw the boy?”
Alan asked.
“She’s not sure, but she thinks it was after eleven.”
“So it wasn’t the jerzycks fighting, because the jerzycks were at Mass.”
“Right.), “Then it was the rock-thrower.”
“Right agin.”
“This one’s real weird, Henry.”
“That’s three in a row. One more and you win the toaster oven.”
“I wonder if the kid saw who it was?”
“Ordinarily I’d say ’too good to be true,’ but the Mislaburski woman said he looked scared, so maybe he did. If he did see the perp, I’ll bet you a shot and a beer it wasn’t Nettle Cobb. I think somebody played them off against each other, scout, and maybe just for the kick of the thing. just for that.”
But Alan, who knew the town better than Henry ever would, found this fantastical. “Maybe the kid did it himself,” he said.
“Maybe that’s why he looked scared. Maybe what we’ve got here is a simple case of vandalism.”
“In a world where there’s a Michael Jackson and an asshole like Axl Rose, anything’s possible, I suppose,” Henry said, “blit I’d like the possibility of vandalism a lot better if the kid was sixteen or seventeen, you know?”
“Yes,” Alan said.
“And why speculate at all, if you can find the kid? You can, can’t you?”
“I’m pretty sure, yeah. But I’d like to wait until school lets out, if that’s okay with you. It’s like you said-scaring him won’t do any good.”
“Fine by me; the two ladies aren’t going anywhere but into the ground. The reporters are around here, but they’re only a nuisance I swat em like flies.”
Alan looked out the window in time to see a newsvan from WMTW-TV go cruising slowly past, probably bound for the main courthouse entrance around the corner.
“Yeah, they’re here, too,” he said.
“Can you call me by five?”
“By four,” Alan said. “Thanks, Henry.”
“Don’t mention it,” Henry Payton said, and hung up.
Alan’s first impulse was to go get Norris Ridgewick and tell him all about this-Norris made a hell of a good sounding-board, if nothing else. Then he remembered that Norris was probably parked in the middle of Castle Lake with his new fishing rod in his hand.
He made a few more shadow-animals on the wall, then got up.
He felt restless, oddly uneasy. It wouldn’t hurt to cruise around the block where the murders had taken place. He might remember a few more families with kids in the right age-brackets if he actually looked at the houses… and who knew? Maybe what Henry had said about kids also held true for middle-aged Polish ladies who bought their clothes at Lane Bryant. Jill Mislaburski’s memory might improve if the questions were coming from someone with a familiar face.
He started to grab his uniform hat off the top of the coat tree by the door and then left it where it was. It might be better today, he decided, if I only look semi-official. As far as that goes, it wouldn’t kill me to take the station wagon.
He left the office and stood in the bullpen for a moment, bemused.
John LaPointe had turned his desk and the space around it into something that looked in need of Red Cross flood-relief. Papers were stacked up everywhere. The drawers were nested inside each other, making a Tower of Babel on John’s desk-blotter. it looked ready to fall over at any second. And John, ordinarily the most cheerful of police officers, was red-faced and cursing.
“I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap, Johnny,” Alan said, grinning.
John jumped, then turned around. He answered Alan with a grin of his own, one which was both shamefaced and distracted.
“Sorry, Alan. I-” Then Alan was moving. He crossed the room with the same liquid, silent speed that had so struck Polly Chalmers on Friday evening. John LaPointe’s mouth fell open. Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw what Alan was up to-the two drawers on top of the stack he had made were starting to tumble.
Alan was fast enough to avert an utter disaster, but not fast enough to catch the first drawer. It landed on his feet, scattering papers, paper-clips, and loose bunches of staples everywhere. He pinned the other two against the side of John’s desk with his palms.
“Holy Jesus! That was lickety-split, Alan!” John exclaimed.
“Thank you, John,” Alan said with a pained smile. The drawers were starting to slip. Pushing harder did no good; it only made the desk start to move. Also, his toes hurt. “Toss all the compliments you want, by all means. But in between, maybe you could take the goddam drawer off my feet.”
“Oh! Shit! Right! Right!” John hurried to do it. In his eagerness to remove the drawer, he bumped Alan. Alan lost his tenuous pressure-hold on the rwo drawers he had caught in time. They also landed on his feet.
“Ouch!” Alan yelled. He started to grab his right foot and then decided the left one hurt worse. “Bastard!”
“Holy Jesus, Alan, I’m sorry!”