2. Become a pamphleteer. Develop a mailing list of friends who you think would be most receptive to learning more about these issues. Send them something every month that is informative and not too long to read. See the end of this chapter for information on how to obtain suitable publications.

3. Join forces with others of like mind. There is strength in numbers. Three people acting alone are a force of three. When 586


working together, however, they multiply their efforts and equal a force of nine. That is the power of organization. When choosing an organization, look for experienced and principled leadership which has proven that it understands the deeper issues and cannot be sidetracked by the Cabal.

4. Form an educational study group. Give it an enticing name such as The Reality Club or The Awareness Lunch Bunch. Make the meetings interesting and short. Use local speakers, ask members to give book reviews, show videos, have mock debates, throw parties. The goal is to reach new people, not to preach to the choir.

5. Form ad-hoc committees, along with other like-minded friends, to promote specific projects and programs. Here are a few hypothetical examples covering a range of issues: The

Committee for Sound Money, Parents for Better Education,

Americans for Tax Relief, North-Bay Residents for Private Property. That is an excellent way to bring pressure to bear on the political structure and, at the same time, attract the support of new people who share your common objective.

6. Expand your influence within the community. People seldom follow strangers. Become known and respected for your

knowledge. Join groups which are influential within your city or profession. Political groups are particularly important, regardless of party. Volunteer for work and seek a leadership role. Personally visit your city and county politicians and maintain ongoing communication. Send them books, articles, baseball tickets—anything to make sure they don't forget who you are. This is doubly important for political candidates. If you have the talent and the aptitude, consider running for some kind of public office yourself.

7 . U s e politics, don't b e u s e d b y i t W e got into o u r p r e s e n t m e s s through politics and we must get out the same way; but getting out is a lot harder than getting in. The strategy, however, is simple: remove the big-spending internationalists from office and replace them with men and women dedicated to sound money and national independence. The way to remove the

spenders is to expose their voting records to their constituents, most of whom have no idea how they vote on key issues. The way to get better candidates elected is to volunteer to work in their campaigns. Work within party organizations where



possible but beware! Never allow loyalty to the party to override loyalty to principle. Political parties are always controlled from the top, and the major parties are controlled by the very forces we must oppose. It is imperative that you and your candidate remain independent of party control. Otherwise, your money and your effort eventually will be used against you.1

With that warning aside, we should be encouraged by the fact that the task is not as overwhelming as it seems. The power to reverse the present trend rests in the hands of only 535 people.

There are 435 Representatives and 100 Senators. To control a majority, all we have to do is influence the election of 268 people. In reality, if we began to come even close to that figure, we likely would see a wave of sudden political conversions among those who remain in office. It is possible that we could achieve our goal by influencing the election in only 100 Congressional districts! By using the political freedom that yet remains in our system, we can overthrow the government of the United States every two years without firing a shot! But we had better get going on it. Time is running out.


We have finally come to the end of this book. It was not a textbook on banking theory. It was a who-dunnit, and by now you know the answer.

We have covered a vast expanse of history and have wandered far afield from our main topic. It was necessary. Without the larger view, the case against the Federal Reserve System would have been weak. It would have omitted the elements of war, revolution, depression, and fraud. Without that long journey, we would be limited to a sterile discussion of interest rates, discount policies, and reserve ratios. That is not where the body is hidden.

In the foreword, it was stated that there were seven reasons to abolish the Federal Reserve System. It is time to repeat them here: 1. An excellent analysis of the v o t i n g records of all C o n g r e s s m e n a n d Senators is p u b l i s h e d each year b y The Nezv American magazine, P.O. Box 8040, A p p l e t o n , W i s c o n s i n 54913. T h e s a m e o r g a n i z a t i o n m a k e s a v a i l a b l e b u l k s u p p l i e s o f p a m p h l e t s tailored t o each Congressional district f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n t o the p u b l i c . T h e b i g spenders hate t h e m !



• It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives.

• It is a cartel operating against the public interest.

• It is the supreme instrument of usury.

• It generates our most unfair tax.

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