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Wilson, Derek.
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Yago, Glenn,
Acceptances: 416,426-427,480-483,486,
Bickley, George W.L.: 392,394
Biddle, Nicholas: 341,347-348,351-352,
A d l a i Stevenson: 565,584
354,356-357, 360,396,565
Aeroflot: 301
Bills of credit: 309-310,316,324,346-347,
A g f a Ansco: 482
A l d r i c h Bill: 441^43,448,456,459,462,
Bimetallism: 320,323
Bismarck, Otto von: 374
A l d r i c h , Nelson: 4-5,20,24,205,437,
Boer War: 277-278
Bolshevik Revolution: 263,267,283
American Acceptance Council: 482
Bolsheviks: 123,125,266,276,279-282,