M o r r o w , D w i g h t : 278

Passell, Peter 80

M o r t o n , Frederic: 218,224-225

Paterson, William: 175

Mullins, Eustace: 413

Patman, Wright: 42-43,187

Munsey, Frank: 452-453

Patterson, Robert P.: 295,485

M u r p h y , Grayson: 278

Patterson, William: 177

Mussolini: 546

Paul, Ron: 434

M u t u a l Life Insurance Company: 433,482

Peabody & Company: 415-417

Myers, Gustavus: 331

Peabody, George: 410-413,415-416

Peel, Sir Robert: 181

Napoleon Bonaparte: 173,181,183,220-

Pell, Claiburne: 528


Penn Central: 41-44, 55, 63

Napoleon 111: 378

Penn Square Bank of Oklahoma: 55

National Banking Acts of 1863-65: 386-

Perkins, George W.: 266,452-453

388, 407

Pieces of Eight: 318-319

National Citizens' League: 445, 459-460

Pike, Henry: 277

National C i t y Bank: 5, 239, 258,266,276,

Planters Trust and Savings Bank of

292, 295,433,435,447,454,464

Opelousa: 61

National Civic Federation: 434

Poland: 126, 297

National debt: 388, 508, 510-512,534,

Politburo: 530

535,568, 572, 575-577, 579, 582

Polo, Marco: 155

National M o n e t a r y Commission: 437,448

Poor, Henry: 365

N a z i s m / N a z i s : 270, 295

N e w Haven Railroad: 244

Pratt, Sereno: 415

N e w W o r l d Order: 109,111-113,122,

Pujo Committee: 443-444, 447, 454


Pujo, Arsene: 6, 443


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