The form (actually three forms, stapled together) under the first was a record of the same activity in the individual 's checking account.

If I get one of these-two of these-for every account holder in this bank with the same last name as the names on the list I gave Mr. Chase, I'll be in Harrisburg for a month.

Which, considering the rockets that went off when I kissed Susie last night, might not be entirely a bad thing.

For Christ's sake! What the hell's the matter with you? Get that stupid idea out of your mind, once and for all!

He reached for the telephone, dialed the operator, and placed a collect call to Sergeant Jason Washington.

'Matthew, my boy! How are things in the capital of our great Commonwealth?'

'Well, I am into the bank.'

'So, apparently, is the opposing side,' Washington replied.

'Excuse me?'

'You first. You seemed surprised.'

'The… level of cooperation is much more than I expected. '

'Perhaps it's your charm,' Washington said. 'I understand you were to take someone to dinner last night. Did that happen?'


'Was the evening fruitful? In a professional sense?'

Was that a dig? Or was he just being clever?

'I think so.'

'But nothing specific to report?'


'Are you somewhere where you can conveniently and confidentially telephone? There's someone else you really should talk to.'



'I'm in a glass-walled office off the lobby of the Harrisburg Bank and Trust Company,' Matt said. 'It's private enough, but I would have to call him collect.'

'Give me the number-I should have thought of that anyway-and I'll suggest he call you. The unattractive lady bandito has apparently struck again.'

'Really? Where?'

'I have only the most rudimentary facts. But I suspect Jack Matthews is happily anticipating providing you with every last detail.'

Matt read the telephone number and the extension off the phone to Washington.

'I am sure that you will be hearing from Matthews within minutes,' Washington said. 'And there is one more thing, Matt.'


'Peter Wohl is concerned that you might do something foolish. So am I. Allow Mr. Matthews's associates to deal with this beyond the limitations of what you were ordered to do.'


'If you were to disobey your orders, and Wohl, so to speak, threw the book at you, he would have my complete support.'

'You have made your point.'

'I devoutly hope so,' Washington said, and hung up.

Three minutes later, Dolores, after first knocking, put her head into the door of the office.

'There is a Mr. Rogers of the Philadelphia Savings Fund Society on line three for you, Mr. Payne. Do you want to take it?'

'Thank you,' Matt said, and picked up the telephone. 'Payne.'

'Can you talk?'

'Didn't you just hear me talking?'

'Christ, Matt!'

'What can I do for you, Mr. Rogers? Don't tell me I'm overdrawn again?'

He could hear Matthews sigh.

'The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Clinton, New Jersey, was held up yesterday morning. We just heard about it, and I just talked to our Newark office-they have jurisdiction. Same modus operandi as the Riegelsville job. Same description of the perpetrator. This time, the haul was nearly sixty thousand dollars.'

'Hairy legs and all?'

'That wasn't mentioned. But the unattractive, heavy makeup, earrings, et cetera, et cetera. For reasons I can't understand, Newark sent the surveillance-camera film to Washington-to the Anti-Terrorist Group; I suppose they issued a 'Report Similar Events' notice-before they processed it. I called Special Agent Jernigan, and he's promised to send me whatever the camera shows by wire as soon as it's processed. I'll be very surprised if it turns out to be someone else.'

'Sawed-off shotgun, too?'

'No. That's the one thing that doesn't fit the modus. This time it was a sawed-off carbine.'

'Explain that to me, please?'

'One of the witnesses-the bank guard-got a good look at it. The stock had been cut off behind the pistol grip, and then rounded with a file. And the barrel was cut off back to where the forearm whatchamacallit holds it. You understand?'

'What's the purpose?'

'Concealability, obviously. And presumably our friend thinks he now has the latest thing in terrorist machine- pistols. Those were M2-fully automatic carbines-they stole from Indiantown Gap.'

' 'Presumably our friend thinks'?' Matt quoted.

'I fired a carbine modified very much like this one on the FBI range at Quantico. They look great, very menacing, but-'

'I've fired one, too,' Matt interrupted. 'And also at Quantico. But on the Marine Corps' known-distance range.'

'Okay. Then, knowing that there's a good deal of recoil in a carbine, you'll understand how hard this 'modification ' would be to control, even single shot, without the stock. If he tries to fire it full automatic, he just couldn't control it. The danger here is-'

'If he should try to take a shot at a cop, or one of you guys, he'd be more likely to hit a civilian,' Matt finished for him.


'What is this clown doing, acting out a fantasy?'

'That bombed building was no fantasy, Matt.'

'No,' Matt agreed. 'Anything else?'

'How did your dinner with the girlfriend go?'

'What do you mean, 'girlfriend'?'

'Chenowith's, not yours, of course.'

'I must have missed something. I thought the Ollwood woman was his girlfriend.'

'Right. So what?'

'Yes or no?'

'No. I have carefully gone through everything. I have had plenty of time, you see, waiting patiently by my telephone to hear from you-'

'Screw you, Jack,' Matt said amiably.

'— and there is nothing to suggest that the Reynolds woman is, or has been, romantically involved with either male.'

' 'Either male?'

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