'You're on your way to the slam, big time,' Martinez said. 'I'll need your badge and your gun.'

'Timmy, for Christ's sake,' Monica wailed. 'Why are they doing this to you?'

One more uniform and two guys in civilian clothing came around the side of the house. Tim recognized the big guy first. Charley McFadden, who had also been a plainclothes narc-the other half of Mutt amp; Jeff, which is what everybody had called the two of them.

The other wasn't nearly as familiar, and it took a moment for Tim to recognize him.

It's that hotshot from Special Operations, Payne. The guy who shot the serial rapist. The last time I saw him was in the Roundhouse parking lot.

'I'm really sorry about this, Timmy,' McFadden said. 'Jesus, how could you be so stupid?'

'I don't know what the hell you're talking about,' Tim said.

'He didn't do anything!' Monica wailed. 'Charley, he's a good cop! You know that!'

'I know he's not a good cop, Monica,' Charley said. 'He's dirty, and he got caught.'

'Charley, what are they talking about?' Monica asked.

'Call the FOP in Philly and tell them I was just arrested, ' Tim said.

'Where are they taking you?'

'He'll be in the detention cell in Harrisburg police headquarters for a while, Mrs. Calhoun,' Matt Payne said. 'They can contact him there.'

'Who the hell are you?' Monica snapped.

'My name is Payne. I'm a detective assigned to the Special Operations Division. I'm sorry about this, Mrs. Calhoun.'

'Yeah, you look like you're sorry!'

'I'm going to be at the bank,' Matt said to Charley McFadden. 'As soon as I have the safe-deposit box, I'll meet you at police headquarters.'

'Right,' McFadden said.

'Have you got his gun and his badge?'

'Not yet,' Martinez said.

'If you would give me the key to the safe-deposit box, Calhoun, you'd save everybody a lot of time and inconvenience. '

'I don't know nothing about no safe-deposit box.'

'Why am I not surprised?' Matt said.

He looked at the Harrisburg uniforms.

'Take him away, please,' he said.

Mrs. Timothy J. Calhoun, holding her balled fists to her mouth, watched with horror and disbelief as her husband was led down the path and loaded into the backseat of the Harrisburg black-and-white.

Then she watched until it drove out of sight.

'I'll need the gun and the badge, Mrs. Calhoun,' Detective Martinez said.

'And if you know where the key to the box is, Monica, ' Charley McFadden added.

'You're supposed to be his friend, Charley!' Monica said. 'How could you do this to him?'

'He done it to himself, Monica,' Charley said. 'Let's go get his gun and badge.'

'You stay here! I'll go get it.'

'I can't let you do that, Monica,' Charley said. 'I'll have to go with you.'

When Harrison J. Hormel, Esq., first among equals of the assistant district attorneys of Philadelphia, arrived at work, he heard the sound of an electric razor coming from the office of the Hon. Thomas J. 'Tony' Callis, the district attorney of Philadelphia.

He looked at his watch. It was 8:35, a good hour or hour and a half earlier than Callis's usual appearance.

He turned and knocked at the unmarked private door to Callis's office. When there was no answer, he tried the knob, and it turned, and he was able to push the door slightly open.

Callis, in a sleeveless undershirt, his suspenders hanging loose, was standing at the washbasin in his small private bath.

Hormel walked to the door. Callis saw his reflection in the mirror and took the electric razor from his face.

'What's up, Harry?' he asked.

'I was about to ask you the same thing.'

'It's a long story,' Callis said. 'One I'm not really ready to pass on right at this moment.'

'What's the big secret?'

'I'll give you a thumbnail, but no questions, okay?'

'You're the boss.'

'Dirty cops. Lots of them.'

'Doing what?'

'I said no questions. The arrests are not finished yet. There's an incredible amount of ifs in this one, Harry. If this happens, then that will. If that doesn't happen, then this will. You follow?'

Hormel shook his head, 'no.'

'I've been up since half past three,' Callis said. 'Coughlin sent a Highway Patrol car for me. What I need now is to finish my shave, put on a clean shirt, have a couple of cups of coffee and thirty minutes to settle my thoughts.'

'Since when is Denny Coughlin investigating dirty cops?'

'Since Carlucci-who they got out of bed at six thirty, by the way-told him to.'

'And he's found some, I gather?'

'There's going to be a meeting in Carlucci's office at half past nine. There's a couple of things supposed to happen before then.'

'What kind of things?'

'Jesus, Harry, don't you understand 'no questions'?'

'Sorry, I'm just trying to be useful. You say Coughlin sent a Highway car after you?'

'Nice try,' Callis said. 'Yeah, Coughlin sent a Highway car for me. Period, that's all I can give you now. When the meeting is over, I'll probably be able to tell you what's going on.'


'Now let me finish my shave and get a fresh shirt.'

'Nothing I can do right now?'

'Not a thing,' Callis said.

Harry had almost made it to the door when Callis had another thought, tangentially connected with the Five Squad.

'Harry?' he called.

'Yes, sir?'

'Tell Phebus I'll want to see him sometime this morning. I don't give a damn what else he's got on his plate, I want him around here this morning where I can lay my hands on him in ten seconds. Capisce?'

'Yes, sir.'

'If he asks why, tell him I want to know what's going on with the Leslie case.'

'Yes, sir.'

Assistant District Attorney Hormel went immediately to the office of Assistant District Attorney Anton C. Phebus. He had not yet come to work.

He walked back down the corridor thirty minutes later and found that Mr. Phebus had come to work, and to judge by the briefcase in his hand was about to leave it.

'Where are you headed?'

'For a conference with the Goddamned Nun.'

'What does she want?'

'Haven't the faintest. Some deal, certainly. She's determined to see that Leslie gets no more than a slap on the wrist.'

'Well, you're going to have to postpone it.'

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