everyone else. In the old days he had picked up his tent and run. In the past week he had surrounded his tent with what he hoped was an impregnable wall and hunkered down.
It was time to fight back. McGarvey straightened up as they worked their way through traffic on Constitution Avenue, and he glanced over at Paterson, who was reading something. Murphy had set great stock by the Agency’s new general counsel, and to this point McGarvey had not been disappointed with the man. But Paterson was an outsider, and that’s how he wanted to keep it. At one point he’d explained to Murphy that defense attorneys work with killers, but didn’t live their lives.
“I’ll help keep the CIA in compliance with the law, but I’ll never be a spy.” It struck McGarvey all at once that with Kathleen hospitalized he had no one to confide in. Larry Danielle, who’d worked his way all the way up from a job as a field officer with the OSS during World War II, to head the Directorate of Operations, and finally ended his long career as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, had been McGarvey’s rudder, a steady hand, an intelligent, sympathetic ear. Almost a father figure since McGarvey’s parents were dead. He’d never once told McGarvey what to do, or even how to do it. But he’d always been there, waiting in the corridor, or getting in his car in the parking lot, or getting a sandwich in the Agency’s cafeteria, to give a word of encouragement or advice. Danielle’s favorite lines were: Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. Slow down before and after an operation, but when you find yourself in the middle of the fray, my boy, then go hell-bent for leather. Very often it’ll be the only way you can preserve your life. Develop the ability to surround yourself with friends and lovers, but trust no one. If you can’t juggle that lot without driving yourself insane, then get out of the business.
Better men than you have failed. And lesser men than you have succeeded brilliantly. It’s often not a matter of intelligence, rather it’s the peculiar mind-set of the spy-Danielle had been a slow-moving, soft-spoken man for whom appearances belied the truth. In fact he was a man of rare intelligence and consummate good grace and old world manners. The last of the gentlemen spies, Murphy had said at Danielle’s funeral. McGarvey missed him. Missed the old generation that had created the CIA. And somehow that was amusing just now. He smiled. “What in heaven’s name are you thinking about, Mr. Director?”
Paterson asked in amazement. “I’m becoming old-fashioned,” McGarvey replied. Danielle would have called it something different. “From where I sit you’re the only one making any sense,” Paterson said.
“And you’ll need to be pragmatic today, because Hammond sounded positively delighted on the phone. Whatever he’s going to spring on us will be good. So good, in fact, I wasn’t able to get so much as a hint from any of his people.” “One of my old operations.” “Maybe.”
Paterson shrugged. “If they’re looking for more blood, they’ll find it. There’s not much we can do to sugarcoat the truth.” They passed the National Gallery of Art and approached the Capitol itself, which was surrounded by the House and Senate office buildings, the Supreme Court and Library of Congress, and the Madison and Adams Buildings.
The stuff of government was done here by men and women some of them average, some of them dedicated and brilliant; a few others saints or crooks, and still others so dim that they weren’t qualified to write a grocery list let alone a law. Average Americans. But the system worked, McGarvey thought. The crowd of journalists in front of the Hart Senate Office Building was larger than Thursday. Yemm had stayed behind to help direct the investigation into Rencke’s background. The replacement driver and bodyguard hustled McGarvey and Paterson up the stairs through the mob. “Mr. McGarvey, is it true that you’re withdrawing your nomination?” one of the reporters shouted. McGarvey didn’t look up at that or any of the other similar questions thrown at him until they were safely inside the building. “That was Hammond’s doing.” Paterson nodded. “You’re learning. Whatever he has, he thinks it’s good.” “Do you think that he and Madden are sleeping together?”
Paterson was startled. “I seriously doubt it, but I wouldn’t be surprised.” He looked closer at McGarvey. “Have you heard something?”
McGarvey shook his head. “No. Just wondering.” There were only a handful of onlookers in the hearing room, mostly assistants to the committee members, when McGarvey and Paterson came in and took their places. When the doors were closed, the clerk called the hearings to order and the six senators filed in. Hammond and Madden were beaming.
The others seemed only mildly interested. Clawson gave McGarvey a sympathetic look, as if to say: Hear you’re having some trouble, sorry about dragging you here today. Hammond reminded McGarvey that he was still under oath.
“Yes, I understand, Senator,” McGarvey replied. “Good. Then let’s proceed.” He opened a file folder, read for a moment, then looked up.
“A number of disturbing items were brought to my attention over the weekend. When we go over this new material I think that we’ll all agree that Mr. McGarvey should withdraw his nomination.” “I was asked that question by the media on the way in,” McGarvey said. “Evidently everyone knows what’s going on except for me.” A few people in the room sniggered. “Is it true, Mr. McGarvey, that one of your top aides” Hammond consulted his file “a man by the name of Otto Rencke, has been missing for the past thirty-six hours and possibly longer?”
“Where did you get that information, Senator?” It had to be someone inside the Agency. Either that, or Louise Horn had told them, though for the life of him he couldn’t imagine her having any contact with Hammond. “This committee’s sources are not the issue,” Hammond shot back. “Is it true that Otto Rencke is missing?” “No, it’s not true,”
McGarvey responded. Hammond glanced at Madden. “You are under oath, Mr. McGarvey.” “Mr. Rencke is in France at the moment on a matter of some importance to the CIA. I can’t say anything more than that because it concerns an ongoing operation that’s important to national security.” Hammond didn’t miss a beat. “But isn’t it true that you placed Mr. Rencke on administrative leave after he underwent a psychological evaluation by an in-house psychologist?” Paterson sat forward. “Senators, that is information from the personnel files of a CIA officer. It has nothing to do with the purpose of these proceedings, which are meant solely to determine Mr. McGarvey’s qualifications to continue leading the Agency as its director.”
Hammond smiled faintly. “I’m glad that we agree on at least that much,” he said. “I brought up Mr. Rencke’s name because he is a close personal friend of Mr. McGarvey’s, and he was involved in a near-fatal automobile accident recently.” Hammond looked directly at McGarvey.
“If it was an accident.” “The accident is under investigation by us and by the Virginia Highway Patrol.” “But in light of subsequent developments the current thinking at the CIA is that the incident with Mr. Rencke was probably not an accident. It fits with the assassination attempt against yourself, your wife and your bodyguard in the Virgin Islands over the weekend, and the nearly fatal attack on your daughter and her husband at Vail, Colorado. Isn’t that so, Mr.
McGarvey?” Paterson put a hand over the microphone and leaned toward McGarvey. “Where is he getting his information?” “I don’t know,”
McGarvey said. “A few people in the building know the whole story.
Fred Rudolph knows most of it.” “How about the White House?” “Not all of it,” McGarvey said. “Mr. McGarvey?” Hammond prompted. He’d gotten the attention of the rest of the committee. “What was the question?”
“Was an attempt made on your life over the weekend?” “We’re still investigating the incident. But, yes, it appears that someone tried to kill me.” “What about your daughter and her husband?” “We’re also investigating that incident. But it appears that someone tried to kill my daughter.” One of the Senate aides got up and started for the doors. “Stop right there, Mark, and sit down,” Senator Clawson ordered. The aide looked at Hammond, but then sat down. “No one is leaving these chambers until we get some rules straight.” “You’re out of order,” Hammond said. He was enjoying himself. “We’re talking here about the safety of a very loyal and dedicated American, as well as the safety of his family,” Clawson shot back. “I don’t know who your sources are, and I doubt if you’d tell me if I asked, but you’re overstepping your bounds. Not to mention common decency ”
“Oh no you don’t,” Hammond responded sharply. “If you’ll hear me out I was about to make a valid and important point.” “Everyone will have his or her say, John,” Brenda Madden broke in. Clawson was frustrated. None of the other committee members were offering their support. Most of them owed political favors to Hammond and Madden, or were too junior to protest. “I intend bringing up the conduct of this hearing to the full Senate.” “That certainly is your prerogative,” Hammond said benignly.
He turned back to McGarvey. “I understand that your ordeal over the weekend, along with the news of the attack on your daughter, caused such a strain for your wife that she was ” McGarvey raised his hand and pointed a finger at Hammond. “That’s enough, you sonofabitch!” Brenda Madden said something as an aside, Paterson put a