Jaxon looked at Sally who was staring at Holt with a face he couldn’t read. “Not frozen. Decapitated. Why?”
“We had a case turn up twelve years ago. Very similar. Indiana. About the time of Michael’s murder. A boy of twelve surfaced in a pond and they had trouble identifying him. Nobody had reported a missing child and the usual dental records and fingerprints were coming up negative. They contacted the local FBI office for assistance and we discovered he had been frozen for sixteen years and had went missing from Hobart, Indiana in 1985. The case remains unsolved. Everything dried up and the only other associated incidents in the area involved frozen animals. At least they had once been frozen.”
“Let me ask you something,” Sally said. She had been quiet the whole time and it startled Jaxon when she spoke. “Was anything found in the bloodstream?”
“Yes. As a matter of fact that’s how we linked the animals to the boy. Diethyl Ether.”
“Shit,” Jaxon said, and stared at Sally who was grinning.
Chapter 25
Luke and Ellie had called everyone during the day and they met that evening under the guise of a kick-the-can game. It was dark outside as they all gathered in the street. The conversation was somewhat heated. Luke hadn’t expected anything less.
After a few minutes of hot debate, most wanted to go to the police.
Luke stood up. “We have an issue you should know.” The group grew quiet. Ellie lowered her head.
“Apparently he knows quite a bit about what we do and he seems to be able to track our every move.”
“How?” Patrick interrupted.
“If I knew that, we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion. He’s smart,” Luke said.
“What does he know?” Ralph asked.
“Just about everything. He called Ellie’s cell phone today and made some threats. He also knows we have talked some to the cops, Jaxon and Winston.”
“What was the threat?” John asked. “Anything new?”
“As a matter of fact, it was toward you, John. He said there is some evidence he planted on Jason’s body that would point to you if he wanted it to. Ellie and I don’t know what it is, but he said if we talked to anyone else, he would somehow frame John for Jason’s murder.”
“It’s bullshit!” John said. “There’s no way he could pin this on me. I haven’t done anything.”
“We know that, John,” Ellie said. “I don’t know what he’s done, but I can’t imagine what it would be that would make the police believe you did it. We need help. I think we should call Jaxon and Winston right now.”
Luke felt he was losing the battle. There was a lot of talk amongst themselves for a minute and he could hear them all agreeing with Ellie. How could he stop this? He needed to find a way to keep her safe until he could figure out what to do.
“I think we should tell the police everything we know,” Katy said, “and then stay in hiding until they catch this guy.”
“That could be a long time, Kat,” Luke said. “We have no idea if what we know will even help them. It could be months and I don’t know about you, but I can’t stay cooped up in our house for that long. Sooner or later, we’re going to get lazy, or tired, and then he’ll make his move. We stay safe and keep quiet like he wants, and no one will get hurt.”
Suddenly cell phones started going off. Anyone in the group who had their cell phone was getting a message. Luke’s heart rose in his throat as he pulled out his phone and looked at the text message.
Deana squealed and dropped her phone like it was diseased. “How does he know! How does he know! How does he know!”
Katy grabbed her sister and hugged her tight.
“Damn!” Jimmy said.
“Oh no,” Ralph whined. “How did he get my number?” He pointed at Luke. “Now you’ve done it. He knows who we are!”
Ellie’s face looked pained and she stared up at him with eyes that broke his heart. She didn’t say a thing. Luke knelt down and took her in his arms.
“We can’t stop this, can we?” she whispered.
“I don’t know,” he said. “But I’m going to try.”
Jaxon and Sally were leaving the Hoover building when he heard his name being called. He would recognize Victoria’s voice anywhere and it bothered him she still invoked some kind of deep emotional response that made him have to stop and turn around. She walked up smiling. Her long, dark hair was down, but held back behind her ears with a black band that matched her grey skirt and black blouse. She still had great legs and at age forty five, carried herself as if she were in a body twice as young.
“Hey, Sally,” Victoria said, casually, then to Jaxon. “What, Jaxon? You weren’t going to stop and say hello?”
“We didn’t have much time and I knew you were busy.”
“I wasn’t so busy I couldn’t say ‘Hi’ to an old friend.”
“Vick, we haven’t been old friends in a long time.”
Her smile faltered just a fraction, but she recovered quickly. “Still, I thought you’d at least stop in. I called you a couple of months ago and you never returned my call.”
“I must have forgotten.” In fact, he had looked at the phone for three days, but could never make himself pick it up.
“Uh huh. I found some old stuff of Michael’s and I wanted you to have it.”
He didn’t know what to say so he remained silent. She stared at him for a second and then brushed it aside like she always did.
“So, what are you guys up to?”
“We came to see Holt about a case. He’s going to do some digging for us,” Jaxon said.
“What’s the case?”
“Couple of murders.”
“I hadn’t heard.”
“Three kids actually,” Sally said, and Jaxon shot her a look.
Victoria frowned. “How old?”
Jaxon fidgeted. “Twelve to thirteen.”
“Oh no, Jaxon. Is it happening again?”
“This is different, Vick.”
“Are you sure? Because you know there were some unknowns in the case.”
“Switzer’s behind bars. Case closed. This is different.”
“I don’t have time right now. It’s our case and if I wanted to involve you I would have. Besides, Holt is in on it.”
She looked hurt and angry. A difficult look to pull off, but she did it well.
“Alright. Be careful.”
“Sure.” She locked eyes with him and stayed that way for what seemed an eternity. Finally, Sally cleared her throat and Victoria looked away.
“Ok,” she said. “I’ll get back to work. If you need anything, call.”
“Yep,” he said.
“Actually, call me anyway, so I can get that stuff to you.”