she’s telling the truth-”

“And if Miss Hamilton is telling the truth,” Gentry broke in pointedly.

“You are, aren’t you, Lucy?” Shayne asked. “I want you to. Don’t hold anything back now. You heard the bargain I made with Will.”

“That’s all of it, Michael.” She nodded emphatically. “When I was sure she wouldn’t tell me anything more, I told her about her husband being murdered.” She paused, moistened her lips and looked down at her hands.

“And?” Shayne prompted her sternly.

“Well, unless she’s a superb actress, it was a surprise-and a terrible shock to her.”

“So much of a shock that she sank right back into a coma?” Gentry demanded, rolling his rumpled lids halfway down.

“I didn’t say that,” Lucy protested. “It was Sergeant Allen. He insisted on going in to question her as soon as I unlocked the door. He’s the one who told you that.” She glanced aside at the sergeant who lounged against the closed door.

“I’m pretty sure Mrs. Jackson was pretending unconsciousness, Chief,” said the sergeant, moving forward to join them. “I had the distinct impression that she wanted to avoid being questioned.”

“What does it matter now?” said Shayne impatiently. “We know what she told Lucy before she knew her husband was dead.” He took Lucy’s arm and drew her to her feet. “Let’s get out of here. You’ve got a job waiting- straightening up the office.” He glanced at Ned Brooks and asked significantly, “You want me to drop you some place?”

“If you don’t mind,” the reporter answered, then added stiffly, “if the chief is through with me.”

“Hell, yes,” Gentry roared. “I’m through with all of you. If I find out Miss Hamilton isn’t telling the exact truth, Mike-”

“You can throw us both in jail-in the same cell.” Shayne gave him a lopsided smile and propelled Lucy from the room and down the corridor, with Ned Brooks following behind them.

Outside and on the way to the car Lucy breathed, “Michael, what has happened since I saw you this morning? Your face looks simply awful.”

“Just a little accident,” he told her cheerfully. “Ran my car into the bay. Had to buy a new one. Picked out one you’ll like.” They turned left on the walk, and Shayne glanced back. Ned Brooks was trailing some fifteen feet behind. Shayne lowered his voice and asked, “Anything you want to tell me fast?”

“Yes,” Lucy whispered. “I quibbled back there. I didn’t really lie, because I only promised Chief Gentry I would repeat exactly what Mrs. Jackson told me. And I did do that, but I promised her I wouldn’t say anything about this other thing.”

“What thing, angel?”

“A letter I’m to get for her. I promised I’d go to the post office and pick it up from General Delivery. It’s addressed to her,” she went on hurriedly. “She told me about it after she knew her husband was dead. She made me promise to get it and keep it for her and not mention it to the police. I said I would if she’d promise me she’d pretend to be sound asleep when I left and not tell the police anything. I thought you’d want to know first, and it was the only way I could make her promise not to talk.”

“You did exactly right,” Shayne assured her. He glanced at his watch and added in a louder voice as Ned Brooks came up behind them, “You go right along and attend to that. Then wait for me at the office. Right now I’ve got to see Tim and tell him he’d better change his story to fit the one Betty Jackson has told before the police get to him.”

“Then I’ll see you at the office soon?” Lucy asked.

“Yeh.” Shayne consulted his watch again and scowled when he saw that it was a little after ten. “It’s getting pretty warm, Lucy. Why don’t you grab a taxi?”

Her eyes widened with surprise, but the urgent expression on his face prompted her to say quickly, “Oh, it is warm. And I do feel rather conspicuous in this uniform.” She turned and hurried away.

“Want to ride out with me?” Shayne said to Brooks.

“To my place? Sure.” The reporter got in while Shayne trotted around to the other side and slid under the wheel.

“But what do you mean about Tim changing his story?” Brooks continued in a puzzled tone as Shayne started the motor and pulled away from the curb.

“Some things he told me don’t fit with what Betty told Lucy,” he explained casually. “Tim gave me your address, but I’m not sure-”

“Northwest Eightieth. Fastest way is out the Boulevard and west on Seventy-Ninth. I’ll tell you an impression I got from Tim this morning, Mr. Shayne,” the reporter went on earnestly. “He seemed to be badly worried about Betty, and maybe was sort of covering up for her.”

“You mean Tim is afraid she did the job on her husband?”

“Well, maybe not that exactly. But something. I don’t know. He began hitting the bottle when he reached my house and he talked a lot.”

Shayne nodded grimly. He was on the Boulevard, and when he passed 20th Street he let the new car out in a surge of speed. Neither of them spoke again until they passed through the Little River business section.

“Next turn to the right,” Brooks directed. “Go one block, then left. It’s the third house from the corner.”

Ned Brooks lived in a small stucco bungalow with a vacant lot on either side separating it from the nearest neighbors. Shayne frowned as he pulled up to the curb and saw no car resembling Rourke’s parked in the vicinity. He muttered, “If he’s dodged out without telling me-”

“His car is in the garage,” Brooks said. “I drove it in after driving mine out this morning, in case some cruising cop came along.”

Shayne’s expression cleared when he saw the closed garage doors at the end of the driveway. He said, “That was a good idea.” He got out and followed the reporter with long, stiff strides to the front door where Brooks pushed the electric button.

After thirty seconds the reporter took out his key, saying, “He’s probably passed out,” unlocked the door, and opened it upon a small living-room with shades and drapes drawn against the sun. He snapped on the ceiling light and moved toward the emaciated figure of Tim Rourke lying sprawled half off the long couch, with his head pillowed on one arm and one leg dangling off the edge.

“I was right, by God,” he said hoarsely. “He is passed out.”

Shayne was at Brooks’s side, rubbing his jaw with blunt fingers and staring bleakly down at Rourke.

“And no wonder,” Brooks continued, pointing to an empty whisky bottle lying on the floor beside the couch. “That bottle was full when he started on it this morning.”

Shayne pushed him aside and dropped to his knees near a pool of blood on the bare floor between the edge of the couch and the rug. He saw the smear of blood trickling down the waxen face from a bullet wound at the hairline above Rourke’s left temple, the. 22 target pistol drooping from his right hand. He heard Brooks moving restlessly around the room, heard him stop, and when Shayne came stiffly to his feet again he turned to see the reporter staring down at a sheet of paper rolled into a portable typewriter.

“Here, by God, is a confession.” Brooks turned slowly. “Has he committed suicide?”

“Not quite-get a doctor here, fast. He’s still breathing.” Shayne’s voice cut savagely through the room.

Chapter Fifteen


Ned Brooks stared stupidly, wavered on his feet, then hurried through the doorway leading into the hall. Shayne turned back to Rourke, listened until he heard Brooks dial a number, then bent impulsively to lift his friend’s thin legs to a comfortable position on the couch.

He drew his big hands back instinctively. From all indications Rourke had been lying like that for several hours, and he realized the importance of leaving him exactly as he was until the doctor arrived.

His eyes were grim and brooding as he went to the typewriter and studied the note in the roller. There were

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