Later, after Rourke phoned in the story and Shayne made an unpleasant call to Joshua Loring, the reporter joined his friend for cognac and coffee in the officers’ mess. Shayne was drinking moodily, unable to forget the sight of Dotty De Rham’s slashed face as they led her away.

“I suppressed one thing,” Rourke said.

“What?” Shayne asked somberly.

Rourke gave him a sideward glance. “That you had such a hard time telling the men from the women.”

“I told you! The dark room, the wig-”

“Absolutely. I’m not smiling, Mike. That’s a nervous tic. I can’t control it.”

“You’d better learn to control it.”

He was having a second coffee royale, feeling better, when Sally Lyon came running in. She had a bundle of clothes.

“I had a hard time finding you, Mike. You were just-just magnificent!”

“Yeah,” Shayne said. “The only thing I did wrong was that I couldn’t tell the difference between-” He waved. “The hell with it.”

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. What are you drinking?”

Shayne explained about the therapeutic effect of brandy in coffee after a violent night, and she decided it was just what she needed. They decided to skip the coffee on the next round, and to try the effect of straight cognac.

“Tim Rourke,” Sally said. “I’m very glad to make your acquaintance, but will you go to the men’s room for a minute?”

“I don’t need to-”

She kicked him under the table. He got up and hobbled off.

“Mike, now don’t pretend you’re too drunk,” she said, “because you’re famous for carrying your liquor. I’m afraid I was lying when I told you I wasn’t a virgin.”

Shayne clucked. “Well, a girl of eighteen-”

“I’ll be nineteen in two weeks! Mike, I’m determined to get some experience on this Florida trip. I admire you tremendously! I’d really be very flattered if you’d-”

He wagged his head. “No.”

“Not under any conceivable circumstances?”

“Not under any conceivable circumstances.”

“Not even if we were on a boat alone on a hot night and we took an air mattress out on deck to look at the stars, and music was playing-”

“Not even then. I have great will power.”

He used some of it to stand up. He leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

“You’re a nice kid, Sally, and you’ve been a lot of help. I’ll drive you home after I make a phone call.”


He shook his head, smiling, and went to the phone. He dialed a number. A woman’s voice answered.

“Mike!” she said, pleased. “I take it you caught your rabbit?”

“A couple of rabbits. Are you free for dinner tonight?”

There was a pause. “Do you really want to wait that long?”

“I’ve been up all night. I thought-”

She laughed. “Mike, you nut, I have a bed.”

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