“I think we’re going to have to get that next time,” said Jack.
Stephen looked at the ladder. He wondered how to climb it — it didn’t start until his chest. He thought about it for a second and then jumped up to grab the highest rung he could reach. Next, he tried to pull himself up to grab the next rung. He managed to grasp it with his right hand, but he couldn't pull himself up more. Instead he bent his knees and raised his legs up to wrap them around the ladder. He felt his heel hit the back of the ladder and he pushed himself up to the next rung. At the top, he had to turn around to get his torso into the plywood passage.
Before sliding all the way in, he looked down. Jack still stood there, next to the ladder, admiring the artwork.
“Hey,” said Stephen. “You coming?”
“Yeah,” Jack replied. “I’ll be right there.”
Stephen waited a few more moments, but Jack hadn’t moved. “Today?” he said.
Jack looked up — “I said I’ll be right there.”
“C’mon, wake up.”
Stephen woke to Jack shaking him.
“Get up,” said Jack.
“Jeez, what time is it?” Stephen looked at the clock on the nightstand. “What’s wrong — it’s only seven- thirty. That’s like three hours sleep.”
“We can’t skip breakfast and act all tired,” said Jack. “My mom will get suspicious.”
Stephen wondered how suspicious she would be if she could see Jack right now. His face looked haunted by a much older Jack — the rings under his eyes, and fierce, determined stare were a far cry from Jack two weeks ago. To avoid an argument, Stephen decided to acquiesce and threw off his covers.
“Okay,” said Stephen. “Let me go brush my teeth.” He walked over to the dresser and rubbed his eyes. With one eye half open, he reached and opened the wrong drawer — the drawer that Ben had been using.
“Hey,” said Stephen, “You talk to Ben yet?” he turned and Jack had left the room. He thought of how different everything had been when Ben was around; he really missed Ben. Ten more days and he would be going home too. Stephen grabbed his toiletries from his drawer and headed off to the bathroom.
In the kitchen, Jack’s mom was making a large quantity of pancakes and Jack sat at the table.
“Good morning Stephen — sleep well?” Jack’s mom asked.
“Yes, thank you Ms. Randolph,” said Stephen.
“Hey Jack,” Stephen sat at the kitchen table, across from Jack, “have you gotten a call from Ben yet?”
“Nah,” said Jack, “he must have gone somewhere with his mom.”
“So what do you boys have on your agenda today?” asked Jack’s mom.
“Well, if it’s nice, we’d like to go outside,” said Jack. “But it’s up to you, mom. What do you think?”
“I think the weather is supposed to be good, so why don’t you go out and be back by lunch?”
“Okay, thanks,” said Jack.
Stephen took the juice that Jack’s mom offered and took a small sip. It tasted bad against the toothpaste flavor in his mouth, but he held it up to his face while he studied Jack. Stephen couldn’t tell if Jack was being sincere or not. He decided it didn’t matter; Jack's mom looked satisfied.
They ate in silence. Jack’s mom attempted to engage Stephen in conversation about his family, and school, but Stephen kept his answers short and eventually she stopped asking.
Jack finished first and cleared the table. “Thanks mom, that was great,” he said.
“Yeah, thanks Ms. Randolph.”
“It was my pleasure — you’re both very welcome,” she replied.
“You want to go upstairs for a little while?” Jack asked Stephen.
“Sure, Jack,” he followed Jack out of the kitchen and up to Jack’s room.
Jack closed the door behind them and went over to his dresser and opened his sock drawer.
“I want to take some of the letter money,” said Jack.
“What for?” asked Stephen.
“Just in case we have to buy something,” said Jack.
“Like what?”
“If I knew that, I’d probably tell you,” Jack smiled. Stephen didn’t trust Jack’s smiles lately.
“Okay,” he said. “I trust you’ll let me know at the time.”
“Oh yeah — you bet. Let’s get going, we have to be back by noon.”
Stephen packed up Ben's backpack — it was one of Jack’s old ones. It already had a bunch of appropriate gear, so it didn’t take long before he and Jack were on their way. Jack set a blistering pace, just short of a run, but Stephen kept up.
“Hey,” he called up to Jack. “What’s the deal with Ben? Looked like you didn’t want me asking about him in front of your mom.”
“Oh, I heard from him,” said Jack.
“Really? Why didn’t you say so — I want to talk to him.”
“We can call him later,” said Jack. “I didn’t want my mom to get all involved talking to Ben’s mom. My parents both think that she’s a bad mother, and I’m sure my mom will say something to piss her off. I just figured Ben could probably do without that right now.”
“Yeah, but you could have slipped the phone my direction,” Stephen argued.
“I’m sorry. I talked to him while you were asleep.”
“What, you were awake?” Stephen asked. “Don’t you sleep at all anymore?”
“Yeah,” said Jack. “I wish I didn’t sleep. It would sure help out over the school year.”
“Well, let’s call Ben when we get back,” said Stephen.
“No problem,” said Jack. “I’m psyched that we have an easy way in now.” Jack changed the subject.
“Yeah, that’s true,” affirmed Stephen. “What do you think is past that red room?”
“I think we’re almost to the end,” said Jack. “Probably not much further at all.”
“That would be good,” said Stephen. “The hotel is cool and all, but I kinda just want to see how the thing finishes.”
They walked from the woods path to the back of pasture behind the hotel, and Jack stopped when they got in sight of the hotel. Stephen paused and followed Jack’s eyes.
“It’s a big place,” said Jack. “There’s got to be a ton of extra space we haven’t even seen.”
“Do you think it's all crazy puzzles and traps?”
“I think it used to be a hotel way back,” said Jack. “But I think all that stuff was probably stripped out.”
“I wonder if your parents know anyone who stayed here?” pondered Stephen.
“My dad would be more likely to know someone who worked on something, you know, like an electrician or plumber or something,” said Jack.
“We should ask him about it,” said Stephen.
“No way — he would be too suspicious,” replied Jack.
They moved the brush and leaves, uncovering the step ladder and rope ladder and headed up the rocky drainage ditch to the side of hotel. Jack returned down the old grass path and looked for his fishing line trap that he had stretched across the path. He couldn’t find it where he expected to see it, so he backed up towards the hotel, scanning both sides of the path.
Finally, about fifteen feet closer to the hotel than he expected, he found his line cast to one side of the path. He picked up the stick and followed the line to where it should have been tied to the other stick, but he found only a snapped end. Jack glanced back at Stephen who was climbing up the ladder to get on top of the porch roof.
Scouting around, Jack found another stick and tied off the other end. He trotted back down the path and reset it. A sound in the woods grabbed his attention and he looked up.
Everything was still a bit wet from a rain shower that morning. Earlier, Jack had sat on the floor in his room, listening to the rain coming down and waiting for Stephen to wake up so they could return to the hotel. Now that he was finally back at the hotel, the woods distracted him. Across the field, the surrounding forest looked like a wall. The wet trunks of the trees were black and seemed to absorb the weak morning light. Jack backed slowly to the