“Learn anything?” she asked.
He turned to look into her shrewd gray eyes. As Lord Jarvis’s daughter, she probably knew more than almost anyone else in London about the delicate diplomatic maneuverings swirling around Ross’s death. Yet the fact that she was Jarvis’s daughter meant that Sebastian couldn’t trust her. And it occurred to him that the implications of that lack of trust did not bode well for their future together.
“What?” she said, her gaze hard on his face.
He shook his head. “Nothing.”
She raised one eyebrow. “Are you planning to tell me what makes you suspect that Alexander Ross did not, in fact, die peacefully in his sleep?”
Sebastian cast a meaningful glance about the glittering assembly. “This might not be the most appropriate setting for such a discussion.”
“I will be spending tomorrow morning at the site of the old Grayfriar’s Priory in Newgate. We can speak more freely there,” she said, and withdrew.
He watched her walk away, torn between amusement and annoyance and the unsettling realization that his coming marriage would alter his life in more ways than he could begin to envision.
From the distance came the peal of the city’s church bells, ringing out the half hour. Soon, it would be time to pay another, more surreptitious visit to Alexander Ross’s rooms on St. James’s Street. But first he had an important stop to make.
He ordered his carriage and set off for Covent Garden.
Auburn haired and beautiful, Kat Boleyn sat at her dressing table, the flickering candlelight casting a golden glow across her bare shoulders, her slender arms raised as she eased the pins from her dark hair. She looked up when he slipped into the room. Their eyes met in the mirror, and for one telling moment her breath caught.
She was the toast of the London stage, an actress famed for both her talent and her beauty. She was also the natural daughter of Alistair St. Cyr, the Fifth Earl of Hendon, and the love of Sebastian’s life.
“Devlin,” she whispered. She did not move.
He stood for a moment, his shoulders pressed against the closed door behind him. He had loved this woman for nearly a third of his life. Once, he’d sworn to make her his wife and to hell with the consequences. Then fate and a long, sordid tangle of lies had intervened. Now she was married to a man named Russell Yates, a dashing privateer whose secret sexual inclinations remained one of the few taboos still rigidly enforced by their otherwise lax society. While Sebastian ...
Sebastian was about to marry the daughter of his worst enemy.
He said, “I’m sorry for coming here, but I had to see you.”
She studied his face in the mirror. The effects of too many sleepless nights and too many brandies would be obvious to anyone who knew him as well as Kat. She said, “I’d heard you were wounded. Are you all right?”
He touched his arm, injured the week before in a fight to catch the killer of the Bishop of London. “It’s stiff, but that is all.” He drew a deep breath. “There’s something I must tell you. I’ve asked Miss Hero Jarvis to be my wife.”
She let out a strange sound that might have been a shaky laugh. “I suppose there must be a reason for this. But I can’t at the moment imagine what it is.”
“There is a reason.” It was all he could say. He supposed the reason would be obvious enough in a few months’ time, but it was not something he ever intended to confirm. He owed Miss Jarvis that.
“Does Hendon know?”
“Of the marriage? No.”
“I think you should be the one to tell him.”
When he didn’t answer, she drew in a quick breath, and then another. Yet her voice was still a harsh whisper when she said, “You know I wish you happy, Sebastian.” She hesitated, as if searching for something pleasant to say. “She ... she does not seem overly much like her father.”
“No. I don’t believe she is.”
She said, “I hear you are investigating the death of Alexander Ross.”
He was startled enough to smile. “Is there anyone in London who does not know of it at this point?”
“Probably not.”
He studied the familiar contours of her face, the wide, sensual mouth and childlike nose, the intense blue eyes she had inherited from her father. He knew that once she had worked for the French, passing along secrets she hoped would aid her mother’s people, the Irish. It had been more than a year now since she’d severed her connections to Napoleon’s agents. But that had been before—when they’d still been lovers, the truth of the connection between them blissfully unknown. It was possible, he supposed, that her relationship with the French had been resumed. He knew that her husband, Yates, still maintained his contacts with the smugglers who plied the perilous waters between England and the Continent.
He said, “Have you heard anything about Ross’s death?”
She shook her head. “No. But I can make some inquiries, if you’d like.”
“It might be helpful to know more about his activities.”
“I’ll let you know if I learn anything.”
She pushed up from her bench and turned to face him, her hands at her sides, her fingers curling around the edge of the table behind her. She wore only a petticoat, and a chemise beneath a short corset; he could see the heavy velvet folds of her costume thrown over a nearby chest. Her breasts were high and full, swelling above the confines of her corset. Her eyes shone wide and luminous in the candlelight, and for one dangerous moment out of time, he lost himself in looking at her.
She said, “I never would have married you. You know that, don’t you? I’ve been saying it for nearly ten years now.”
“If things had turned out differently, I could have made you change your mind. Eventually.”
She laughed at that, a low, sad laugh rich with love and all the years they’d lost and all the years they’d shared. “Oh, Sebastian. Always so cocksure and arrogant, so certain that somehow the world can be put to right.” Her smile faded and she gave a little shake of her head. “I realized long ago that if I truly loved you—and I do—that I couldn’t ruin you by marrying you. The only way I could ever have married you is if I were to fall out of love with you, and that will never happen.”
He felt an ache pull across his chest, but he managed to keep his own tone light. “Is this supposed to make me feel better?”
“It would, if you could ever be brought to believe it.”
“I can’t.”
“Believe it, Sebastian. Believe it.”
She came to him then, her skin soft beneath his touch, her hair sliding across his fingers as he drew her close, her lips yielding to his. It was a kiss of heartbreak and hopeless passion, of a wild, all-consuming yearning.
And a last good-bye.
She was the one who pulled away first. But still her lips came back to brush his, again and again, before she finally brought her fingers up to press them against his mouth. “I will always love you,” she said, her forehead touching his, her breath mingling hard with his. “And I know you will always love me. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to love someone else.”
He looked into her blue St. Cyr eyes. “And you, Kat? Have you learned to love Yates?”
She drew back then, her lips swollen from his kisses, her chest sill rising and falling with her rapid breathing.