are to write it without error in your best handwriting,

without blots or misspelings.

You wil return this essay to me by Thursday.

The note listed the same post-office box as before.

I blinked and read the note again as heat rose in my

cheeks. I closed it and put it aside. I shouldn't have read it.

It wasn't for me.

I opened it again, read over the words in that fluid,

beautiful hand that gave away nothing of its origin, and

something twisted inside me. Finest paper and best ink.

Already I could feel my fingers curving around the pen,

could imagine the words unscroling under the tip as I put

my secret thoughts onto paper. I even knew the paper I

would use. Creamy white, unlined, bordered in gold. It

was the perfect sheet to use for writing something so

was the perfect sheet to use for writing something so

intimate and explicit as had been demanded. I had only

two sheets.

I folded the card carefuly and slipped it back into the

envelope, closing it up as tenderly as I might pul the

blankets higher on a lover next to me in bed when I woke

to a chil. I pushed it away from me on the table, and

folded my hands while I stared at it. The mystery of who

was sending these notes, these lists, had been

overshadowed by the more intriguing enigma of why.

I got up from the table and puled a glass of water from the

tap, but even though I drank it back in a few quick gulps,

more the way a practiced drinker wil take whiskey than

water, it didn't cool the heat rising in my throat to my

cheeks. I turned, my back to the counter, and leaned. The

note sat on my table. Not accusing.


In a long, long list of sexual experiences, what would I

consider my most erotic? Not the first time I ever sucked a

guy off, or the first time I came from someone's else's

hand. Not the first time I ever fucked, either. Al of those

had been memorable. I'd had a lot of sex, a lot of it good.

had been memorable. I'd had a lot of sex, a lot of it good.

Quite a bit bad. I had a long list of experiences I could

have written, but what was the one worthy of my finest

paper? My best ink?

I busied myself with cleaning my tidy kitchen but was

unable to put the list from my mind. The first few notes had

been simple, if enigmatic, instructions. Eat oatmeal. Work

out. Be beautiful. It had been something of a game, these

suggestions implanted in my brain and leading me toward

the choices I'd have probably made anyway even without

the suggestions. But this…this was different. What had

seemed harmless before had become slightly more sinister.

Also, a heluva lot sexier.

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