discharge his duties. He had unmasked six ci-devant aristocrats that day and the Minister of Justice had personally commended him for the zeal with which he served the people.

Corderro found himself propelled along by the crowd until he was standing by the West Barricade, where a sizable throng had already gathered to watch Sergeant Bibot put on his show. A large and heavy man with a florid face and bristling moustaches, Bibot was squeezed into his ill-fitting uniform like ten pounds of flour packed into a five-pound sack. A long line of carts and pedestrians was already cued up, held back by Bibot’s men until such time as the audience was built up to a suitable size. There was a great feeling of camaraderie and anticipation in the air as Sergeant Bibot strutted to his post taking time to pause so that he could exchange pleasantries with some of his regular observers, be slapped upon the back and, he hoped, admired by the young women m the crowd, whom he greeted with exaggerated winks and blown kisses. Corderro thought that he was going to be sick. He felt all wound up inside and his skin was clammy. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were shaking.

Sergeant Bibot began to have the people brought up, one at a time, so that he could examine them and pass them through. The people in the crowd called out encouragement and suggestions.

“There, that one! That beard looks false! Give it a good, hard yank, Sergeant Bibot!”

“Why don’t you come here and yank it, you miserable son of a Royalist bootlicker!” shouted the owner of the beard, a burly farmer.

“I’ll do more than yank your phony beard, you bastard!” yelled the first man as he ran forward and tried to climb up on the cart, only to be pulled away at the last minute by Bibot’s soldiers.

“Peace, Citizen!” cried Sergeant Bibot, melodramatically holding up his hand. “All will be settled momentarily!” Turning to the farmer, Sergeant Bibot smiled pleasantly, wished him a good day and asked him to excuse the zeal of the good citizen who was only anxious that ci-devant aristocrats be brought to justice. “Purely as a matter of form,” said Sergeant Bibot, “would you consent to showing me your hands?”

The farmer grunted and held out his hands, turning them from palms down to palms up.

“ Merci,” said Sergeant Bibot. “These are the roughened, calloused hands of a working man,” he said to the crowd. “No aristo would have hands such as these. And the beard appears to be quite genuine,” he added for good measure. “A fine, luxuriant growth it is, to boot!”

He clapped the grinning farmer on the back and passed him through as the crowd applauded. The process continued as Bibot intently examined everyone who sought egress through the gate, making a show of it and striving to entertain those he examined as well as the people in the crowd.

A large and heavy wagon filled with wine casks came up next and Bibot made a great show of opening each cask and checking to see if anyone was concealed inside. His examination revealed no concealed aristocrats and Bibot passed the wagon through. Several others he allowed to pass with only the most cursory inspection, as the drivers were known to him having regularly passed through his gate twice a day on their way to and from the city. An undercurrent of hostility swept through the crowd as an elegant coach drew up and stopped at Sergeant Bibot’s post.

Surely, no aristocrat would be so great a fool as to attempt leaving Paris so conspicuously. Several of the people in the crowd, close enough to see inside the coach, recognized one of its occupants and word soon spread throughout the mob that this was no person worthy of derision, but the very beautiful and famous Marguerite St. Just, that celebrated actress of the Comedie Francaise, whose brother, Armand St. Just, was a leading figure of the Revolution and a member of the Committee of Public Safety.

Citoyenne St. Just had recently caused a bit of a scandal when she married that wealthy English baronet, Sir Percy Blakeney, thus becoming Lady Blakeney, but no one could accuse her of being an aristocrat, much less a Royalist. The popular actress was well known as an ardent Republican and a believer in equality of birth. “Inequality of fortune,” she was fond of saying, “is merely an untoward accident. The only inequality I recognize and will admit to is inequality of talent.” As a result of this belief, her charming salon in the Rue Richelieu had been reserved for originality and intellect, for wit and brilliance. She had entertained members of the theatrical profession, well-known writers and famous philosophes, and the occasional foreign dignitary, which was how she had met Sir Percy Blakeney.

It came as quite a shock to those within her circle when she married Blakeney. They all thought that he was quite beneath her, intellectually speaking. A prominent figure in fashionable European society, he was the son of the late Sir Algernon Blakeney, whose wife had succumbed to imbecility. The elder Blakeney took his stricken wife abroad and there his son was raised and educated. When Algernon Blakeney died, shortly following the death of his wife, Percy inherited a considerable fortune, which allowed him to travel abroad extensively before returning to his native England. He had cultivated his tastes for fashion and the finer, more expensive things in life. A pleasant fellow with a sophomoric sense of humor, Blakeney was a fashion plate and a bon vivant, but he made no pretense to being an intellectual. It would have been ludicrous, since he was hopelessly dull and generally thought to be a fool. He was totally enraptured with his wife and seemed perfectly content with remaining in the background and basking in her glow. Marguerite’s friends were all at a loss to understand why she had married him, unless his slavish devotion pleased her. However, though Marguerite St. Just might have been found wanting in her abilities to select a fitting husband, she could not be faulted for her politics. While the sight of Blakeney at the window of the coach provoked some unfavorable comments and some jeers, the appearance of his wife beside him was greeted with a scattering of applause.

“I say there,” Blakeney said in perfect, if accented, French, “what seems to be the difficulty, Sergeant? Why this tedious delay?”

Bibot appraised him with obvious distaste. The man was both rich and English, which were two counts against him from the start, but when he saw the well-known actress, his manner changed and he removed his hat and gave a little bow.

“Your pardon, Citoyenne,” said Bibot, totally ignoring Blakeney, “but everyone must be passed through one at a time, so that I may prevent the escape of any aristocratic enemies of the Republic.”

“Aristocratic enemies?” said Blakeney. “Good Lord! Does this mean that we are to be detained?”

Bibot glanced at Blakeney the way a fastidious cook might look upon a cockroach discovered in her kitchen. “Your wife, monsieur, is a well-known friend of the Republic and you, though an aristocrat, are obviously English, which assures your safety, at least for the time being.”

“Oh, well, thank the Lord for that,” said Blakeney, fluttering a lace handkerchief before his nose. “Then we shall be allowed to pass?”

“ I see no reason why you should not be-”

At that moment, a captain came galloping up to Sergeant Bibot, scattering all those in his way. His slightly skittish horse caused Bibot to back off some steps to stand before the Blakeneys’ coach.

“Has a cart gone through?” the captain demanded.

“I have passed through several carts,” Bibot began.

“A cart… a wagon… Loaded with wine casks…”

Bibot frowned. “Yes, there was one, driven by an old wine merchant and his son. But I examined each and every cask and-”

“You fool!” cried the captain. “You checked the empty wine casks, but did you examine the wagon itself?”

“Why, no…” said Bibot, nervously.

“Idiot! That wagon concealed the Duc de Chalis and his children! They’ve managed to escape, thanks to you!”

I say there, Sergeant,” Sir Percy said, stepping down from the coach, “are we to be allowed to pass or-”

“How long ago did they go through?” the captain said

“Why, only a short while-” said Bibot.

“Then there may yet be time to stop them! If they escape, Sergeant, you shall pay for this with your head! You had best pray that I can catch them!”

No, thought Corderro, not children! They can’t guillotine innocent children! Forgetting his strict orders not to interfere, Corderro leaped out in front of the horse just as the captain set spurs to the animal’s flanks. Eyes rolling, the horse reared and threw the captain, who knocked Blakeney to the ground as he fell. Corderro smashed a hard right into Sergeant Bibot’s face and at the same time wrenched the sergeant’s pistol from his waistband. He spun around, but the fallen captain had managed to get his own pistol out. Still, Corderro was quicker and he fired first, sending a ball into the captain’s chest. The captain fired as well, but instead of shooting Corderro, the ball went

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