apprehend you. But you must have donesomething to arouse their suspicion. Think. What have you done recently thatmight have drawn their attention to you?”

Marshall shook his head. “I tell you. I can’t think ofanything!”

You had to have done something.”

Marshall shrugged helplessly.

“Have you done anything different lately? Anything that wasout of your ordinary pattern of existence? Anything at all?”

Marshall frowned. “The only thing I’ve done recently that I’venever done before was fix a chariot race.”

Simmons frowned. “When?”

“A couple of days ago. But I can’t see how they couldpossibly know about that.”

“Why did you do that’”

“It was Steiger’s idea. He knows I’ve had contact with MarcAntony and he wanted to use that contact to get next to Caesar. So he had mefix the race so he could take Antony for a bundle, which would give him thechance to play the gracious winner and entertain Antony and his friends on hiswinnings.”

“And you haven’t done anything else out of the ordinary?”


“Then that must have been it. Somehow they figured out therace was fixed and that you fixed it.” I don’t get it,” Marshall said. “Even ifthey found that out, and I don’t see how the hell they could have, why shouldthat make them suspect me of anything other than being a crook?”

“You’re not thinking. Marshall. They’re on the lookout forany pattern of events that could connect to Caesar. If you arranged for Steigerto win a conspicuous amount of money from Marc Antony and that led to Antonyintroducing him to Caesar, it was something that would obviously attract theirattention. Especially since Steiger came out of nowhere and suddenly he’sinteracting with key figures in this scenario.”

“So that’s what that invitation from Septimus was all about!”said Marshall with sudden realization. “that’s why they asked me to bring thecharioteers! They wanted to have a chance to look us over!”

“Who’s Septimus’?”

“He’s an L.T.O. named Travers, who’s been assigned to Caesar,”Marshall explained. “Steiger warned me about him at the party. He wanted tomake sure I kept my distance from him and the adjustment team.”

“Oh. that’s nice. Any other little details you convenientlyforgot to mention?” Simmons asked dryly.

“I’m sorry. I meant to tell you about him, but-”

“But you were too busy worrying about your own skin.”

“Okay, so I’ve been under a lot of pressure. You think it’sbeen easy for me? Anyway, that must explain it. Septimus.. that is, Travers.knows who I am. I don’t mean who I really am. I mean he knows whoMarcian is. If they somehow tumbled to the fact that the race was fixed.Travers probably figured out that I was the only one in a position to do it.That must be why they’re having me watched. They can’t really know anything;they’re just not taking any chances. They’d never recognize Steiger with hisnew face and they don’t realize he’s here undercover. backing them up.”

“Then it follows that they’d have him under surveillance,too,” said Simmons. “For all they know, he could be S.O.G. This is turning intoa regular Chinese fire drill. If he’s not careful, he’s only going to wind upinterfering with their mission.”

“We can’t allow that to happen.” Marshall said. “A temporaldisruption would affect us all.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Simmons snapped. “If he spotsthe surveillance they’ve put on him, he’s either going to figure out they’reworking at cross-purposes and break cover, or he’ll think it’s the S.O.G. andtake out whoever they’ve got watching him. Then they’ll be convinced that he’sthe opposition, and by the time they get everything straightened out, it couldbe too late.”

“So what are we going to do?” asked Marshall.

“I’m almost tempted to play them off against each other,”Simmons said. “It would really be something to make Steiger’s plan backfire onhim and have his own friends take him out for us. But with the S.O.G. around,that would be taking too much of a chance. We’re just going to have to getSteiger to break cover and start working with the others before he screwseverything up.”

“But then he won’t be on his own anymore,” said Marshall. “Hewon’t be as vulnerable. If you try to move against him then, he’ll have theadjustment team to back him up.”

“So we’ll simply wait until they’ve completed their adjustment.”Simmons said. “Then, if necessary, we’ll take them all out.”

“You must be crazy,” Marshall said. “Going up against Steiger’sbad enough, but I’m not about to try to take on a whole adjustment team!”

“No one’s asking you to.” said Simmons. “You let me worryabout that.”

“Yeah? And suppose you blow it? They’ll he coming after me!Unh-unh. There’s no way I’m going to take that kind of chance. I’m the one who’sgot the most to lose here. You want to take out Steiger. fine, but you stayaway from that adjustment team!”

“Or else what?” asked Simmons softly.

“You just stay away from them, that’s all. I’m not about torisk everything that I’ve built up here just because you want to be a cowboy,Simmons. Remember, I’m the one who called you in. I’m the one who gave youSteiger on a platter. And I’m going to be the one to call the shots.”

“I don’t think so.” Simmons said.

He drew his laser and shot Marshall in the chest.


It was one of the most fascinating evenings Lucas had everspent. It was an intimate party, himself and Andre. Travers, Caesar andCleopatra. The Queen of Egypt had provided a sumptuous repast, seven coursesserved with excellent Greek wines. A trio of musicians played softly andunobtrusively throughout the meal on cithara, lyre. and pan pipe. There were nojugglers or acrobats or midget wrestlers, merely silent and attentive slaveswho brought them food and kept their goblets filled, under the watchful eye ofApollodorus.

Caesar was relaxed and loquacious in Cleopatra’s presence.He was delighted to discover that “Marcus” was a student of his campaigns andthey spent long hours discussing his wars against the Helvetii and the Nervii,the invasion of Gaul by the German tribes, the campaigns against Vercingetorixand the Aedui and the civil war against Pompey. Lucas quickly realized whyTravers had such affection for the man and why Caesar’s soldiers had alwaysfelt such a fierce loyalty toward him. Caesar had an enormous amount ofcharisma. He was a man of strong personality. He was quick-witted, with a senseof humor, an unintimidating manner, and a way of knowing how to make peoplefeel comfortable around him. He was a fascinating and compellingconversationalist, but he also knew how to listen, an ability rarely found inmen with large egos. He conveyed a sense of tremendous forcefulness and drivethat was restrained. yet capable of being unleashed at any time. As Andre putit later. he was. quite simply. a very sexy man.

Lucas was constantly aware of Apollodorus throughout theevening. And of Caesar’s Egyptian bodyguard. Most of them were stationedoutside, but there were four of them present during the meal, two on eitherside of each entrance to the room. Their eyes never left the party at thetable. Several times, Lucas caught Apollodorus staring at him intently. Hesmiled at him, but got no response. Apollodorus remained impassive. Caesarnoticed Lucas glancing at the guards and gave Lucas and Travers the openingthat they’d been waiting for.

“A grim-looking bunch, are they not?” said Caesar. “I amsorry if they make you feel uncomfortable. Apollodorus. tell them to take theirposts outside. I very much doubt that I will be set upon in here.” Apollodorushesitated a fraction of a second, then moved to comply with Caesar’s order.

“Do they go with you everywhere?” asked Lucas.

“Everywhere.” said Caesar wearily. if I would let them. Ithink they would sleep at the foot of my bed. Cleopatra means to protect myimperial person from murderous shopkeepers and senators.”

“You joke.” said Cleopatra somberly. “but you have manyenemies. There are men in Rome who resent your power over them. You should nottreat such things so lightly.”

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