of her husband. Oh, she's sneaky about it… but hell… I don't want to get involved, in any way… with any woman… while her husband's around! What's she thinking about… anyway?

He was flattered, of course… but his built-in sense of decency wouldn't allow him even to think about a dalliance… attractive and beautiful as Vivian Williams was! The first chance I get… I'll have to put her straight! She's wasting her time… as long as Lois… and her husband… are in the picture!

Harry stopped for lunch in the village, insisting the four of them all have a full meal instead of a snack. He ordered up martinis to sharpen their appetites. As they had gotten into the booth, Vivian sat next to Stan. He was uncomfortable about it, especially when he felt the long, warm taper of her thigh pressed close against his.

Stan tasted his martini. It was good; then, as he tried to follow some conversational gambit of Harry's, a long, involved story concerning some happening in his work, Vivian's hand stole over to his thigh, her fingers feathering upward toward his crotch. Damn! She's persistent…! And, there was no doubt in his mind, any longer, concerning her intentions.

Her little innuendos, touchings and brushings began to pay-off for Vivian, now. As she brushed upward, ever so lightly, she detected a throbbing jerk, transmitted through the material of his trousers… and she knew that she had made some progress. His cock's getting hard… now! It's going to be fun… to get him up when he can't do anything about it! Then later… when I get him alone. MMMmmmmm! It'll be real yummy!

Now, her hand was in his groin, and her fingers traced the outline of his hardening penis inside his pants. Mentally, she tried to calculate its dimensions, as she felt along it's hot length. There's nothing ordinary about this.

Above, widely innocent grey eyes seemingly concentrated on her husband's lengthy story, Stan stole a sidelong glance at her profile. Christ! She's really playing with fire…! He decided, then, that her little games would have to come to an end… at least until he could talk to her. There was no way he'd play… unless he knew what the ground rules were. The way she's going at it… almost anything could happen… if her husband found out!

Firmly, he grasped her wrist, under the table… and with equal firmness, resolutely, returned her hand to her own lap. Vivian turned and smiled, questioningly, at him, her lower lip trembling. She didn't understand his action. Nothing like that had ever happened to her, before… and she interpreted it as rejection. Another possibility crossed her mind, then, but a quick glance at his wife, whose lush blonde beauty and obvious desirability gave the lie to that idea… caused her to change her mind. No! He couldn't be a gay one… at least I don't think so…! But there was a tiny doubt in her mind; she couldn't shake it, completely. Of course… sometimes even their wives don't know about them…

Finally, Harry's story was finished. The waitress brought their lunches. The food was tasty and enjoyable. Afterward, they all had another drink, before venturing out for the afternoon.

While Vivian's husband paid the luncheon check and Lois made for the Ladies' Lounge, Stan was alone with her… for the first time.

He leaned in close to her and hissed between clenched teeth, 'Listen… I think you're damned attractive… sexy as hell, as a matter of fact… but I don't get why you're doing what you're doing… right in front of that big gorilla of a husband of your's!'

Vivian smiled with relief. 'Oh… you do like me… then? I was afraid…'

'Afraid that I wouldn't?'

'Well… yes you didn't seem to react…'

'Did you expect me to do something stupid… in front of your husband and my wife…?'

'Not really… I just wanted you to know I…'

'You let me know one thing… loud and clear, baby! You're a little cock-teaser… so lay off… unless you're serious!' Stan ground out at her.

'It'll be worth your while… if you want to meet me somewhere!' she promised.

'Like where…?'

'On the ridge… up above the camp…?'

'Out in the open… and take a chance on your husband finding us? Not on your life!'

'You don't understand about my husband. I'd have to have time to explain…'

'As much as I'd like to… sample your wares, Mrs. Williams… the fact is… there's too much risk… and I'm not willing to risk crossing that husband of yours!'

'Harry wouldn't do anything! As a matter of fact… he'd…' Vivian stopped. Lois was coming toward them, and Harry was pocketing his change at the cashier's counter.

'He'd what…?'

'They're coming… no time to tell you, now… but will you meet me… tonight… like I suggested…?'

'I told you… the answer is no!'

Vivian was hurt. She'd never had a man turn down her offer… to take him to bed, and she didn't know what to think… or what to do. She decided to give up the pursuit! Damn it… it's not worth it! I practically throw myself at him… and he tells me, 'No thank you… I'm not having any!' I wonder more and more maybe he is some kind of a closet queen!

Her husband was there, big and jovial; he knew something had gone amiss. It was confirmed when Vivian looked up at him, her eyes miserable in defeat, and said, 'Harry, darling… could I beg off… for the rest of the day? I'm getting one of those sick headaches… and… I'd just be an awful wet blanket… for everybody else…'

'Why… of course, Vivian… if you're not feeling right!' Harry sympathized.

'Oh, that's too bad, Vivian… you'll need some rest… so why don't we just call off the rest of our little tour?' Lois suggested.

'There's no need for that…' Harry said, trying to keep things together and going.

'I think that's best… too!' Stan added. '… And, we sure do thank you for taking us around to see the sights…'

'And… thank you for the lunch… too!' Lois said.

Harry Williams followed his wife inside their trailer. Closing and locking the door, he turned to her and asked, fiercely, 'Well… what the hell happened?'

'He wasn't having any!' Vivian grated, vehemently.

'You mean… he turned you down… flat?'

'Yeah he seemed to think I was being too forward in front of you… and his wife!'

'Maybe… he's just being cautious…'

'I suppose…' she agreed. 'He was afraid of being caught by you!'

'In other words… if I wasn't around he might not be scared off… is that it?'

'Maybe… but I got this crazy idea while I was talking to him that he might be…' She stopped, realizing she had no real basis for thinking of Stan Brewster that way.

'What? What are you trying to say?' Harry prodded.

'Well… that he wasn't… all man…'

'You think he might be gay?' He was incredulous. 'Christ! I never thought of that!'

'… Except… he did have a nice, big erection!' she told her husband, remembering how she had felt its throbbing heat in Stan's pants.

'Well, hell… what are you worried about, then?'

Vivian sat down on the edge of the bed. 'Well… he was almost prissy… when he took my hand off of it… and told me not to touch him… unless I was serious…'

'… Unless you were serious…?' Harry repeated. 'I think you're wrong! He's interested… all right… but he's not taking any chances! After all I'm a pretty big guy… and he wouldn't want to tangle with me! You can't blame him for that… not many guys would be willing to…! And, too… maybe you came on too strong!'

Tears glistened in Vivian's expressive, gray eyes. 'I–I'm not going to go through with it… Harry! I was practically throwing myself at him… and he wouldn't have anything to-to do with me!'

'No! God damn it! I'm going to get into those tight hot pants! I want to fuck that Brewster woman so bad I can taste it! Christ! It took every bit of will-power I've got to keep my hands off of her… waiting for you to score with that stupid son-of-a-bitch… and you know damned good and well… that the way we work it… it's always a sure thing!'

'Except this time, Harry!' she flared. 'A-And I don't want to get turned down… again even for you! It makes

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