balls of blue fire kept appearing on my palms. I flung them at the attacking serpents. None of the snakes attacked the men around me. They had a singular purpose-to get to me. The men inched closer and stood in a protective stance on both sides of me, attacking any snakes that got close.
A large black plume of smoke was curling skyward as more and more of the snakes burned. The power from deep inside me never felt like it was showing signs of quitting. I, on the other hand, was getting exhausted.
'Are you all right?' someone near me asked.
'Fine…just enjoying the barbecue here,' I replied, throwing two large orbs of fire at a group of snakes. Immediately, two balls flared up again in my hands.
The men around me cheered as the fireballs smashed into the snakes.
After what seemed a good hour, the snakes stopped coming up from the three large holes in the ground. The men around me cheered and then knelt down facing me.
'No, no, no…no kneeling. Please, stand up,' I said, embarrassed.
The men said nothing. They just stared at me.
'Really, please stand up. You guys were awesome,' I said.
'You saved us, Heckel,' said one older man holding a baseball bat.
In unison, the men cheered again and waved whatever weapon they had in their hands high in the air. I walked over toward the three dark, ominous holes. The power inside me grew as if it knew what needed to be done. Two large blue balls appeared once again on my palms. I pitched them both at the center hole. The ground exploded. After the dust settled, the hole was totally sealed up as if a wound had been cauterized. The other two holes received the same treatment.
'Take that, Madeline,' I yelled, wondering if she heard me.
Several men were already picking up our fallen soldiers. 'How many did we lose?' I asked.
'Looks like around twenty-five or so.'
'We need to have a funeral service immediately,' I said.
'Absolutely. We'll have the graves dug within the next few hours.'
Just as we were finishing up talking about the funeral arrangements and other unpleasant matters, like who would be the bearer of bad news to relatives, I looked around and saw the rest of the entire town walking out to our battlefield. I couldn't find Sela and my insides got that nervous butterfly feeling.
I ran toward our house. As I approached, I saw Sela sitting on the front porch in tears. She jumped up and ran to me.
'Heckel, I'm so sorry,' she said hugging my neck to the point where I almost choked.
'What's wrong?'
'I can't find Jerky. When I got here, there were already snakes around the house. I yelled for Jerky, but nothing. I managed to find a path around the snakes, get in the house and find my guns. I killed most of the snakes around the house and luckily no others came. But I still haven't found Jerky.'
Before I could even open my mouth to yell for the cat, I spotted her up on the porch roof. She meowed loudly, jumped and ran toward me. A few feet away from me, she lunged into the air as if her tail had been a spring. I grabbed her as she landed on my chest. Her sandpaper-like tongue licked my cheek feverishly until I thought she had ground a hole in it.
Sela started crying harder as she petted Jerky. 'Where the hell were you? You scared the shit out of me.'
Jerky turned her head and started to lick Sela's nose, making her laugh.
'Thanks for saving her life,' I said, caressing Sela's cheek.
'I was beside myself.'
'Regardless, you saved her.'
Sela hugged me and asked how the battle went.
'Can we go in and sit down? I feel exhausted and a bit queasy.' I felt wobbly and Sela put her arm around my waist, helping me inside. The minute I sat down on the couch I fell asleep.
A few hours later, there was a soft knock on the front door. I heard Sela telling whomever it was that I was asleep. I got up and walked to the door. 'I'm awake. Anything wrong?' I asked.
Jack was at the door and said that the funeral for the men was starting in about fifteen minutes.
'We'll be there,' I said.
'Would you mind saying a few words?' Jack asked.
'Umm…I'm not very good with words,' I said haltingly.
Before I could say another thing, Sela said that I most definitely would. I gave her a wide-eyed look, complete with pursed lips.
After Jack left, we hurried cleaning ourselves up, changing into fresh shirts and pants that weren't covered in snake blood. 'I don't know what to say to these people who lost their loved ones. I'll stumble all over myself,' I said, fidgeting with buttoning my shirt.
'Look Heckel, these men sacrificed themselves for you,' Sela said.
'Me? I don't think so,' I said defensively, flashing her a sarcastic look.
'Think what you want, but these men paid a great price. I know you will do great. You just need more confidence in yourself.'
She hit a nerve, actually several nerves, and I stopped bellyaching and began thinking of what I would say. The graveyard was packed and people were elbow to elbow next to the deep holes waiting for their new residents. Jack motioned for Sela and me to join him near a few of the open graves. Fortunately, the bodies were already wrapped and placed in the graves.
An elderly woman started singing a hymn. I didn't recognize it, but there were a lot of people who joined in. After a few minutes, I was at least able to join in on the chorus.
Jack led the service. He read from different scriptures, said a prayer and then asked people to come forward to speak. After about a half hour, he motioned for me to come forward. 'Heckel will now say a few words.'
My mouth suddenly felt like Death Valley. Okay, not the best choice of words to float into my head. As I walked over to the edge of a grave, I could feel that unexplainable power well up inside of me. Nervously, I looked around expecting to see some evil manifestation on the edge of the gathering. Nothing. No blue flames erupted from the center of my hands. Instead, I felt an inner strength and confidence.
The speech I gave came from the heart. It was laced with humor and hope. When I was done, the smile from Sela's face looked like it was going to split her head wide open. Discreetly, she flashed a thumbs-up. As I went back to stand beside her, she put her arm around me and hugged tightly.
As soon as Jack finished the service, someone yelled, 'Heckel, what next?'
Some two hundred plus pairs of eyes stared at me. The silence was overwhelming. Mother Nature even quieted the birds, crickets and the wind as if waiting to hear what I had to say. Now I was really nervous and started to almost hyperventilate. Sela even gave me a questioning look, but it quickly transformed into something more encouraging.
'Well, um…I…ah…um…I'm not sure what…'
'We're going to Oregon,' Sela yelled. Now all two hundred pairs of eyes flashed at her.
'What's in Oregon?' someone yelled.
Before I could open my mouth and utter something ridiculous, someone yelled, 'We're going with you.' The crowd began murmuring. I grinned because it reminded me of watching movies and hearing the murmur from a crowd. I often wondered what they were actually murmuring. A college theater friend told me once what she was told to murmur and I think it had to do with rutabagas and some other vegetable.
Jack took a few steps in front of me. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'Heckel, it's obvious you have the power, the…ah…ability to end Madeline's reign of anarchy and destruction.'
I cocked my head and gave him a disbelieving look.
'Hellooo,' Sela said sarcastically. 'Do you see any other people with balls of searing blue heat erupting from their hands and barbecuing snakes for dinner?'
'No,' I said, drawing out the word. Several people around us sniggered.
'What's in Oregon?' someone yelled again.
Before Sela could interject, I yelled, 'I'm not sure, but I think it's where we engage Madeline.'
'And take the fucking bitch down!' someone way in the back yelled. Now that fueled the crowd.