'No, of course not. However, I am convinced that good will prevail and we will restore our planet to be focused on the right path. For the longest time, mankind has been stuck. We were supposed to become more and more enlightened. Instead, evil and corruption gained a foothold that eventually led to our downfall. The journey toward enlightenment peaked maybe somewhere, and then we started sliding. Sliding toward darkness, hatred and indifference. Jerky told me-'

Sela put up her hand to stop him. 'What? Jerky told you? Since when does your cat talk?'

Heckel looked sheepish as if he had just swallowed a canary. 'Well, I should have told you this earlier. Jerky and I shared a wonderful bottle of Zinfandel the other night.'


He told Sela about his ride with Tempest out to view Madeline's forces and how Jerky had transformed into a young woman.

'Why a woman?' she asked, trying to hide her jealousy.

'Yeah, I asked the same question. Jerky asked me if I'd prefer a young man. I-'

'Why didn't she just talk to you as a cat?' Sela interrupted, feeling a little pouty and ridiculous for being jealous of his guardian angel.

'I have no idea. Wait. Are you jealous?' Heckel asked as he stroked her cheek.

Sela didn't reply, but she did enjoy his touch.

'Jerky is my guardian angel. You don't get jealous over an angel,' Heckel said, giving her a reassuring hug. She felt him laugh slightly.

'You're right as usual. Sorry. It was just a sudden burst of emotion from a woman who has way too many hormones racing through her body, not to mention that the father of her child is leading an epic battle against evil tomorrow.'

Heckel laughed and hugged her tighter.

'So, what did she say?' Sela asked.

Heckel went on to describe the whole encounter. He became a bit more animated when he was recounting the appearance of Barker. When he was done, she hugged him tighter. She just didn't want the moment ever to stop. They lay there for the longest time just enjoying each other's warmth. He stroked her hair and she fell asleep.

'What is that heavenly smell?' Heckel said as he leaned on one elbow.

Sela took a whiff of the air and immediately was treated to the aroma of bacon. They both inhaled simultaneously picking up a new scent and together shouted, 'Cinnamon rolls!'

Heckel threw the covers back and quickly started to get dressed. Arms were flailing as they bumped into each other. It almost appeared as if they were racing to see who could get dressed the fastest. Heckel won. He unzipped the tent and stuck his head out.

'Oh…my…God,' he exclaimed slowly as he took another huge sniff after each punctuated word.

Sela pushed him out of the tent. As soon as he stood up, he reached in to help her out. They both stood there with their mouths open, feeling as if their lower lips were touching the ground. Their salivating glands went into hyperdrive.

'Good morning you two,' a young woman said as she stirred a frying pan full of scrambled eggs. Sela looked at the other large pan that had strips of bacon and several small steaks. Sitting off to the side of the campfire was a pan of large aromatic cinnamon rolls that practically had a tractor beam on her. When Sela finally yanked her eyes off the rolls, she looked over and saw Rose pouring two cups of coffee.

Heckel and Sela just stood there with goofy, wide-eyed expressions.

'This must be a dream,' Heckel said and Sela nodded.

'Would you like some coffee?' Rose asked.

Heckel finally returned to consciousness and replied, 'Yes, thank you very much. Um…how…a…where… um…'

That's Heckel for you, a man of many words, Sela thought. She walked over to Rose and took the two coffee mugs. 'What our great leader here is trying to ask is where did you get all this food?'

'It's a gift,' Rose said softly. Sela motioned for Heckel to come get his coffee. He finally discovered how his legs worked and came eagerly to accept the mug.

'We hope you like scrambled eggs. We wanted to have everything ready when you got up and timing eggs over easy is a bit more difficult,' the young woman said as she turned over the steaks.

'Who are you?' Sela asked.

'Oh, I'm sorry. This is Jerky,' Heckel said proudly, sipping his coffee.

Sela nearly dropped her coffee mug. Jerky stood up and came over with outstretched arms. They embraced and Sela told her what an honor it was to meet her. Sela started babbling ovations and admirations.

'Oh, stop,' Jerky said. 'You're making me blush.'

For the next few minutes, Sela just went on and on about how much she was in awe of her and the many times she warned or protected them, not to mention her great hunting skills.

'That's my job,' Jerky said as she started to plate the sumptuous breakfast.

'And you are very good at it,' Heckel said.

Just before Sela was about to sit down, she looked over the campground and was awestruck. Her hand went up and seized the back of Heckel's neck. Slowly, she turned his head to look at what just struck her.

'Holy shit,' Heckel exclaimed. 'Oops, sorry. Is everyone getting the royal treatment?' he asked as he continued to stare out across the campground.

'No problem. I'd probably say the same thing if I were you,' Jerky said as she finished putting a steak on the plate. She handed it to Sela and she just stared at it. It felt like she had just won the lottery and someone was presenting one of those humongous cardboard checks.

Before Sela sat down, she noticed that family after family, as well as individuals without a family, were getting the same breakfast. It was then Sela noticed a soft murmur hovering over the campgrounds. Moans of delight as well as oohs and ahs could be heard. For a moment, she thought she was at a fireworks display.

'How is this possible?' Heckel asked as he took his plate and sat down next to Sela.

Rose and Jerky just grinned.

After more prodding and begging for an answer, Rose simply said, 'God.'

'It was important everyone was well fed and given lots of energy,' Jerky added.

'After eating all this, we're gonna be in a food coma. We'll need a nap.' Heckel stuffed a large chunk of steak into his mouth.

Everyone laughed.

Jerky finished dishing up a plate for Rose, then one for herself.

Breakfast conversation was light since Heckel and Sela couldn't talk much because their mouths remained constantly full. Jerky entertained everyone with jokes. Who would have thought an angel would have a joke gene, Sela mused. Jerky even had a few off-colored ones that were actually hysterical. Rose interjected a few jokes about God that were hilarious. Every time she was done telling one, she looked embarrassed and would look up into the sky as if asking for forgiveness.

'Naw, it's cool,' Jerky said tapping Rose's arm.

After a few more jokes and halfway through a large cinnamon roll, Sela asked, 'Is this a good day for a battle?'

Total silence. Oh great. Now I did it. What a way to wreck the mood. Just call me Debbie Downer, Sela thought as she bit into the cinnamon roll.

Very tranquil and with much confidence, Jerky stated, 'Yes, it is. A very good day.'

Rose was sitting next to Sela and she put her arm around her waist. Her touch was very comforting. 'Heckel will be victorious. We can feel it,' she said softly into her ear.

'Damn straight. He da man,' Jerky said punching Heckel's arm. Heckel nearly choked on his roll.

After a few more stories from Jerky, Sela looked over at Heckel. His head was down and he appeared deep in thought. Even after all the pep talks, she couldn't help but have a wave of dread wash over her. She got up and took Heckel by the hand.

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