For the victims, living and dead

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of Truth and Love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it, always.

—Mahatma Gandhi



1       The Biltmore

2       Jane Doe Number 1

3       A Death in the Family

4       A Voice from Beyond the Grave

5       Dr. George Hill Hodel Jr., 1907-1999

6       George and Dorero

7       The Hollywood Scandal

8       Gypsies

9       SubicBay

10      Kiyo

11      The Dahlia Witnesses

12      The LAPD and the Press:

          The Joint Investigation

13      The LAPD and the Press:

          The Avenger Mailings

14      The 'Red Lipstick' Murder

15      Tamar, Joe Barrett, and Duncan Hodel

16      Fred Sexton: 'Suspect Number 2'

17      LAPD Secrets and the Marquis de Sade

18      Elizabeth Short's 'Missing Week'

19      The Final Connections:

          Man Ray Thoughtprints

20      The Franklin House Revisited

21      The Watch, the Proof-Sheet Papers,

          the FBI Files, and the Voice

22      Handwriting Analysis

23      More 1940s L.A. Murdered Women Cases

24      The Boomhower-Spangler Kidnap-Murders

25      Sergeant Stoker, LAPD's Gangster Squad,

          and the Abortion Ring

26      George Hodel: Underworld Roots— The 'Hinkies'

27      Dahliagate: The Double Cover-up

28      The Grand Jury

29      The Dahlia Myths

30      The Dahlia Investigation, 2001-2002

31      Forgotten Victims, 1940s: The Probables

32      Forgotten Victims, 1950s: The Probables

33      George Hodel-Elizabeth Short:

          Reconstructed Timeline

34      Filing My Case with the District

          Attorney's Office

     The Final Thoughtprint


          Author's Postscript



Illustration Acknowledgments

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