errors, study of

Escher, Maurits Cornelis

essence: extraction of, in brain; pinpointing of, as the goal of thought

essential incompleteness

essentially self-referential quality required to make an “I”

esthetic pressures as affecting content

etudes (Chopin)

etymologies of words

Euclid’s Elements

Euclid’s proof of infinitude of primes

Eugene Onegin (Pushkin)

Euler, Leonhard

Everest, Mount

everyday concepts defining human reality; blurriness of

evolution: of brain complexity; of careenium; and efficiency; of hearts; producing meanings in brains as accidental by-product; producing universality in brains as accidental by-product; throwing consciousness in as a bonus feature

existence: blurriness of, of “I”

experiences, as co-present with “I”-ness; as determining “I”, not vice versa; “pure”, as unrelated to physics

experiencers vs. non-experiencers

explanations, proper level of

Exploratorium Museum

exponential explosions

extensible category system of humans; and representational universality; yielding consciousness

extra bonus feature of consciousness

extra-physical nature of consciousness


F numbers; see also Fibonacci

fading afterglow of a soul

failures, perception of one’s own

faith in one’s own thought processes

falafel, savored by two brains

Falen, James

falsity in mathematics, assumed equivalent to lacking proof

Fauconnier, Gilles

Faure, Gabriel

fear: of feedback loops; of self-reference; of self-representation in art

feedback loops; and central goals of living creatures; content-free; and exponential growth; as germ of consciousness; in growth of human self-symbol; as instinctive taboo; irrelevant to hereness, for SL #642; level- crossing; see also strange loops

feeding a formula its own Godel number

feeling one is elsewhere

feeling posited to be independent of physics

feeling vs. nonfeeling machines

feelium, as stuff of experience and sensation

Feigen, George

Femme du boulanger, La (Pagnol), indirect meanings carried by analogy in

Fermat, Pierre de

Fermat’s Last Theorem, proof of

fetus having no soul

Fibonacci (Leonardo di Pisa)

Fibonacci numbers; perfect mutual avoidance with powers

fidelity of copy of another’s interiority

Fields, W. C.

fine-grained vs. coarse-grained loops

first-person vs. third-person view of “I”; see also The Hard Problem

first-person writing style

fish, respect for life of

flap loop; photo of

flexibility, maximal, of machines

flip side of Mathematician’s Credo

flipping-around of perceptual system

flirting with infinity

float-ball in flush toilet

fluid pointers

flush-toilet fill mechanism

food: for people in virtual environments; for virtual creatures

fooled by the realism of Drawing Hands

football: sensation swapped with baseball sensation; on television

forces: in the brain; in physics; vs. desires

forest vs. trees

form–content interplay

formula fragment in PM

43 and 49, as uninteresting integers

foundations of mathematics, quest for stable

fractalic gestalts of video feedback

frames as brain structures

Frank, Anne

Franklin, Benjamin

free will: of machine; as opposed to will; overridden by itself

Free Willie

Frege, Gottlob

French people having flipped color qualia

French translation: of Bach aria words; of “my leg is asleep”

Freud, Sigmund

friends: constituting threshold for consciousness; giving rise to “I”; personal identity of; self-inventorying sentences as; sharing of joys and pains of

Frucht, William

frustration of one’s will

funerals, purpose of

funneling of complex input into few symbols

fusion, psychic: of Chaplin twins; of halves in Twinwirld; of husband and wife; of souls, as inevitable consequence of long-term intimate sharing


g (Godel number of Godel’s formula); bypassing of; code number of unpennable

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