Trapped at the High Level

First Key Ingredient of Strangeness

Second Key Ingredient of Strangeness

Sperry Redux

CHAPTER 15 - Entwinement

Multiple Strange Loops in One Brain

Content-free Feedback Loops

Baby Feedback Loops and Baby “I” ’s

Entwined Feedback Loops

One Privileged Loop inside our Skull

Shared Perception, Shared Control

A Twirlwind Trip to Twinwirld

Is One or Two Letters of the Alphabet?

Pairsonal Identity in Twinwirld

“Twe”-tweaking by Twinwirld-twiddling

Post Scriptum re Twinwirld

Soulmates and Matesouls

Children as Gluons

CHAPTER 16 - Grappling with the Deepest Mystery

A Random Event Changes Everything

Desperate Lark

Post Scriptum

CHAPTER 17 - How We Live in Each Other

Universal Machines

The Unexpectedness of Universality

Universal Beings

Being Visited

Chemistry and Its Lack

Copycat Planetoids Grow by Absorbing Melting Meteorites

How Much Can One Import of Another’s Interiority?

Double-clicking on the Icon for a Loved One’s Soul

Thinking with Another’s Brain

Mosaics of Different Grain Size

Transplantation of Patterns

CHAPTER 18 - The Blurry Glow of Human Identity

I Host and Am Hosted by Others

Feeling that One is Elsewhere

Telepresence versus “Real” Presence

Which Viewpoint is Really Mine?

Where Am I?

Varying Degrees of Being Another

The Naive Viewpoint is Usually Good Enough

Where Does a Hammerhead Shark Think it is?

Sympathetic Vibrations

Am I No One Else or Am I Everyone Else?

Interpenetration of National Souls

Halos, Afterglows, Coronas

CHAPTER 19 - Consciousness = Thinking

So Where’s Consciousness in my Loopy Tale?

Enter the Skeptics

Symbols Trigger More Symbols

The Central Loop of Cognition

CHAPTER 20 - A Courteous Crossing of Words

CHAPTER 21 - A Brief Brush with Cartesian Egos

Well-told Stories Pluck Powerful Chords

What Pushovers We Are!

Teleportation of a Thought Experiment across the Atlantic

The Murky Whereabouts of Cartesian Egos

Am I on Venus, or Am I on Mars?

The Radical Nature of Parfit’s Views

Self-confidence, Humility, and Self-doubt

Morphing Parfit into Bonaparte

The Radical Redesign of Douglas R. Hofstadter

On “Who” and on “How”

Double or Nothing

Trains Who Roll

The Glow of the Soular Corona

CHAPTER 22 - A Tango with Zombies and Dualism

Pedantic Semantics?

Two Machines

Two Daves

The Nagging Worry that One Might Be a Zombie

Consciousness Is Not a Power Moonroof


Consciousness: A Capitalized Essence

A Sliding Scale of Elan Mental

Semantic Quibbling in Universe Z

Quibbling in Universe Q

CHAPTER 23 - Killing a Couple of Sacred Cows

A Cerulean Sardine

Bleu Blanc Rouge = Red, White, and Blue

Inverting the Sonic Spectrum

Glebbing and Knurking

The Inverted Political Spectrum

Violets Are Red, Roses Are Blue

A Scarlet Sardine

Yes, People Want Things

The Hedge Maze of Life

There’s No Such Thing as a Free Will

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