“Ah, sort of a committee thing, actually. You see — ”
“Yours, then.”
They looked at each other in silence for a moment. “Yes,” said Ratuth Slabuth finally.
“And what does your master think of this?”
“What? Cheating? He thinks it’s a frightfully good wheeze as a rule.”
“Well, tell him it won’t do. No more interference or the whole deal’s off.”
“Ah, you can’t back out as easily as all that.”
“Why not? We didn’t sign anything. We didn’t even shake hands.”
Slabuth managed to purse his lips despite not having any. “It’s not in the
Cabal laughed derisively. “No more interference, understand? Come along, Mr. Granite.” He turned on his heel and walked off in the direction of the Cabal Carnival.
Joey paused long enough to say, “Nice to meet you. Sorry, must rush,” and rushed.
Ratuth Slabuth watched them go. Then he ignored the earth beneath his feet and plunged into the fiery pit of Hell.
He found Satan on his throne in the cavern of lava, reading a large-print edition of Wheatley’s
“It’s a rum way to warn people off from worshipping me,” Satan commented, indicating the book. “It seems to be lots of fun, according to this. Still, I bet they all die horribly at the end. Oh well. Who wants to live forever?”
“Most of them,” said General Slabuth.
Satan slammed the book shut and it vanished. “So — how was it? Being human?”
“Cramped. I’d really rather it were later than sooner before I do that again.”
“And Cabal?”
“Surprisingly slow to catch on. Still, I managed to wreck about a fifth of his carnival before the penny dropped.”
“A fifth? Well done.”
“He’ll recover, unfortunately. Especially with the help of that brother of his.”
“Yes. Horst Cabal’s involvement was unexpected. Not to worry, it’s done what I wanted. We shan’t interfere further. At least, not for the time being.”
There was a pause, during which Slabuth hovered awkwardly. Finally, he said, “Lord Satan. May I ask a question?”
“This whole business has troubled me from the start. While I can see the potential gains to be made by letting Cabal run around doing his best to gather souls, I still don’t understand why you gave him the carnival to help him. From our past experiences, we know them to be powerful corruptors within fairly broad parameters. Giving one to Cabal is tantamount to conceding the wager from the beginning.”
“And your question is?”
“Might I ask what all this was in aid of?”
Satan smiled sweetly. “No. You may not. Tactics are your concern, Ratuth Slabuth. The grand strategy is mine. You may go.”
Slabuth started to say something, but thought better of it. Trying hard to avoid feeling menial, he went.
Satan waited until he was alone. He glanced around briefly. If it were possible for the embodiment of sin to look guilty rather than pleased about it, he could definitely have been described as slightly ashamed. Satisfied that there was nobody about to observe his actions, Satan clicked his fingers. A dog-eared old school exercise book, the sort with squared paper, materialised in his hand. He opened it to a graph entitled, in his neat hand, “Cabal’s Performance.” The zigzagging line crossed the hundred-souls mark about a fortnight before the deadline. Satan weighed up the setbacks Cabal had suffered over the last few days, smiled, and erased the latter part of the line. Carefully, he put in a revised estimate: now it indicated a hundred souls with barely a day to spare.
“There, Johannes,” said Satan. “That should put a little more excitement into your life.”
in wich I go to the carnyval and see stuff
Wat I did at the weakend
by Timothy Chambers esq. VC and bar, bane of the treens.
On saterday my mum and me went to the carnyval. It is caled the CABLE CARNYVAL as it is ownd by two men wat is both caled CABLE. This is becos they are brothers like Victor and me but unlike Victor and me they do not mind being seen togetha. Their was a big gate to stop you getting in unless you have payed but my mate Tony got in on thursday under the fense and he sa “I am like commando with the cat like stelth and can get into carnyvals, radar basis and submarine pens withowt nobody nowing.” Wich is a laff as he has the cat like stelth of a