
“I feel like I’m gonna be sick.”

“What I’m about to tell you next will likely make you feel worse, I’m afraid.”

“Oh, gods, Mom. What?”

“I haven’t been completely honest with you about what needs doing on Dakura, sweetheart.”

“You said we needed to go there because you’re missing some of your memories.”

“That’s mostly right. But it’s more like misplacing a set of keys. A copy of very important keys. And now we need to make sure nobody else finds them.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sweetheart. When we get to Dakura, I need you to kill me.”


Molly nearly ripped the pillow completely open. “Do what?” she asked, hoping she’d misheard.

“I need you to kill me. The old me.”

“What in hyperspace for? I thought we were going to rescue you!”

“Sweetheart, you already have rescued me. The real me is the one in here, the one that spent the last few years with your father. The old shell we left behind—”

“Your body.”

“Okay, the body we left behind… it was dying. The man that helped us, he had Arthur’s doctors hook me up to their computers to keep me alive. We thought it was a favor for us, but later, your father realized the man did it for himself. It was years before your father could find a way to steal a copy and install it in the ship.”

“Who was this guy? Why would he do that? And why go back to kill your body? Why does it even matter?”

“We didn’t think it would, your father and I. But years later, we found out who that man was. He isn’t a very nice man. In fact, he isn’t a man at all.”

“Wait—what? Who—or what is he?”

“He’s our real enemy, not the Drenard. That is… it’s hard to explain. We have a complicated past with him, your father and I. You, as well, for that matter.”


“He’s the reason you’re here. He helped deliver you.”

“Deliver me where?”

Deliver you. As a baby. Your father never told you about your birth?”

“I was six! The only thing I ever asked him about was you, but it just made him quiet.”

“Of course. Poor Mortimor, he always blamed himself…”

“So, who is this guy? Why was he there when I was born?”

“He was following us. Your father and I were tracking down some men for the Navy, and we led him right to them.”

“And he’s not human? What is he?”

“He’s one of the—he’s a burglar, that’s what he is. A simple crook trying to break into our galaxy and open a back door so he can let in—” Her mom fell silent.

“Let in what?”

“I can’t say. I’m sorry. And we’re getting off-topic, anyway.”

“That’s fine with me, because I don’t wanna talk about killing you. The old you, I mean.”

“If I’m—if she’s even still alive. And if we don’t get there before this man does, it might not matter.”

“If it’s been sixteen years, how do you know he hasn’t already?”

“Because he hasn’t had sixteen years; he’s had half a year. And he isn’t the only person that would be interested. Besides, if he’d already accomplished what we aim to prevent, we would know.”

“Gods, Mom. What in the galaxy could you know that’s so important?” Besides how to speak Drenard, she thought to herself.

“It’s difficult to say how much my old self has put together in that brain of hers. It took years for your father and I to realize that all the pieces were there, and stewing. And for all that time, there was nothing we could do about it. You have to believe me, destroying that old body of mine is more important than rescuing your father. And it’s best if you start thinking of that shell as a jar and me as your mother. Neither is easy, I know.”

“I don’t know what to believe,” Molly said. “And I still don’t understand what you could know that’s so important.”

“When your father and I were on Lok, there was a popular game show from Earth that was all the rage —”

“Pick That Door,” Molly said.

“That’s right! You’ve seen it?”

“Re-runs on flat panels, not the holovids. And just once or twice—I really hated that show.”

“Yes, well, so did everyone else, but we all watched it. Do you remember the gist of it?”

“Yeah. It was dumb. There were two doors. One had a vacation package to a distant planet and the other had something dangerous from the same planet, like a wild animal or a noxious gas. They described each in detail and the contestant chose to open a door or just go away with nothing.”

“That’s about right. And actually, you make it sound more interesting than it was.”

“What’s your point?”

“Well, dear, that’s what I know. I know which door to open.”

“For a game show?!” Molly nearly tore her helmet off in disgust.

“No, sweetheart. Of course not. For real.

“Real doors?”

“Oh, yes. And there are terrible things behind one of those doors. Things that other people, some of them in our own Navy, are dying to let out. I know where one of those doors is, and so does… my former self. She also might know what fusion fuel is made of, which could lead to problems.”

“I can’t believe either is more important to you than rescuing Dad.”

“If we don’t do this first,” Parsona said, “the hell your father’s living in will be the only safe place in the universe. Sweetheart, if we fail—there’ll be nowhere to rescue him to.”


Molly wasn’t sure what to make of the plan. She half-expected to arrive at Dakura and discover she’d been played a fool the entire time. Cole’s doubts about her mother’s artificial existence gnawed at her. She tucked her helmet under her arm and went to speak with him, but as she entered the cargo bay, she saw Walter and the Wadi, and froze.

“What are you doing?” she cried, rushing toward them. Walter had a red band around his head and he was attempting to fit another one around the Wadi’s. “Where’d you get those?”

Walter looked up at her with an innocent expression. “I’m trying to talk to the Wadi,” he explained.

“And where did you get those?” she asked again.

Walter looked at the ribbon in his hand, as if he needed to confirm what she was talking about. “During the fight in the sshuttle. Finderss keepersss.” Walter touched the one around his head. “Thiss one iss mine.”

Molly reached down to pick up the Wadi. It leapt to her arms before she got all the way there, wrapping itself around the back of her neck.

Its tongue flicked out twice. Once in Walter’s direction and once to touch Molly’s cheek.

Walter pouted at the loss.

“I’m going to need to keep those.” Molly indicated the band in his hand and the one on his head.

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