“How’s your father?” Parsona eventually asked.
“He’s good,” Molly lied, unsure of why she would. Maybe to not spoil the world her mom had created? Or perhaps because she sought to gather information, not leave it behind. She tried reminding herself that she sat beside a copy of her mother from sixteen years ago. Her
But… Molly could reach out and
Doubt crept up, followed by fondness and familiarity. Filial duty joined them. These internal saboteurs arranged themselves in a phalanx of worry, all armed to force Molly to waver.
She summoned her military training and shouted them down, calling them to attention. She realized she hadn’t come adequately prepared for this. Especially not to handle it all by herself.
“Well, tell your father I’d love it if he stopped by,” her mom said, interrupting her thoughts.
“I will,” Molly promised, but from what Stanley had told her, the fact that her father didn’t already exist in her mind meant her mom was the one lying this time. To
“I do enjoy getting visits,” Parsona continued, “and catching up with news from the outside.”
Molly froze.
“Who’s been by to visit, Mom?” She tried to ask the question calmly, but wasn’t sure that she succeeded.
“Well, nobody lately. But an old friend used to drop by all the time. He stopped coming years ago—now, what was his name? Come now, you must know him. He and your father were such good friends.”
“Are you talking about Lucin?”
“Wade Lucin? Of course not. How could I forget Wade’s name? No, this was a new friend. We met him on Lok. On the very day you were born, in fact. It happened right out there.”
Parsona pointed beyond the playing children. Molly looked across the commons and noticed the sunlight fade, as if a cloud passed overhead. But then a rainbow popped up in the distance. And out of nowhere, a flock of doves appeared, fluttering above the children who ran after them with little hands spread open, shrieking with delight.
“Now isn’t
Molly turned back to her mother.
“This is
Parsona’s eyes didn’t leave the rainbow and the dancing children.
“Yes,” she said, smiling.
“You and Dad were working on something here, weren’t you? What was it? Anything important?”
“Now, sweetheart, why would you want to know about that?”
“It’s important, Mom. To me.”
“It’s dreary stuff, that’s what it is. And it’s all my visitors ever want to talk about for some reason.”
Molly looked at her arms and marveled at the simulated goose bumps. “I’m sorry, Mom. Honest. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t really important.” She rubbed her arms.
“I suppose it can’t hurt. I don’t see how any of that can be considered top secret now, right?”
“Of course not. I just want to hear your side of it—to get to know you better.”
The pace of the swing picked up; Molly couldn’t tell if the motion was making her nauseous, or if it was something else.
Her mother spoke, her brown eyes focusing beyond the horizon, “Our investigation ended up leading us to this very house.” She glanced at Molly before gazing back over the commons, toward the past. “Isn’t that funny? Anyway, it was a routine assignment, my very first undercover operation. I was so excited to get the job. You just wouldn’t
Her voice trailed off—another cloud passed over.
“Anyway, your father and I posed as a couple—blending with the frontier life on Lok while we looked for an unauthorized source of fusion fuel—”
“Fusion fuel?” Molly asked, diverting the stream of consciousness.
“That’s right.” Parsona studied her intently. “You sound surprised. Anyway, we tracked the source all the way back to this very village. It took us almost a year to work our way into the group.” Parsona frowned. “A bunch of anti-GN radicals and Drenard sympathizers, they were. And we were getting close to their source, the initial supply point, when—”
The porch shimmered, the wooden planks waving as if they were fluid. Parsona planted her feet, jarring the swing to a halt.
Two Mollies dashed up, their feet slapping solid wood. They had trays of goodies with them.
“Tea and cake, Mom? We made them ourselves!” They said it in unison. In
“Now, isn’t that lovely of you girls. Go ahead, Mollie, take some.” What Molly took in was the scene around her. All four of them in identical dresses. Everything so real and yet so
She managed a meek “thanks” and accepted a cup of tea. She blew the steam into wisps, but didn’t take a sip. She wasn’t even sure what it would mean if she
“Mom, I need to know if something important happened here. Something that might mean big trouble for the galaxy—or anything like that. Do ‘two doors’ mean anything to you?”
Parsona seemed to chew on this. She cupped her tea in both hands and nodded to the two Mollies. They ran back to the commons to join the others. “There was one thing,” she said. “My other visitor always wanted to talk about it, I’m not sure why. While we were here, a bunch of settlers started going missing. We were looking into it on the side and reporting back to the Navy, but—”
“Mrs. Fyde?” Molly and her mother both turned; a Stanley walked across the lawn to greet them. He nodded at Molly, “I’m so sorry to interrupt your visit.” Then he turned to Parsona. “You have another visitor, Mrs. Fyde. Normally I wouldn’t intrude, but it’s your account benefactor. He would love to see you at your earliest convenience.”
Parsona smoothed her dress across her thighs with both hands, her cup of tea somehow gone. “Well, isn’t this lovely,” she said. “Two visitors on the same day! Is it my tall friend?”
“I believe so, Mrs. Fyde. It’s the only other visitor you have ever had.”
“Well, this is simply too delightful! Molly, would you like to meet him?” She turned to Stanley before Molly could respond, “Can we do that?”
Stanley smiled. Molly noticed his flesh looked flawless in this place—perfectly natural.
“I will inform Mr. Byrne that you are with your daughter and see what he says.”
“Splendid,” Parsona replied.
Stanley bowed and Molly waved goodbye. Moments later, she felt a sharp prick on her arm—as if she’d been pinched. It hurt so bad, she nearly dropped her tea. Molly looked down at her skin, but it appeared normal. She glanced around the swing, but they were alone.
Cole looked over at Walter. The boy had his computer out, probably playing that stupid video game of his.
“Did your guy die again?”
Walter clucked his tongue. “No.
Cole turned back to the video of a Stanley showing off a terraformed Dakura, all covered with beautiful androids living in harmony. “Yeah she does, it’s your captain—” Cole sat up in the bed. “Wait. Are you hacking into