“No, I—your lips, I could’ve sworn—”

“I’m fine.” Cat bent the hose to stop the flow and handed it out to Molly. “What about you? You need a doctor? They do anything ’sides bleed you?”

Molly drank some more water and shook her head. She ran the cool liquid over the pads of her fingers, numbing them a little. “No, I just… feel a little weak. I… I’d be dead if you hadn’t come along.”

“We!” Walter hissed from the darkness.

Cat and Molly smiled at each other, complete strangers sharing a post-adrenaline moment where bonds were immediate and humor oddly enticing. Again, she marveled at how untouched Cat appeared. What had seemed a missing tooth must’ve been darkened by blood. And perhaps some of the blood on her belonged to another Callite—from a donor bag, or something. She watched as Cat reached down to adjust one of the strips of fabric around her thigh, bringing it up to hide a tattoo of some sort, a purple line that encircled her brown, scaly leg.

“So, I’m Molly,” she said, holding out her hand. “Not quite how I’d hoped to meet you.”

Cat wiped her own hand on the back of her shorts and held it out.

“Gently, if you don’t mind,” Molly said. After shaking, she held her palm up for Cat to see. “I’m what they call a frequent voter.”

“Looks like you need a lesson on haggling, I’d say. Or at least on stocking up before an election.” Cat smiled at her, looking her up and down before shaking her head. “You was just a baby when I saw you last. Hand couldn’t wrap around my finger.”

Molly froze, the column of cool water splashing from the hose to the dirt. “Do I know you?” she whispered.

“Naw. Just saw you the once, after you was born.”

There was a sound down the alley, a banging and rattling noise like the lid of a garbage can falling. Cat leaned out and looked around the dumpster while Walter hissed with alarm.

“Probably a night glyph, but we should keep trucking. Can you walk? Them two boys behind the counter won’t be out forever, and I’m certain they’ll come looking for us. Especially after how we left their friends.”

Molly nodded and let Cat help her up. “Do you have a place nearby?” she asked Cat. “My ship might not be safe.”

“No. No place. No need, really.” She frowned at Molly. “Look, I knew your dad, and for him I’m glad to help you out. But once I get you tucked away someplace, I have a few things I wanna look into. Starting with that election joint.”

“Of course,” Molly said. “And I’ll—”

Cat raised her hand. “All I’m sayin’ is that I don’t have time for helping you track down your past, if that’s why you came hunting for me—”

“No, that’s not why—”

“There’s a lot I’d rather forget than stir up, is what I mean. And if the galaxy’s endin’ soon, you’re not gonna get a lotta complaints from me.”

Molly shook her head. “It’s not like that. I just need help getting in touch with a group of people. My mom said you’d know where to start, maybe introduce me.”

Walter popped out of the shadows, tugging on Molly and Cat. “Let’ss go,” he hissed, looking down the alley.

Cat nodded and pointed the way, causing Walter to scurry off into the shadows. Molly watched him go, marveling at how at-home he seemed in the dark, grimy alley. Cat pulled her along, her gait light and full of bounce, especially for someone who had just taken such a brutal beating. Molly racked her memory for information on Callites, whether they healed faster than Humans. She was pretty sure they didn’t.

“Wait a second,” Molly said, pulling Cat to a stop. “Exactly what are you?”

Cat laughed. “What am I? If I wasn’t what I seemed, would I tell you?”

“I don’t know,” Molly said. “It’s just… I’ve seen some things lately that didn’t turn out how I’d hoped. Men that weren’t really men—”

Cat took a step closer. “Listen, you need to up and run if you suspect shit like that. Don’t stand around gabbing—”

“Are you with the Bern?” Molly took a step back as soon as she heard herself utter the question. She looked around for Walter, her thoughts flitting to the last humanoid she’d encountered with godly powers and an uncanny resemblance to what he wasn’t.

Cat moved swiftly and seized Molly by the shoulders. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?

Molly attempted to pull away, but the woman’s vice-like grip held her firm and seemed to confirm what she was thinking—

“No, I’m not one of them,” Cat said. She let go and slapped Molly on the shoulder. “Now, c’mon. Walk and talk.”

Molly hesitated, rubbing her shoulder. Something rattled in the alley behind her, and she found herself hurrying forward, catching up with the mysterious woman.

“What are you, then?”

“What does it look like?” Cat peered over at her. “I’m a sodden Callite, that’s what. Well, mostly, I think.”

“You think?”

“You were born on Lok, weren’t you? How old were you when your pops took off?”

“Six. And yeah, I was born here. Almost on the other side of the planet, though.”

“Yeah, I know the place. Hell, maybe you were too young to remember, but Lok is a crazy place. There’s shit in the water.”

Molly looked over her shoulder at the receding pool of light by the dumpster. She spit to the side, the taste of the water from the hose already nasty with the hint of someone else’s blood.

Cat laughed. “Little late for that. Besides, it takes a lot before something goes wrong. And the city probably treats their shit.”

“You cuss an awful lot,” Molly pointed out.

“Yeah, well I fell in with some Drenards and I’ve been to hyperspace. Kinda narrows the expletive vocab, you know? Gotta go with the archaic shh— stuff.” Cat cupped her hands around her mouth. “Little man,” she hissed. “Next left.”

“You’ve been to hyperspace?” Molly felt her heart skip a beat; she hurried up beside Cat. “I—that’s why I came to find you. I need to get there myself.”

“What? Why’d you wanna go there? That place’ll give you one helluva migraine.”

Molly wasn’t sure what her mom wanted her divulging, but she felt like she was already erring on the side of un-caution just by being near the alien.

“My dad’s there,” she said. “Maybe a friend of mine as well.”

“Mortimor? What in the galaxy’s he doing there? Thought he slunk back to Earth years ago.”

Molly shook her head. “I don’t know.” She followed as Cat turned down another side-alley. “I’ve been told we need some special fuel.”

Cat laughed. “Yeah. That, and a hyperdrive that don’t exist. Speaking of which, you wanted to know what was in the water?”

“I have the hyperdrive, I think.”

“What?” Cat pulled Molly to a stop, right in the middle of the narrow side-alley. Molly looked to the side and saw Walter’s diminutive silhouette framed by another well-lit and busy street.

“You have the hyperdrive?”

The hyperdrive?” Molly repeated. “I don’t even know what that means. But according to this Byrne guy, I think I opened the hole above Palan that my mom escaped from.”

“Your mom? Parsona? Ain’t she a little… dead?”

“The ship,” Molly said, realizing it would be easier to introduce them than explain it.

“Oh, that Parsona.” Cat gave her a brief, concerned glance, as if she were thinking

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