altitude of about 1,200 feet, roughly 1,000 feet beneath the installation, but well beyond the point where Aggressor Force had blown the road. To save time, the choppers would not land; they would swoop in in batches of four, and from each, eight Delta Commandos would rappel downward. In less than a minute, Delta felt, one hundred twenty operators could be placed in position for the assault. Divided in two elements, Delta would move up the hill and force the attack against the narrow front of the installation.

Midway during the fight, a sixteenth chopper trailing smoke would break from the formation, careen over the crest of the hill, and be seen to wobble, then land hard at the base of the mountain. Thirty seconds later it would seem to detonate. Actually, this was the detonation of over twenty pounds of C-4 already implanted by a probing force that had located the mouth of the collapsed mine shaft. The blast — or so the plan went — would open a hole big enough for Rat Team Alpha and Rat Team Baker to penetrate the mountain and begin the upward climb into the installation itself, a distance of almost half a mile underground, through uncharted and quite possibly nonexistent tunnels. The two teams would be in radio contact with Rat Six — a radio team at the opening of the shaft — which itself was patched into the Delta command network.

Up top, when the elevator shaft was finally taken, a message would be flashed, and Peter Thiokol, now madly trying to figure out a way to beat the door and its twelve-integer code, would be dispatched to the site to get the door open and get the surviving Delta operators down into the hole. The idea was to bring off the vaunted multiple simultaneous entry — from above and below.

The briefing officer, Skazy, stood back, well pleased with the presentation. It had everything: succinctness, economy of force, a certain audacious daring, split-second timing. It was Delta all the way.

“No, no,” said Dick Puller quickly, “no, no, it’s all wrong.”

The disappointment in the room was audible.

“Goddammit, Major, you haven’t thought it out. You’re willing to spend too much of your own blood on preliminary objectives. You’d waste highly trained specialists taking trees and gullies that are meaningless except as a route to the real objective, which is the shaft to the LCC. And what happens if you make it but you’ve sustained so many casualties you’re effectively out of commission? Who goes down the shaft?”

He stared brutally at Skazy, a former protege now fallen on hard times in his career. This was classic Dick Puller: he had no qualms about blowing people away. Skazy swallowed.

“We thought it was a very sound plan, sir,” he said.

“It’s a very sound plan for a different war, but not for today’s.”

There were a lot of peculiar vibrations in the air. Skazy was popular, hardworking, one of the Delta originals who went all the way back to Eagle Claw. He was a Delta zealot. Nobody liked to see him trashed.

“Colonel Puller,” another Delta officer said, “it’s a good plan. It’s stable, it’s solid, it’s well within our capabilities, it’s—”

But Puller wasn’t interested.

“Mr. Uckley, what’s the latest word on my Ranger battalion?”

“Uh, sir, they’re just entering St. Louis air space. They ran into turbulence coming over the Rockies.”

“Great, and how about Third Infantry?”

“The trucks are hung up in traffic. Evidently, there’s quite a buildup. The state police are trying to hustle them through, but the traffic is a mess. We could divert some helicop—”

“No, we need the choppers for Delta. What’s the disposition on that National Guard infantry unit?”

“Colonel, they’re the perimeter defense team. You said you were afraid we’d be jumped and that—”

“How many?”

“Uh, they’re at company strength now. It’s Company B, 123d Light Infantry, Maryland National Guard. Say, a hundred fifty men. They were on winter maneuvers at Fort Richie. They’ve been trucking in the last few hours.”

“Get ’em assembled,” said Dick.

He turned to the Delta officers.

“You’re grounded. Get Delta on the perimeters, they’re now security. I don’t want Delta into it until we crack the perimeter and carry the elevator shaft. There’s no point in those men dying in the woods like infantrymen. Let ’em die in the shaft, where it’ll do some good.”

Skazy said through a tide of awkward phlegm clogging his throat and a wretched moment’s hesitation, “Colonel Puller, with all due respect, those National Guardsmen are teachers, lawyers, construction workers. They’re fat and out of shape. Now, we’ve got a good, sound plan. These guys can’t—”

Dick cut him off, speaking with brutal authority.

“Maryland NG draws preliminary assault responsibility for this operation, working in conjunction with Tac Air. I can’t wait for the goddamned Third Infantry or the goddamned Rangers. I want them deploying via their trucks too; no sense wasting our choppers on troops who can’t rappel. Get Delta on the perimeter, Major. Call the NG and give ’em the good news. What’s the guy’s name?”

“Barnard. He’s an accountant.”

“Well, today he’s an infantry officer.”

And so Dick Puller made the first of his controversial decisions. It was based on a secret conviction: that the planes would not kill enough of Aggressor Force to suppress its calculated fire. The first assault would be a failure: those who waged it were like the Brits who went over the top at the Somme in 1916, a doomed generation. With their lives they would purchase very little: at best, they would bleed Aggressor Force of enough of its will and its health, so that, as he now saw it, a second assault with Third Infantry and the Rangers sometime after nightfall would carry the perimeter. Then the real drama would start: Could Peter crack the door? Could the Delta specialists get down the shaft and into the capsule? Could the Rat Teams get there from the rear?

“Sir, the CO of the Guard wants to talk to you.”

“Put him on.”

Dick took the radio phone.

“Delta Six, over.”

“Delta Six, I’d like a clarification on this order.”


“You got federal specialists in there, commando types, hardcore pro military. But you want my guys to carry the brunt of this attack?”

“Affirmative, Guard Six.”

“Do you have any idea what’s up there? They—”

“I heard. I saw the report.”

“Sir, I’d like to request that my higher headquarters authenticate the or—”

“Captain, you do any damn thing you like, but at 1500 hours I want your company humping that hill. First, you’ll do much better in the light. A night attack’s a terrible thing. Second, and more important, I’ve laid on Tac Air at 1500. You want to hit the Aggressor area just as the Air moves out. Those A-10s are going to make hamburger out of whoever’s up there. You have my word. You’ll be mopping up, that’s all. I’d warn your guys to watch out for unexploded 20-mil shells. Those things can tear a leg off. That’s what you have to worry about.”

Puller’s face was bland and sweet as he lied. He was an excellent liar.

“Oh, Air. Air.”

“A-10s, affirmative, Guard Six. Ever seen em hose something down? Those cannons rip through lumber like a chain saw. You’ve never seen anything like it!”

“Yessir,” said the captain. “I’ll get ’em assembled and on the way, sir.”

“Real fine, Guard Six. Real fine.” He looked at his watch. It was close to 1400 hours. He heard whistles somewhere, and the sound of trucks. It was the Guard, already saddling up.

He felt somebody looking at him. It was the hard, lean face of Skazy, closing in on him.

“What are you looking at?” Puller said.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Dick,” said Skazy.

“You’re out of line, Major,” said Puller, facing him square.

“You wouldn’t send us in from Desert One. You’ve got to send us in here.”

Puller looked hard at him. Skazy had been combat assault commander seven years ago in Eagle Claw. When Puller made the decision to abort, Skazy had called him, to his face, a cowardly motherfucker and taken a punch at

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