are not so simple! The collision with the copy was just one possibility for the ball, which the table demonstrated for us. Do you see? In the presence of a Time Machine, causality is so damaged that even a stationary ball is surrounded by an infinite number of such bizarre possibilities. Your questions about ’how it started’ are without meaning, you see: it is a closed causal loop — there was
“Maybe so,” I said, “but look here: I still have an uneasy feeling about all this. Let’s go back to the two balls on the table again — or rather, the one
He eyed me. “You are worried about the violation of Conservation Laws — the appearance, or disappearance, of Mass.”
“I did not notice any such concern when you dived into time in search of your younger self. For that was just as much — more! — of a violation of any Conservation Principle.”
“Nevertheless,” I said, refusing to be goaded, “the objection is valid — isn’t it?”
“In a sense,” he said. “But only in a narrow, single-History sort of way.
“The Universal Constructors have been studying these paradoxes of time travel for centuries now,” he said. “Or rather,
“Start with an object like yourself. If, at any given moment, you
I saw it, on thinking it through. “There is only a paradox if you restrict your thinking to a single History,” I observed. “The paradox disappears, if you think in terms of Multiplicity.”
“Exactly. Just as problems of causality are resolved, within the greater frame of the Multiplicity.
“It is the power of this table, you see,” he told me, “that it is able to demonstrate these extraordinary possibilities to us… It is able to use Time Machine technology to show us the possibility — no, the
He told me more of the Constructors’ Laws of the Multiplicity.
“One can imagine situations,” he said, “in which the Multiplicity of Histories is
I understood him to be describing my own original — and naive! — view of History, as a sort of immense Room, more or less fixed, through which my Time Machine would let me wander at will.
“A ’dangerous’ path for an object — like you, or our billiard ball — is one which can reach a Time Machine,” he said.
“Well, that’s clear enough,” I said. “It’s been obvious that I’ve been splitting off new Histories right, left and center since the moment the Time Machine was first switched on. Dangerous indeed!”
“Yes. And as the machine, and its successors, delve ever deeper into the past, so the Multiplicity generated tends towards
“But,” I said, a little frustrated, “coming back to the matter at hand — what is the purpose of this table? Is it just a trick? — Why have the Constructors given it to us? What are they trying to tell us?”
“I do not know,” he said. “Not yet. It is difficult… The Information Sea is wide, and there are many factions among the Constructors. Information is not offered freely to me — do you understand? — I have to pick up what I can, make the best understanding of it, and so build up an interpretation that way…
I think there is a faction of them who have some scheme — an immense Project whose outlines I can barely make out.”
“What is the nature of this Project?”
Nebogipfel said for answer, “Look: we know that there are many — perhaps an infinite number — of Histories emerging from each event. Imagine yourself, in two such neighboring Histories, separated by — let us say — the details of the rebound of your billiard ball. Now: could those two copies of you communicate with each other?”
I thought about that. “We have discussed this before. I don’t see how. A Time Machine would take me up and down a single History branch. If I’d gone back to change the rebound of the ball, then I would expect to travel forward and observe a difference, because, it seems, if the machine causes a bifurcation, it then tends to follow the newly generated History. No,” I said confidently. “The two versions of me could not communicate.”
“Not even if I allow you any conceivable machine, or measuring device?”
“No. There would be two copies of any such device — each as disconnected from its twin as I was.”
“Very well. That is a reasonable, and defensible, position. It is based on an implicit assumption that twin Histories, after their split, do not affect each other in any way. Technically speaking, you are assuming that Quantum-Mechanical Operators are linear…
“Then such communication would be possible?”
Nebogipfel described to me what he called an “Everett phonograph” — “after the twentieth-century scientist, of
The Nonlinearities of which Nebogipfel spoke worked at the most subtle of levels.
“You must imagine that you perform a measurement — perhaps of the spin of an atom.” He described a “Nonlinear” interaction between an atom’s spin and its magnetic field. “The universe splits in two, of course, depending on the experiment’s outcome. Then,
He went into a great deal of detail about this, involving the technicalities of what he called a “Stem-Gerlach device,” but I let this wash past me; my concern was to grasp the central point.
“So,” I interrupted him, “is it possible? Are you telling me that the Constructors have invented such inter-History communication devices? Is our table one such?” I began to feel excitement at the thought. All this chatter of billiard balls and spinning atoms was all very well; but if I could talk, by some Everett phonograph, to my selves in other Histories — perhaps to my home in Richmond in 1891…
But Nebogipfel was to disappoint me. “No,” he said. “Not yet. The table utilizes the Nonlinear effect, but only to — ah — to
“Yes,” I said with impatience, “but what is your guess? By placing this table here, is our Constructor trying to tell us that all this stuff — Nonlinearity, and communication between Histories — that it’s all important to us?”
“Perhaps,” Nebogipfel said. “But it is certainly important to
The Mechanical Heirs of Man
Nebogipfel reconstructed something of the history of Humanity, across fifty million years. Much of this picture was tentative, he warned me — an edifice of speculation, founded on the few unambiguous facts he had been able to retrieve from the Information Sea.
There had probably been several waves of star colonization by man and his descendants, said Nebogipfel. During our journey through time in the car, we had seen the launch of one generation of such ships, from the Orbital City.
“It is not difficult to build an interstellar craft,” he said, “if one is
“And then one would be free of the solar system?”
“At the other end a reverse of the process, the exploitation of the gravity wells of stars and planets, would be necessary, to settle into the new system. It might take ten, a hundred
“A thousand centuries? But who could survive so long? What ship — the supply question alone—”
“You miss the point,” he said. “One would not send
“Your ’automatons,’ “ I remarked, “sound rather like our friends, the Universal Constructors.”
He did not reply.
“I can see the use of sending a machine to gather information. But other than that — what is the point? What is the meaning of a colony without humans?”
“But such a machine could construct
I protested at this — for the prospect seemed unnatural and abhorrent to me — until I remembered, with reluctance, that I had once watched the “construction” of a Morlock, in just such a fashion!
Nebogipfel went on, “But the probe’s most important task would be to construct
“And so, slow but steady, the colonization of the Galaxy would proceed.”
“But,” I protested, “even so, it would take so much
“And the Galaxy itself—”