been tiled in tasteless ocher and lavender squares—many of which were broken or missing. The glass spheres in the net illuminated a rusted iron door.
Caliph felt the fumes of the waterfall pull past him and thought he could now interpret the sound as a chugging ventilation fan, though its location remained a mystery.
The Veyden guide rattled at the door. He did not seem to have a key or any other means of opening it but there was a chain attached to a strip of rusted metal that he could have slid within a frame. A peep slot, Caliph realized. It was the chain that the man had rattled.
Instantly, beyond the portal a faint sound of frenzied movement reverberated softly. More the ghost of sound than real sound, the clamor splashed and roiled only a moment before settling into ominous silence. For several long moments Caliph listened to the distant splish of the falls and the ghostly sound of glugging pipes. He waited for the peep slot to slide back, for someone to demand a password.
The Veydens waited too, frightened looks on their faces. Why were they frightened? Caliph had a bad feeling about whatever was going to happen. He didn’t have a weapon. Baufent would be useless in a fight. And the three Veydens would make short work of him.
The peep slot did not slide back. It never slid back.
Rather, a harsh squeak followed by a rusted clank bounced through the tiled hall. On the other side of the door Caliph heard a metal bolt retract and the portal creaked open. A tantalizing fissure peered into the darkness. An audible gasp rose out of the black, as though lungs full of liquefied sickness had breathed too deeply.
Then the door swung wide and Caliph nearly screamed.
What Caliph had taken for negative space beyond the door, was in fact a hunched but enormous bulwark-like body, draped in inky cloth.
The Veydens seemed to melt before it, trembling.
When this daemon-shape spoke, a kind of “Hlnugh’dugh!” sound, the solid metal door vibrated. Caliph could assign no recognizable language to the voice and considered that it might have been a feral croak.
Whatever was underneath the shimmering blackness was only vaguely man-shaped. Caliph had the impression that the longer he looked, the less man-like it became, as if in that first glance his mind had tried to bend what his eyes took in.
It reached out, which elicited a yelp from Baufent, because this thing belonged in a wax museum of static nightmares, not here, not shifting and sentient, not groaning in the dark.
When its hand or paw extended to the edge of the door, Caliph felt his sanity slip. The paw rose from what was not precisely an arm, anchored to a hump of evil muscle. It was the only part of the actual entity exposed beyond the cloth and when it took hold of the scabrous door frame it made the metal groan.
The room beyond the door was sunken so that Caliph realized he was viewing the monster only from the waist up. As it leaned hunchback, gripping the door frame, Caliph got the impression of a giant crone peering through her window at him. Its enormous pink hand, pale as pork fat, held the casement with the wrong number of fingers, each only two knuckles long.
Caliph could feel hidden eyes examining him while the huge filthy brown talons flexed and gouged the metal as if it had been clay.
He had nothing to focus on besides the paw. Black silk in a black sewer swung in the black doorway so that only this
The hand’s corpulence was so swollen that it looked as if touching it might cause it to tear open. Caliph decided he was not looking at skin but at raw exposed tissue—that was alive with wriggling, threshing forms. He realized that they were not parasitic worms but pulsing veins, squirming as if the creature’s circulatory system had a mind of its own.
When he heard the dreadful inhuman voice again—slurred inarticulate, and soft, semi-consonants melting into one another, he felt the blood leave his head. What kept him conscious was the shrieking sound of the paw coming away from the door frame, swinging back down into the pure black folds, disappearing and taking great hunks of metal with it.
The claw’s absence made room for the Veyden to use the doorway but Caliph’s guide was rooted in place. If the Veydens had betrayed him, they seemed just as terrified as he was. Caliph assumed that this strange reality was based on facts he had no access to. He wasn’t trying to piece it together. He was looking for escape.
Back in the direction of the dam there was no light, just the distant roar of water. Baufent was still staring through the doorway, lips parted, cheeks trembling.
Caliph glared at the man who had led him here but then, the situation that had been impossible for him to understand became more so as, for no apparent reason, the monster behind the door reached out and grabbed Caliph’s Veyden guide. The pink paw came through the doorway and enfolded the Veyden, large enough to engulf the seven-foot man.
In response, the man dropped his net full of glowing spheres.
Caliph scrambled for them but they were already beyond his reach. They tumbled over the threshold, down a set of steep stone steps and into the sunken room. Caliph watched them go. One cracked and intense liquid sprayed through the fissure, losing its luminosity as it wet the wall.
The Veyden screamed as he disappeared under the black canopy of silk. A mortifying crunch put an abrupt end to his wailing.
What were the other Veydens doing? Caliph couldn’t see. Darkness had swallowed everything. He heard a second man scream. It too was cut short and followed by gruesome crunching. Caliph remembered his guide’s spear. It must have fallen somewhere. He dropped to his hands and knees, desperately searching.
That was the moment he heard her voice.
It spoke in a language he didn’t understand.
A prickle at the base of his hairline crawled up the back of his skull as Caliph’s eyes adjusted to the new level of gloom. Past the hideous black-draped shape that still swayed guardian, he detected a strange halo of light whose origin seemed remote.
It bled from behind a familiar, slender, diminutive silhouette.
Sena stood at least thirty feet away, perhaps at the center of the space beyond the door.
* * *
THE other Veyden wasn’t making noise. He might have crawled back toward the roaring cataract, feeling his way through the dark. Caliph didn’t know.
Baufent stood over Taelin’s senseless form, staring into the only light left: a pallid radiance that streamed—or so it seemed—from between Sena’s shoulder blades.
“The flawless won’t touch you,” said Sena.
Caliph didn’t know about that. The sounds of chewing, of breaking and grinding had only recently stopped. They had been terrible, and like the aftermath of a devastating quake, the silence that followed was both profound and uncertain.
He looked over his shoulder one more time at Baufent. Her eyes darted to him. She seemed to know what he was going to do. Without a word, she communicated her demands.
He motioned her to stay put, then looked down the stairs, past the hulking thing toward Sena’s halo.
Crossing the threshold was like entering a crypt. The room smelled of things long settled.
“What are you doing down here?” His voice was unsteady. “What happened at Sandren? What is all of this?”
He put the huge silk-covered thing behind him as he crossed the room but it was still there. It creaked against reality’s floorboards, almost insupportable.
He refused to look at it, keeping his eyes on Sena.
The steps had been uneven and slick with the fluid burst from the glass spheres, but the floor of the room was equally treacherous. It was relatively dry but each step sank in, an inch or more, into a peat-like sediment. It