Isn't that a shock? Israel has become a supernationalist, expansionist,
Blood-and-Sacred Soil state with the best-trained army in the world. It
is surrounded on all sides by enemies, just as Prussia was. The Chosen
People, yes? Just as we Germans were chosen to lead the Aryan race!'
Stern stared in wonder at the man before him. 'If you strike Israel
with nuclear weapons, you'll start a war that could wipe every country
off the face of the earth. Israel has her own bombs, Hess, and she will
use them.'
The old man nodded excitedly. 'I'm counting on Israel using her bombs,
Stern! I know exactly what the Zionists have in their arsenal, and more
importantly, I know where their missiles and 'black' bomber squadrons
are targeted.
More than half of Israel's warheads are aimed not at the Arabs, but at
the Soviet Union. Israel does this to prevent Soviet resupply of the
Arabs in the next Mideast war.'
Hess's eye gleamed. 'But times change, don't they, Stern?
Old men know that best of all. Right now the Israeli warheads point at
the Soviet Union. Ten years from now they will be aimed at Greater
'My God,' Stern breathed, 'you're trying to provoke Israel into
retaliating against Russia with nukes. When the Arabs wipe out Tel Aviv
or Jerusalem with a sophisticated bomb, the Israeli government will have
no choice but to respond in kind. And where will they respond?
Where could Arabs have procured such a weapon? From the Russians, of
Hess smiled thinly. 'I knew you'd appreciate the simplicity of it.'
Stern's mouth went dry. 'But you can't predict what will happen in a
situation like that! You could ignite a full-scale thermonuclear war!
There's no telling who might be drawn into it.'
'It wasn't my original plan,' Hess admitted. 'But when the British
started trying to kill me last month, I was forced to improvise.'
'The British are trying to kill you? They know you're aliveT' 'Oh, yes.
Only tonight mI-5 sent men here to kill me-a force of filthy
Colombians.' Hess smiled. 'But ' I'm afraid they are all dead now.'
He fiddled with a pen on his desk.
'I suppose I owe the British a debt of thanks. By rushing me, they
forced me to think creatively, and it was thus I came upon the Fuhrer's
old Palestirfe strategy. The v@ry same year I flew to Britain, Hitler
armed the Mufti of Jerusalem and bade him destroy the Jews of Palestine.
Only it turned out that the Jews had been better armed by their Zionist
relatives in America. I find that quite ironic, since it is ultimately
for the Americans that I now arm the Arabs.'
'What?' Stern's eyes widened in disbelief.
'Yes, Jew. The Americans are the inheritors of the Fuhrer's work. Is
that so hard to see?'
'You really are mad. America is the most liberal democracy in the
Hess chuckled. 'If all the Jewish tribe were so naive as you, my work
would be greatly simplified. The Americans are a strange people, Stern.
A violent people.'
'They aren't Nazis.'
Hess looked bemused. 'The other day I was speaking with an American
businessman on the telephone. Do you know what he said to me?
He said, 'Hitler had the right idea, Alfred, he just had a poor
marketing strategy.' '
'An off-color remark is a long way from a fascist revolution.'
'Is it really?. I suppose that depends on who's doing the talking. This
man happened to be the president of a Fortune 500 company.' Hess drew
an imaginary line in the air. 'A very thin line divides democracy and
anarchy in America, Stern. It is concealed by vast material wealth, but
it is there.
And the Americans can be pushed over it. They have been before, and
they will be again. Think about it. Whenever the Nordic American has
felt the existence of his values and race imperiled, he has steeled
himself and done whatever was necessary to insure his survival. Did
Americans shrink from interning thousands of Japanese during World War
Two? Did they shrink from ruthlessly hounding down thousands of
communists in the fifties? In the sixties they even found a way to thin
the ranks of the mongrel blacks, by sending them to die in Southeast
Asia. Ingenious, and so subtle it would put Goebbels to shame! And
what of their precious Constitution? To hell with it! In time of
crisis, Jew, expediency rules!'
Stern was silent. He had seen that principle in operation many times in
the political councils of Jerusalem.
'And what does he face today, the Nordic American?
Abroad, violent terrorism- Arab jackals run mad with power, drunk on a
great tide of oil which willrun out in two or three decades, but not
before the savages succeed in purchasing nuclear warheads and the
delivery systems necessary to threaten the civilized nations! At home
it's even worse! White Americans cannot even walk the streets of their
cities at night. Robbery, murder, and rape are the rule, and all the
work of the mongrel races! Armed gangs roam the streets, just as in
Germany after the Great War. The defiled bloodlines drag America to her
knees, while in the highest circles of power your Zionist Rasputins work
their devious schemes.'
Hess steepled his shriveled fingers. 'But that is as it should be,' he
said softly. 'As it must be. Fascism isn't gangs of ruffians scrawling
swastikas on synagogues and tearing up Jewish cemeteries. It is the
final distillate of human society, the purest system of government, born
in the crucible of poverty, injustice, and war. That is why America is
the last hope of the world, Stern. It is there that the final struggle
will begin.' Hess waved his hand in disgust.
'Germany has become too fat, too rich. The Fatherland is governed by
cowards who care only for money! Germany could have nuclear weapons of
its own now, if Bonn had any nerve. Social Democrats!' Hess spat.
'The swine should be lined up in front of the Reichstag and shot!'
Hess's solitary eye burned with evangelical fire. 'But the change is
coming, Jew. And Germany will be ready. Even now loyal Germans in both
East and West work to push the communists out. When America calls,