“If she had broken the code, Max, and we had discovered that the Dooms Day Plan was a menu for a testimonial dinner, and we had publicized the fact that KAOS was staffed with a bunch of softies, all us good guys would now be on the brink of unemployment.”

“I take back what I said,” Max said to Peaches. “Your services were invaluable.”

“Thank you,” Peaches giggled. “Now, can I ask a favor?”

“Anything,” the Chief replied.

“Could you give me the address of KAOS headquarters?”

“Well… yes… I suppose,” the Chief said, baffled. “Max,” he said, “will you get that address from the file, please?”

Max went to the file, and came back a moment later with the address written on a slip of paper.

“Would I be too nosy if I asked what you intend to use this for?” Max said, handing Peaches the slip of paper.

“Heavens, no!” she replied. “I’m going to join KAOS.”


“I’ve been thinking,” she explained. “About that Noman. He could be quite romantic.”

“Noman? That cold-blooded arch-criminal?”

“He may be a cold-blooded arch-you-know-what to you,” Peaches said. “But he’s a fantastic possibility to me.”

“I’m not sure I understand,” the Chief said.

“With that face of his?” Peaches giggled. “He could be a pudgy Cary Grant in the morning, a pudgy Rock Hudson at noon, and a pudgy Tony Curtis at night. You think that ain’t a fantastic possibility?”

“Well, I suppose-the Chief began.

But Peaches could not wait. “Happy landings,” she called, going out the door.

The Chief looked at Max disappointedly. “Max-what happened? When that girl came in here this morning, she was a friend. Now, she’s joining KAOS. From friend to enemy in less than twenty-four hours.”

Max winced. “Sorry about that, Chief,” he said.

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