'This Mary you're with,' said Adele after a pause. 'She seems really nice.'

'She is,' Robert said without hesitation, then took another drink.

'It's really late. I should be at least trying to get some rest I suppose. Not that it's easy in a new place.'

'If it helps, you're safe now.'

'That why you're so on edge, jumping at shadows?'

Robert laughed softly. 'You have a point.'

'And you should try and get some sleep as w-' She let out a yelp, sucking in air through her teeth as she hobbled backwards.

'What? What is it?' Robert had rounded the counter in seconds.

Adele was hopping towards a chair, clutching her foot. 'I don't think you got all the glass.'

'Oh no, hold on…' He brought one of the candles from the counter, placing it on the floor as he crouched down and took hold of her heel. 'Let me have a look. I can't see anyth… wait, there it is.' Holding Adele's foot steady, Robert squeezed the area and drew out the splinter. 'It needs washing, we don't want it to get infected.'

Adele looked down at him. 'You really are sweet you know, Hooded Man or not. I hope Mary knows how lucky she is.'

Once Mary had begun to cry, she couldn't stop.

All the tension, the stress, the worry flooded out of her — not just from tonight's argument, but from the days preceding it. Waiting to see whether the man she loved more than life itself would come back to her.

And when he did, what had she done? She hadn't even given him a kiss, she was too busy firing off questions, checking for injuries (she hadn't seen the worst of them till he'd undressed, his back a mass of bruises), giving him a hard time about bringing the woman he'd saved back to their home. What was she, some kind of jealous teenager?

But then, she'd never done the whole teen in love thing. Hers had been a small locality and, apart from break times at school, she hadn't really mixed with boys. She certainly hadn't been able to go out in the evenings; her brother, who'd looked after her when their father had died of a stroke, would have gone mad.

Damn right I would, Moo-Moo, said the voice of that dead sibling in her head; the one she still heard occasionally, even though David had died from the virus long ago. And who still called her by that ridiculous childhood name, a contraction of Mary Louise. So would Dad if he'd still been alive.

In some ways it had been a drawback having two strong male role models, living all that way out on the farm. But it had made her the woman she was today; taught her to fight and stand up for herself.

But in fighting for Robert, maybe she was also pushing him away. If you love something so much, sometimes you have to let it go — isn't that what people always said? When you let them go, however, you run the risk of them never coming back.

To her mind, the jealousy was justified anyway. It hadn't been easy for her, competing initially with the ghost of Robert's late wife — the one he'd loved so much he cut himself off from civilisation and swore he'd never care about anyone again — and then with this character people thought he was; this symbol of hope. It was tough being in love with an icon.

Though probably not as tough as actually being one, Moo-Moo. You should cut him a little slack every now and again.

'What are you talking about?' Mary caught herself saying out loud.

Remember when I asked you if you were sure about him?

Mary nodded.

Well, you were right. He risked everything to save you when you pulled that stunt impersonating him.

'He'd have done the same for anyone. He just did for that woman he brought back.'

It's not the same thing, and you know it. He came after you because of how he feels. Not out of any sense of duty. But you're in danger of losing him, unless you're careful.

'I don't need relationship advice from someone who never had a date in his life.'

Suit yourself, Moo-Moo. Just trying to help.

She knew he was right, of course. Robert had come after her that day because he loved her. She'd seen the way he fought when De Falaise took her captive.

And even though the months after that had been hard, Robert moving from Sherwood to the castle, them trying to build something up out of the aftermath of the Sheriff's rule — both in terms of the Rangers, and with regards to their personal feelings — there had still been moments to cherish.

Like the first night they spent together, after last year's Summer fete. Jack had the notion that it would be good to give the men and their new family a party, and though Robert had been resistant at first he'd finally been persuaded by Mary.

'We could all use a bit of… what was it Jack said? 'Down Time',' she'd told him.

The grounds of the castle had been open to all that day, with food and drink and music; some of which had been provided by a battery-powered stereo, some by Dale and his guitar. People from New Hope and other villages under Robert's protection had visited Nottingham, and said afterwards it had been well worth the trip. It reminded them that not everything in this post-virus world had gone sour. They were still alive after all, and still human. Even Robert, who'd been on tenterhooks waiting for some emergency or other to happen had loosened up after a couple of drinks.

'Come on,' Mary had said, after some Dutch courage herself. 'Dance with me.'

Robert shook his head, so she'd leaned in then, whispering in his ear. 'Please.'

He'd allowed himself to be pulled up, and when he held her she could tell he was relaxing. Several dances, and several beers later, they'd found themselves walking through the grounds of the castle, alone in the moonlight. She'd pointed up at the stars and when he looked down again she'd kissed him. Not the kisses they'd shared since first meeting, the awkward, tentative brushing of lips they were used to — but a long, lingering kiss. Mary had felt her body turn to jelly as Robert responded: his hands on her back just as hers were clutching his shoulder- blades.

When both their hands started to explore further, they'd pulled apart — and it had been Robert, surprisingly, who'd suggested they find somewhere a little more private. 'Maybe there's a room where people have left their coats,' he suggested, and she'd laughed, feeling truly happy for the first time in a long while. Though she should have been scared because this was her first time, Mary was far from it. Even if things had felt uncomfortable before, nothing on that special night did. It felt right, so right.

Sure, she could put it down to the alcohol, the atmosphere of the party. But to her it just felt like they were finally on the same page. That now he wanted her as much as she'd always wanted him. And it had been amazing, truly amazing. She'd placed herself in Robert's hands and he hadn't failed to live up to her imagination.

Then, waking up that morning with Robert lying next to her, she'd experienced a horrible sinking feeling. What if he regrets what we did? What if he rejects me? She'd kept quiet, frozen, just watching — waiting for him to rouse, but at the same time hoping he'd sleep forever so she wouldn't have to face the disappointment.

What a relief, then, when he'd woken up and smiled.

'Hello sweetheart,' she said.

His smile had widened.

Yay me, she'd said to herself.

It was a million miles away from sitting here in that same bed and crying her heart out. When she thought back to those first couple of months of being together, properly together, it just made her feel worse. They'd spent as much time as they possibly could in each other's company, working around schedules, finding private moments. Most of the castle — and most of Robert's men — knew. Had to by the daft grins on both their faces.

Lately, though, they'd spent less and less time together… especially in that way. Admittedly, Robert had been worrying about this cult — and who could blame him? She had been busy too, dealing with the day-to-day running of the castle, tending to any injured men that came back from patrols with nursing skills

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