all these emotions.

But, eventually, he decided he couldn't put it off any longer. They were facing all kinds of threats; he might not get the chance to say anything later on. What was the worst that could happen? She could shoot him down in flames, that's what. Her emotional bullets doing more damage than real ones ever could.

Mark had thought about Sophie a lot, even before she came to the castle. He'd even wondered whether it was worth going out and finding her himself, to see how she was after he'd been dragged off by De Falaise's men. But then she'd followed him here. It had to be a sign, didn't it? Some kind of omen?

But Dale had come along before Mark had a chance to say anything. Dale with the good looks and stories about gigging; Dale with his guitar, making up songs to impress her. How could Mark hope to compete with that? For starters, Dale was older and much more experienced. He knew what to say to girls.

Whereas you'll probably make a balls up of this, he told himself as he went in search of Sophie. Just like you do with everything.

Then she'd found him again. Coming round a corner, he'd bumped right into her, almost knocking them both over. 'Sophie!'

'Hey, it's all right. No harm done. Although if you do it again I might just have to retaliate, soldier boy.'

Soldier boy, thought Mark. There's that word again. That's all I am to her really, a boy. When we first met, all she'd talked about was The Hooded Man, though she didn't know then how old he was. Imagined him closer to Dale's age.

'So,' she continued. 'Whatcha doing?'

'Oh, er…' Mark scratched the back of his head, losing his hand in his tangle of dark-blonde hair. 'Nothing, I was just… Sophie?'


'Can I talk to you?'

'I thought that's what you were doing,' she said and gave another little chuckle. 'No, I'm sorry, I'm in a daft mood today: go on.'

'Somewhere a bit more, I don't know, private?'

Sophie looked around, there was nobody in sight. 'Sure. Inside?'

Mark shook his head, then gestured for her to follow him. They walked down the steps to the overgrown grounds, the place that had once been a recreational park with a centrepiece of a Victorian Bandstand. That was still there, and it was where Mark chose to make his confession.

Sophie sat on a bench, then watched as Mark paced in front of her. 'Sophie… I…'

'Mark, what is it? You can tell me.' He looked at her; that freckled face the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. How could he upset her?

'No. It doesn't matter.'

'Obviously it does or you wouldn't have brought us down here.'

He stopped pacing. 'Sophie…'

'Come on, Mark, just tell me.'

He swallowed hard. 'Okay. We're friends right?'

She laughed again, only this time it was a kind of 'I don't believe you just said that' laugh. 'Of course, silly. You're like my best friend, Mark.'

His smile came out wonky. Best friend is good. But is that all we'll ever be? And if I say this, will it ruin that friendship forever?

'What's all this about, Mark?'

He decided to risk it.

'Sophie, I really love you.' There, it was out.

'Well, I love you too.'

Now that he hadn't been expecting. 'What?'

'Course I do. We've been through a lot together, Mark.' He couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'We'll always be friends and I'll always love you to bits.'

Now he could.

'Sophie, what I meant was… When I said I love you, I meant…'

She looked blank, then the penny dropped. 'Ooh. I see.'

Mark stared down at his boots. 'God, this is awkward.'

'Listen,' she began, getting up to join him. 'I don't want you to take this the wrong way. You're incredibly sweet but…'

Don't say it, please don't say it. You're loading up the gun, about to shoot. Soon there'll be flames everywhere. Crash and burn, Mark, crash and burn.

'…but I'm not looking for anything like that right now.'

Mark looked up. 'You mean with me?'

'I mean with anyone.'

'Does that include Dale?'

Sophie laughed again, then she saw he was serious. 'Dale?'

'He's older, you spend a lot of time together.'

'Mark, there's nothing going on between me and Dale, I promise you. I'm just happy to be alive right now, happy to be here. I need to be around people who make me feel safe.'

'But Dale-'

'Oh my God — Dale's a laugh, Mark. I like his company, that doesn't mean I'm going to jump into bed with him!'

'I didn't mean…'

'My sister went out with plenty of men like him, before…' She looked sad for a moment, remembering. 'Trust me, I'm not looking for a guy like that.'

'Then there's still a chance?'

Why can't you keep your big mouth shut, Mark? If you push it, she'll tell you — and this way you can live in hope.

'No… I don't know. Not right now anyway. Look, this is starting to make me feel uncomfortable.'

'I just wanted to-'

'Mark, just drop it. Please.' She made to leave. Mark stood in her way.

'Sophie, just let me explain.'

'Mark, I said drop it!' Something in her eyes told him to do as she asked. This had gone from talking to arguing and Mark couldn't see the join. He got out of her way.

Almost immediately Mark changed his mind and went after her, but she had a lead on him and was heading for the steps. In fact she was racing up them; he'd really upset her.

His head was telling him to leave this alone, yet his legs were still carrying him forwards. Perhaps that was his immaturity. In the same situation Dale might let her calm down, talk to her later. But he wouldn't have created this situation in the first place! All Mark knew was that he wanted to make this right again.

He was part of the way up the steps when he heard the explosion, felt the earth tremble beneath his feet.

Sophie! was his one and only thought.

His legs worked harder, getting him to the top. His eyes scanned the area quickly, as he shouted Sophie's name. Then he saw her. She was on the ground, had been blown over by the blast. He raced across and checked her for wounds. She didn't seem hurt, just extremely shaken up. He couldn't help thinking about her words not ten minutes ago:

'I'm just happy to be alive right now, happy to be here… I need to be around people who make me feel safe.'

'Sophie, are you okay?'

Eyes wide, she nodded. 'Mary,' she said, pointing. He followed her finger and saw the gate to the caves wide open, smoke coming from beneath. 'I saw her. She was trying to get out.'

Mark left Sophie and ran over. He had time to glimpse a figure on the stairs, with long dark hair, partly buried under the rubble. There was blood on the walls. His hands went to his mouth, but before he could do anything

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