would have taken a plane if it had been practical, he couldn’t take the risk of being caught over there without someone close who knew about his condition and how to treat it.
Trae and I made our way through the overgrown gardens, the sweet aroma of the evening primrose that was running rampant through the beds almost over-powering the salty taste of the breeze and the heady scent of man. The house loomed through the darkness, windows like eyes frowning down on us.
For no particular reason, I found myself slowing. And I wasn’t the only one. Trae came to a sudden halt, forcing me to do the same.
“What?” I said, voice soft.
“The flashlight battery was starting to die, so I turned on the kitchen light when I left. We should be able to see the glow of it from here.”
I studied the darkened kitchen windows, then said, “Maybe the bulb just blew.”
But he removed his arm from my shoulder, and the night felt suddenly colder. Even though he grasped my fingers, the chill seemed to take hold. Or maybe that was simply the fear that was never very far away from the pit of my stomach.
“We can’t stand here all night, you know.” Though part of me wanted to. The night and the cold were better companions than whatever might be inside that house.
His smile flashed, sexy and dangerous. “I have no intention of just standing here.” He tugged me forward. “And if they want us, they’re going to have to catch us. Come on.”
He led me forward, quickly and quietly. My bare feet made little noise on the stones, and though he was wearing boots, he was as silent as a ghost. I wondered how he managed it, but didn’t dare ask because we were too close to the building. The wind would carry any sound we made directly toward those in the house. If there was anyone in the house.
He moved into the deeper shadows, keeping low as he snuck past windows, forcing me to do the same. No sound rode the night—nothing touched the wind but the soft sound of our breathing. Mine fast, his even.
When we neared the kitchen, he stopped, then pressed me back against the clapboards. “Wait here.”
He touched my lips gently, halting my protest. “Sneaking is my trade—and it’s not me they want. Stay here, and stay safe.”
I nodded. He dropped his hand, then disappeared into the night, becoming one with the shadows within seconds. I hunkered down, using the bushes as cover, straining to hear what was going on.
But the night remained hushed, the wind free of any sounds that didn’t belong in the darkness.
After what seemed like ages, awareness tingled across my skin and I looked up to see Trae striding toward me, an almost contrite smile touching his lips.
“What?” I whispered, as I stood up.
“Turns out it
I placed my hand in his, and let him lead me again. The house was no warmer than outside, but at least it was free of the wind.
He’d left the flashlight on this time, though with the battery on its last legs, the light it gave out wasn’t very bright. But he’d also left his laptop on and open, and the screen’s brightness washed across the shadows, providing enough light to see where we were going.
“Did you manage to come up with a plan to raid the old lady’s house?” I stopped near the bench and studied the floor plans on the screen. “That place is huge—the damn safe could be anywhere.”
“It’ll be in the library or the office, most likely.” He reached across the bench and picked up the plastic bags filled with the clothes he’d bought me. “You want to go get dressed?”
I looked at the clothes, then at him. “You sure you want me to do that?”
He gave me a crooked smile that was filled with little boy cheekiness, and yet there was nothing innocent about the desire and need in his eyes. “To be honest, no. But you lost a lot of blood today and no matter how you feel or how well that wound has healed, you’re still looking a little pale. You need to rest, not exert yourself even more.”
I raised an eyebrow, a smile teasing my lips. “Might be my one and only offer.”
“I doubt it.”
“See, there’s that arrogance coming to the fore again.”
“Go get changed, then I’ll tell you about our plans for tomorrow.”
I gave a theatrical sigh, and he chuckled lightly and pushed me toward the door. “Trust me, sweetheart, this restraint is only going to last as long as your recovery. Enjoy it while you can.” He tossed me the T-shirt. “Use that to dry yourself.”
I went. After stripping off his jacket, I toweled myself dry and dragged on the underclothing, jeans, and sweatshirt he’d bought. The man was a good judge of women’s sizes, because they all fit like a glove. I shoved the jacket back on, not only because the night was getting colder, but it smelled so good, and headed back out.
His gaze swept down my length, and an approving sort of smile touched his lips. “Now, that’s what I call a hip-hugging pair of jeans.”
“One has to wonder how many girlfriends you’ve had over the years to be able to judge a woman’s size so well.” I tossed the empty plastic bag and damp T-shirt on the bench, then began to finger-comb my hair.
“Ain’t denying there’s been a few.” He shrugged. “I’m a man. That’s what men do.”
I raised an eyebrow. “So you’re admitting to being a whore?”
“Nope. Just oversexed.”
“Says the man who recently said no.”
“Hey, that was consideration. A rare event you should appreciate, not sneer at.”
I gave a disdainful sniff. “I believe you promised to share your plans for tomorrow once I was dressed.”
He caught my arm and tugged me closer. “The house is up for sale—”
“She’s selling? That can’t be a good thing.”
“And maybe she simply wants a smaller house,” Trae said, amusement in his eyes. “Trust me, she’s not living in some little beach shack.”
“Maybe.” But I couldn’t help feeling that it
“So her selling the house helps us how?”
“You and I are going to play newlyweds doing a little house hunting.” His lips were so close to mine his breath teased my lips with warmth. “Think you can manage that?”
I snuggled closer, pressing my hips against his, even as I pursed my lips. “I don’t know. That could take more acting skills than I’ll possess tomorrow.”
“What can I do to convince you it’ll be worthwhile?”
He dropped a kiss first on my left cheek, then on my right, and finally on the tip of my nose. Frustration and warmth shivered through me.
“You could stop teasing and just get down to business.”
“That depends on what you mean by business.” His blue eyes were bright with mischief and desire and something else, something that seemed to fire right through my soul, setting it alight.
“Will you just kiss me, idiot?”
He took possession of my lips even before the last word left my mouth, taking them, tasting them. Claiming them in a way that was all male, all possession, all desire. No one had ever kissed me like that. No one. Walking into the sea tonight might have felt like a homecoming, but in very many ways, so did this kiss.
And for all that I kept saying that I couldn’t afford to get more involved with this man than I already was, I couldn’t force myself to break away, either. I needed this man’s kiss, his taste, his closeness, almost as much as I had needed the sea earlier.
A sharp buzzing ripped through the silence, breaking our kiss, making me jump and my heart race. Trae swore and instantly turned off the flashlight, plunging us into darkness.
“What was that?” I said, my voice a strained whisper.