Giancana laughed. You're kidding me.'

Not at all.'

Then maybe there is some justice after all.'

How's that?'

Think about it. Who the fuck can they trust? Not the CIA. Not the Secret Service. Who? Hoover?' Giancana shook his head. Forget about it. There's no one. Not even their old man. Bootlegger Joe. No one trusts that bastard.'

You make a point.'

So did Tom Jefferson. He made a point, too. A very good point. The guy got close. Close enough, and walked away. Your F-word, Johnny.'


Right. He made it look like it was feasible. It just goes to show what can be done. If you need to do it, I mean. It just goes to show what's possible.'

Rosselli grinned. Momo, this is the United States of America. Anything is possible here. Anything at all. Besides. There's always next time.'

The End

Вы читаете The Shot (2000)
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