her head on my shoulder and stayed like that for a long time as we reached across the Little Peconic Bay, holding hard to the prospect of peace and serenity that the sacred waters promised to bestow.


Thanks again to Mary Jack Wald, my literary agent and guardian angel, and to Martin and Judy Shepard of the Permanent Press.

Special thanks to John Acquino of Southampton for the lesson in deconstructionism.

Other special thanks to Norman Bloch of Thompson Hine for his tour of the New York criminal justice system, and his colleague Rich Orr for making that possible.

For medical advice, my sincere thanks to the Docatola of Rock and Rolla, Peter King, MD. And for that connection, Dave Newell, native guide of the Vermont countryside.

Any inaccuracies or hanky-panky with facts supplied are mine alone.

For editorial wisdom and syntactical tough love, my thanks to Anne Collins of Random House Canada.

On the visual side of the house, thanks to Patrick Kiniry for cover artistry, and Dan Lorenz of Lithographics for pre-pro generosity, and Susan Alhquist for tireless devotion to production quality.

As always, deepest thanks to valued readers and advisers— in particular, Randy Costello, Sean Cronin and Mary Farrell. And Anne-Marie Regish, who keeps the whole machine running in the midst of startling chaos.


Copyright © 2008 Chris Knopf

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