his right to his fellow scientist. “Richard Anger,” he said in a resonant voice. “Anger Institute.” “Dr. Anger’s son?” Captain Anger smiled at the mention of his renowned father.

“That’s right.” “You may borrow anything you want,” Bhotamo said, “including my personal staff.”

“Thank you, though I may simply need a steady supply of liquid helium.” Over his shoulder, he shouted toward his two friends. “Lei—get the cryogenics out of my van. Rock—get the fire suit ready.”

The fire suit actually served as an all-purpose insulation garment. Made of dozens of layers of insulating fabric and coated with a reflective Mylar surface, it protected equally well against blazing heat or chilling cold. Rock helped Cap seal up inside it, making certain that the internal air conditioning functioned flawlessly.

“How’s the video, Flash?” Cap asked via the communications setup in the fire suit.

“Allfine here, boss.”

“If this fails, you know what to do.”

Flash said nothing. He knew what his partner meant. If the bizarre silver stuff should eat through the fire suit before Cap could peel it off and escape, he would be the new man in charge.

Leila, wearing thick gloves of the same material as the fire suit, hefted a two-gallon stainless-steel canister to the edge of the police line. A thick layer of frost coated the cylinder. When she set it down, sheets of ice sheared from the sides to melt steamily on the asphalt. She had taken the container from the same place Rock had gotten the fire suit—Cap’s van.

On the outside, it looked like nothing special, with an innocuous white paint job and ordinary commercial license plates. Inside that plain exterior, though, resided enough ingenious tools of superscience to supply several university science labs and several more government weapons centers.

Captain Anger stepped under the line and picked up the tank. Speaking now through the comm, he said, “Warm up the atomic force ‘scope, then keep everyone fifty feet away from the van.”

“Right.” Leila spoke to Fleming, who relayed the request to a police sergeant.

Cap opened the cryogenic canister. Inside, a cloud of icy vapor swirled around like a miniature storm. Carefully advancing to the very edge of the small puddle created by the paramedics’ death, he tilted the cylinder to pour a small amount of clear bluish liquid on the boundary. Amid the cloud of evaporating liquid helium, the mirrored surface dulled and grew grainy. Over the comm, Cap heard a strange, crisp noise, like the sound made by crushing the dried husks of dead insects.

Using a pair of insulated forceps, Cap plucked up a piece of the brittle, frozen grey stuff and deposited it in the quartz dish Rock had left behind the police tape.

“Let’s see if that’s slowed things down enough for us to take a look.” Adding more liquid helium, he handed the vapor-spewing dish to Leila, who rushed it to the van. Laying the forceps near the puddle, Cap sealed the helium canister and stepped to the other side of the police line.

The Hazardous Materials team watched from a safe distance, as did the police and fire personnel. Rock’s angry glare kept reporters at a safe distance.

Inside the van, Leila’s gloved hands carefully placed the dish into the microscope’s sample chamber. She evacuated the chamber and commanded the computer to lower the microscope’s needle to the surface of the sample.

An atomic force microscope creates an image by tracking the point of an infinitesimally thin diamond needle —in this case, just ten atoms wide at the tip—across the sample, letting it rise and fall as it is repelled by the charge of the electrons on the minute features it encounters. A clutch of lasers detects the position of the needle and relays the information to the computer, which generates an image. Leila watched the picture appear line by line while Rock helped the captain out of the fire suit.

“How’s it coming?” Cap asked over the comm.

“I think you’ll be interested in this,” she said.

He climbed inside the van, followed by Rock and Dr. Bhotamo.

“That’s no chemical compound or virus.” She reached over to adjust the monitor. The four gazed at a false- color computer-enhanced image as it focused into a jumble of identical shapes frozen in a sea of elemental atoms.

The shapes—oblong and identical—looked U-shaped, like a length of channel iron. The outer surface bristled with armatures that—if they had been on a bacterium the same size—could have been the hairlike cilia used for locomotion. Those, however, would have been curved. The cilia one these objects consisted of straight sections connected at ball-and-socket joints. More arms clustered inside the lengthwise U-channel. These looked even more complex, some of them ending in tips of various incomprehensible shapes, some in what looked for all the world like miniature scalpels, and still others that mimicked construction tools.

What appeared to be cogwheels or gears a few ten-thousandths of an inch wide connected each to the main body.

Cap turned his attention to Dr. Bhotamo. “Are these yours?” he asked with simple directness.

Bhotamo shook his head, his deep brown eyes gazing intently at the screen. “We make weapons, but we don’t make them this small. One division has been working on microbotics for several years, but all they have so far are some gears and tongs ten times larger than this. And a DC motor, none of which they’d originated. I know of only one researcher who could possibly have gotten this far.”

“Dr. Madsen,” Cap said.

Dr. Bhotamo nodded. “Yes. But how could he have acquired the funding for this after his expulsion from Stanford?”

Cap stared at the screen, shifting the field of view around with a trackball control. “He could have built the prototype in a microfactory the size of a thimble attached to a home computer. All he needed was the conceptual breakthrough this design reveals. Just look at the way those carbon rods attach to the silicon shafts. And that electrostatic motor there—it’s genius in action. He’s got shapes there that no one could get using mask fabrication techni—”

“Cap,” Leila said, “temperature’s rising in the chamber. Should I add more helium?”

Rock perked up. “Da, chyort vosmi! I don’t want to see those things come alive again!”

Cap shook his head. “The freeze inactivated them. Look at those cracks along the central channel. I’ll wager they can’t stand up to temperature extremes. Heat or cold. We’ve got a weapon against that lake of them out there, but we need something that will stop them wherever they may appear, including on or inside living tissue.”

“If they’re man-made,” Rock said, “what in hell are they doing melting everything they touch?”

“Simple,” Cap said, saving the microscope scan to the memory of the powerful computer and switching off the screen. “They’re tearing matter apart for raw materials. These things are the ultimate recyclers.”

“But what are they using the matter for?” Leila asked.

Cap stood and stretched, bending to do so in the cramped van. “To build copies of themselves. More scavengers.”

A worried look passed across Dr. Bhotamo’s face. “Something must be wrong with whatever passes for their programming— nothing is telling them to stop making copies. Mechanical cancer.”

Rock ground his teeth together for a moment, then rumbled out, “You mean these things could just keep replicating until they’ve dismantled entire planet?”

Cap nodded grimly. “Left on their own, they’d probably just cover one continent—there’s not much in seawater they could use and the salt would probably corrode them. But people and animals can carry them. Aircraft and automobiles. Ships.” He turned toward his assistants.

“Leila—set up the magnetic trap. I want to isolate an active sample. Rock—coordinate with Dr. Bhotamo on freezing that pool with liquid helium—”

“I don’t think we have enough for that,” Bhotamo said.

“How about nitrogen?”

“Yes, plenty on hand.”

“All right. Nitrogen ought to be cold enough. Have someone bring a truckload. Flash?”

“Here, skipper.”

“Locate Dr. Julius Madsen, Ph.D.s in molecular chemistry and electronics. Start with the Bay Area. I suspect we’ll find him somewhere near this mess. And contact the others. Tell them we’ve got a hot one.”

“Roger—over and out.” With that, Flash signed off.

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