That was the strongest sense he’d ever had about the significance of a single shot until the picture of the red cottage. And his previous senses had always seemed to be closer to illusions, something that vanished as soon as you tried to close your fist over it.
Eve Harrelson’s sister called a week after the service, around the time he’d begun to smile ruefully at the way his imagination had gotten away from him.
“I hope that you won’t let the… odd moment from Eve’s service discourage you from working with me” were Alyssa Bradford’s first words when they met the day after her call. They were sitting on the patio outside a coffee shop on Michigan Avenue, and she had two shopping bags on either side of her chair and wore probably two thousand dollars’ worth of clothes, carefully styled to seem casual. The woman reeked of money. Eric had no idea where it came from. He’d gotten to know the Harrelson side of the family, and they were middle class at best. Evidently, Alyssa had married up.
“Of course not,” he said. “I understand your reaction.”
“I called you only because of the quality of your film,” she said. “The way you worked it all together, and the music… just wonderful. Everyone who was there was touched by it.
“I’m glad.”
“It triggered something in my mind. Something I could do for my husband. My father-in-law—his name is Campbell Bradford—is in extremely poor health, close to the end, I’m afraid. But he’s a remarkable man, and has a remarkable story, and after seeing your film I thought,
“Well, I’m glad it made a favorable impression. After seeing that one, you have a pretty good idea of what I’ll need, and—”
He stopped talking when she held up a hand.
“We won’t be doing quite the same thing. See, I want to contract your services for a longer period of time. I’d like to send you somewhere.”
“Send me somewhere?”
“If you’re willing. You have experience with bigger projects is my understanding.”
“I’ve done a lot of work in film,” he said. It was as difficult a sentence as he’d ever uttered.
“That’s what I thought. I read about you online, and I was so surprised to see that you’d come back to Chicago.”
The sidewalk was calling to him now, screaming at him.
“I thought that it was probably a family decision,” Alyssa Bradford said.
“Yes,” he said. A family decision that when your career imploded, it was time to come home.
“Well, this is a family matter, too. My father-in-law has an extraordinary story. He ran away from home in his early teens, came to Chicago in the midst of the Depression, and made a success of himself. A
“What did he do to make the money?”
“Investments. Stocks, commodities, bonds, real estate, you name it. He’s just had a golden touch.”
“I guess so.” Eric was having trouble looking her in the eye for some reason. Her stare, that intense blue- eyed stare, reminded him of the way she’d cornered him during the memorial service.
“The town where he was born, and where I want to send you, is in southern Indiana, a truly odd place, and beautiful. Have you ever heard of French Lick?”
“Larry Bird,” he said, and she laughed and nodded.
“That’s the general response, but at one point it was one of the great resorts in the world. There are two towns there, actually, West Baden and French Lick, side by side, and they each have a hotel that will take your breath away. Particularly the one in West Baden. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and yet it’s built out in the middle of nowhere, this tiny town in farm country.”
“You want me to go there?”
“That’s what I’m hoping, yes. It’s where my father-in-law is from, and he grew up in the era when it was really alive, when people like Franklin D. Roosevelt and Al Capone were visitors. That’s what he saw in his childhood. I visited the place for the first time last year after reading that they had restored the hotels. I was there only for a day, but long enough to see that the place is just surreal.”
“Are you looking for a video history of the place, or of his life, or—”
“A combination. I’m prepared to pay for you to be down there for two weeks, and then take whatever time you need to finalize it once you’re back.”
“Two weeks sounds like an inordinate amount of time. Not to mention cost.”
“I don’t think so. My father-in-law didn’t speak much of his childhood, or his family. He’d talk about the area, all these stories about the town and times, but hardly anything about his own life. All we know is that he ran away from home when he was in his teens. His relationship with his family ended then.”
“If that’s the case,” Eric said, “he might not enjoy seeing me present the family history on video.”
“You could be right. This isn’t just for him, though—it’s for my husband and the rest of the family.”
“I’m certainly interested,” he said, “but I do think two weeks sounds a bit—”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you the price. I’d pay twenty thousand dollars for the completed product. I’ll give you five of that in advance.”
It was amazing that his first instinct was to think that dollar figure unimpressive. His mind still went to real film budget numbers initially. Then he considered it again and realized that twenty thousand dollars was half of what he’d made all last year. And twenty thousand
“I don’t see how I can turn it down.”
“Excellent. Once you see the town and the hotels and learn about the history, I think you’ll find the whole project very suited to you. Suited to someone of your gifts.”
“My gifts.”
She hesitated, the first time she’d shown anything but total self-assurance, and then said, “You know, taking things that are gone and bringing them back to life.”
Eric said, “I’d like to interview him. Something of this length, interviews will be important.”
She nodded, but the smile was fading. “I understand that, but I don’t know how much you’ll get. He’s ninety- five and in very poor health. Conversations are difficult.”
“Sometimes one sentence is enough to make a hell of a difference. If it’s the right words, the right sound… it can have an impact.”
“Then I’ll arrange a time for you to visit. I also know that you like to have photos and family artifacts. I already brought something for you.”
She reached into her purse and withdrew a glass bottle, maybe eleven inches tall. Her purse had been resting in the sunlight, but the bottle was surprisingly cold when she passed it into his hand. Light green glass, with etching across it that said
“Look at the bottom,” Alyssa Bradford said.
He turned the bottle over and found another etching, this one the image of a jaunty devil with horns, forked tail, and a sword in his belt. One hand was raised, as if in a wave. The word
“What is it?”
“Mineral water. That’s what made the town famous, and what built the hotels and brought people in from all over the world.”
There was a stopper held in place with a wire press-down, and below it the bottle was filled with a cloudy