Exile's Honor

A Novel Of Valdemar

by Mercedes Lackey

Dedicated to the memory of NYFD crews lost 9/11/2001:

Squad One:

Brian Bilcher

Gary Box

Thomas Butler

Peter Carroll

Robert Cordice

David Fontana

Matthew Garvey

Stephen Siller

Edward Datri

Michael Esposito

Michael Fodor

James Amato

Squad 18:

Eric Allen

David Halderman

Timothy Haskell

Andrew Fredericks

Lawrence Virgilio

William McGinn

Squad 41:

Thomas Cullen III

Robert Hamilton

Michael Lyons

Gregory Sikorsky

Richard VanHine

Michael Healey

Squad 252:

Tarel Coleman

Thomas Kuveikis

Peter Langone

Patrick Lyons

Kevin Prior

Squad 288:

Ronnie Gies

Joseph Hunter

Jonathon Ielpi

Adam Rand

Ronald Kerwin

Safety Battalion 1:

Robert Crawford

Fire Marshal:

Ronald Bucca

Special Operations:

Timothy Higgins

Michael Russo

Patrick Waters

Raymond Downey

Citywide Tour Commander:

Gerard Barbara

Donald Burns

Exile's Honor


SILVER stamped restively as another horse on the picket line shifted and blundered into his hindquarters. Alberich clucked to quiet him and patted the stallion's neck; the beast swung his head about to blow softly into the young Captain's hair. Alberich smiled a little, thinking wistfully that the stallion was perhaps the only creature in the entire camp that felt anything like friendship for him.

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