''Knowledge.' ' Kestrel chose with as few words as possible.
'That leaves me with 'willing,' the compliment to 'friendly,' and probably just as difficult a condition to fill,' Talaysen finished. 'All right are we ready? In tune? One run-through to get the fingers working and the mind set, then we start concentrating. Remember,
The voice behind Rune was full of humor and amusement, but it startled her heart right out of her body; she jumped a good foot, and dragged her bow across her strings with a most unmusical squawk.
With a full-throated laugh, their visitor stepped between her and Talaysen into the circle of firelight, stole a cushion from the pile behind her back and dropped gracefully down onto it. If all she had seen was his costume, she'd have known him for elven; no human could have stitched those fanciful silken feathers of scarlet and gold, a tunic in the likeness of a phoenix. But the sharply pointed ears gave his race away as well, and the distinctly unhuman cast of his features as he turned to smile at her.
'You really should have learned by now that you've trained your
'Of course,' Talaysen said with grave courtesy. Rune couldn't speak; she was still trying to get her heart to take its proper place in her chest. 'Thank you for responding to us.'
'Oh, how could I not?' the elf laughed. 'You are legend, after all! The mortals favored by the High King-you do realize, don't you, that one day you'll have to perform for
His smile was a bit malicious, but Talaysen simply shrugged. 'Nothing comes without a price,' he said philosophically. 'But what we would ask of you is so little that you may consider it inconsequential.'
'And that is?' The elf crossed his legs tailor-fashion, propped one elbow on his knee, and rested his chin on his hand.
'We want to know what the people of this land think of their King-and what they thought of the last one-'
'What, this lad's father?' At Kestrel's start, he laughed again. 'Don't trouble your head, child, your secret is safe with us. While King Rolend has the wisdom to welcome us and leave us in peace, we never meddle in mortal politics. So, you wish the tale of King Rolend and his wicked brother, King Charlis, hmm?'
'Wicked brother?' Talaysen raised an eyebrow. 'Is that an elven judgment, or the judgment of history as written by the victor?'
The fire popped and crackled, flaring up briefly, and reflecting from their visitor's eyes. 'Both, actually.' The elf sobered. 'I hope the boy there has no great illusions about the quality of his parent-'
Kestrel shook his head. 'H-hardly knew him.'
'Good. Your father should never have been given power, and that is
He looked at Rune, who shrugged. 'Armies?' she hazarded, shifting her position a little.
'They might have forgiven armies. No, he spent it on his own amusement. On exotic pleasure-slaves, on foods from far beyond his borders; on magical toys and rare beasts for his menagerie. On extravagant entertainments for himself and his court-caging the gardens under a great tent and heating it until the trees bloomed in midwinter, flooding the walled court with water and staging a battle of ships.' The elf shook his head, and his long hair rippled with the motion. 'He neglected his Queen, who did not share his exotic tastes, and his son, who was an inconvenience. That neglect killed his Queen, and cost him the regard of that son. Oh, a few loved him. The Bardic Guild, whom he showered with gifts and gold. The men of the Church, whom he gave license to pursue anything not human as unholy and anathema-which meant ourselves, of course. The select courtiers he favored, and the Dukes and Sires, who he left to themselves, so that they could feud and rule their lands and people as they chose, and make riot of the countryside. But no one else.'
'But King R-Rolend?' Kestrel asked. As far as Rune could tell, he wasn't the least upset by the unflattering description of his father.
'Ah, now that is interesting.' The elf taped the bridge of his nose with a long, graceful finger. 'He is mixed, like most mortals; some bad, but most good. He remitted many of the taxes when he stole the throne, and spent what was left in the treasury restoring the lands. The
'No one is as perfect as you claim King Rolend is,' Talaysen said dryly.
'Did I say he was perfect?' The elf shrugged, and his wing-like eyebrows flew up towards his scalp. 'He is mortal. No mortal is perfect. He hears the rumors of a 'rightful King,' and he fears, of course. He has had men put to death for simply whispering such words. With every year, he grows less flexible, less forgiving, harder. Power brings him temptations, and he does not always withstand them. But as Kings go, there have been worse, and these people give praise to their Sacrificed God daily for the one they have.'
He stood up from his cushion, so smoothly Rune hardly knew he was doing so until he was looking down at them. 'Have I given you all that you desire?'